时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-紫罗兰


  [00:03.38]好吧 很好 Okay. Nice.

[00:15.09]怎么样? 听上去还好  Good? Sounded good.

[00:16.36]对 对 还挺好玩的 Uh, yeah. Yeah, it was a Iot of fun.

[00:18.06]她真的…很贴心 She was reaIIy... just a sweetheart.

[00:20.56]凯特 他说他想道歉 Kate, he saId he Wanted to apoloGIze.

[00:23.16]他想怎么道歉都行 He can apoIogize aII he wants.

[00:24.42]但有些错误就是不可原谅的 There are some sins that are unforgivabIe.

[00:26.17]好吧 他们是一起乘车回家 Okay, they shared a cab home.

[00:27.61]但那也不表示会出事啊 That doesn’t mean that anything happened.

[00:29.00]少来了 Oh, pIease.

[00:31.04]一个淫荡的贱人上了你的车 A dirty whore gets into your cab...

[00:33.57]而且还正好是你在酒吧喝醉之后 after you just were making out in a bar.

[00:36.01]很抱歉 我看不出他有什么理由白出这车钱 l’m sorry, but he’s not Iooking to save some bucks 1 on cab fare.

[00:39.18]他一定会爽一下的  He’s Iookin’ to get Iaid.

[00:40.36]好吧 他跟你说过只是接了吻 Okay, he toId you it was just a kiss.

[00:42.12]对 没什么大不了 WeII, yeah. Big deaI.

[00:43.36]可他一开始就对这整件事撒了谎 He aIso Iied to me about the whoIe thing to begin with.

[00:46.29]如果没事他干嘛说谎? Why wouIdn’t he Iie about cIosing the deaI?

[00:49.79]我始终觉得你该坐下来跟他好好谈谈 懂吗? WeII, l stiII think you shouId just sit down and taIk with him, you know?

[00:52.89]他那天看上去是很真心的 凯特 He seemed pretty genuine the other day, Kate.

[00:55.20]你知道如果我见着他会怎么样吗? You know what’II happen if l see him?

[00:57.40]一开始 我会生气 之后我就会伤心 First, l’II get mad. Then l’II just get sad.

[01:00.44]而你知道吗? 我不想伤心 因为伤心很费神 And you know what? l don’t wanna be sad, ’cause being sad sucks.

[01:08.34]奇斯? Chazz?

[01:10.85]噢耶 爽 Oh,yeah. ShIt.

[01:16.38]对了 舔你的手指 Yes. LIck your f’l’nGers.

[01:24.69]太好了 摩擦它 NIce. Rub It.

[01:29.66]噢 起来了 宝贝儿 Oh, It’s up there, baby.

[01:34.54]捏捏你的奶子 Just pInch your nIpple.

[01:37.14]对 就这样上下摸 很好 慢点 Yeah, rub It up and doWn nIce and sloW.

[01:40.58]噢 噢耶 别停 Oh, thatYeah. Oh, yeah. Don’t stop.

[02:07.87]进来之前给我洗手 操你个死猪! And wash your hands before you come in here, you fucking pig!

[02:11.27]帕蒂 别这样 你可以对我吼 Pat, come on. Look,you can scream all you Want...

[02:13.71]但这不能全怪我 好吗? but l’m not entireIy to bIame, aII right?

[02:15.78]你说什么? Excuse me?

[02:17.78]别这样 你也一定感觉到征兆的 Come on, you must have seen the signs.

[02:19.98]你在客厅里手淫 You were jerking off in our Iiving room.

[02:22.22]我不知道什么样的征兆会让这种事发生 l don’t know what signs to Iook for for that.

[02:25.99]我们最后一次做爱是什么时候? When was the Iast time we made Iove?

[02:30.02]星期天 你个混蛋      来吧 帕蒂 求你了  Sunday, you asshoIe.         Come on, Patti. PIease.

[02:35.80]求你了? Please?

[02:44.37]你怎么能忘了我今天要去西雅图呢? How couId you forget that l’m Ieaving for SeattIe today?

[02:47.44]我睡过头了 整晚都在写作 l just Iost track of time. l’ve been writing aII night.

[02:49.71]我突然有了灵感 一下子收不住 l just got into a zone. l couIdn’t stop.

[02:51.91]回答我的问题      什么?  Answer the question.         What?

[02:53.92]你是不是忘了我今天要走? Did you forget l was Ieaving today?

[02:57.08]是忘了 我也道过歉了 l did, then l apoIogized.

[02:59.42]何况你也只是过去几天 对吗? But it’s onIy for a coupIe of days, right?

[03:01.12]这次不是只过去打个照面而已吗?   lsn’t it just a IittIe meet and greet?

[03:02.98]事实上 不是 Um, no, actuaIIy.

[03:05.03]比这复杂多了 lt’s a IittIe more than that.

[03:06.23]我过去是要给那些人留下个好印象 l have to go out there and impress these peopIe.

[03:08.83]承受着很大的压力 但是算了  And there’s an enormous amount of pressure on me. But no.

[03:11.80]你根本不在意 连句"祝你好运 伯尼"都没有 You don’t care. There’s no ’’Good Iuck, Bernie.’’

[03:13.80]给你 谢谢      "让他们惊艳吧 宝贝"也没有  Here you go. Thank you.         ’’Knock ’em dead, baby.’’ Nothing Iike that.

[03:16.27]也没说会给我们找个落脚地 To say nothing of filnding us a pIace to Iive...

[03:18.34]顺道一说 本来如果你跟我一起  which, by the way, wouId have been nice

[03:20.64]过去然后帮我找个可以一起住的地方 for you to come with me and heIp me filnd a pIace

[03:23.73]是很美好的事情 但是没有 so we couId be there together.But no.

[03:24.86]你为什么现在就开始找房子了? Why are you Iooking for a pIace aIready?

[03:26.55]你这样…是不是有点早了?  You’re just lsn’t that a IittIe earIy?

[03:28.23]我两个月前就在找了! l start in two months!

[03:31.59]上帝啊! 真他妈不敢相信 God!Can’t fuckin’ beIieve it.[01:44.81]别停呀 我… Don’t fucking stop. l

[01:47.05]噢 别停 噢耶 别停 Oh. Don’t stop. Oh, yeah. Don’t stop.

[01:52.22]别停 Don’t stop it.

[01:54.36]别停 操… Don’t stop it. Fucking

[01:56.36]你真他妈的让人恶心 你知道吗? You’re fucking disgusting, you know that?

[01:59.09]噢 帕蒂 别 帕蒂… Oh, Pat, pIease. Patti

[02:01.53]不是你想的那样 亲爱的 这只是…900专线 lt’s not what you think. DarIing, it was a lt’s a 900 number.

[02:05.43]噢 这样我好受多了      别 别这样 帕蒂  Oh, l feeI so much better.         PIease. PIease, Patti.

  [03:34.29]你难道从来不认真听我说话的吗? Don’t you Iisten to a goddamn word l say?

[03:37.49]还是你的脑子里全装了 Are you too consumed with your stupid

[03:38.80]那些傻了吧唧的虚构角色? filctionaI characters in your head?

[03:40.80]所以就跟现实世界脱轨了 Can’t concentrate on the reaI worId.

[03:42.80]总是这样 整天就活在布莱恩式世界里 AIways, you know, stuck in Brian’s makebeIieve worId?

[03:45.57]如果你吼完了 我要上楼去工作了 lf you’re done screaming, l’m gonna go back upstairs and go to work.

[03:49.00]好 去吧 去工作吧 再写一本那样的烂书 Yeah. Go. Get back to work. Go write another piece of shIt Iike the Iast one!

[03:53.74]懂了吗? You know what?

[03:56.64]不 你不懂 这次太扯了 No,you don’t understand. ThIs Was leGendary 2.

[03:59.15]我是说 l mean, you know, by this point,

[04:00.61]我好不容易能忍住面对那些侮辱和吼叫… l’m used to the usuaI barrage 3 of insuIts and screaming...

[04:03.32]但后来她居然说我的作品是烂书 but then she caIIs my book a piece of shit.

[04:05.82]而那…我不知道 对我来说 And that l don’t know, for me,

[04:06.92]这是…这是不可原谅的 that’s that’s unforgivabIe.

[04:08.26]听着 你瞎操心什么呢? 她就是低能呀 Look, what are you worried about? She’s an imbeciIe.

[04:10.59]你倒突然间在意起她的意见来了  AII of a sudden you’re gonna pay attention to her opinion?

[04:12.73]可大家都这么想 lt’s everybody’s opinion.

[04:14.66]听着 你只是得到了一点负面的评价而已  Look, you got a handfuI of bad reviews, that’s it.

[04:18.43]你有看到哪个评论家喜欢它的吗?  Did you filnd one critic that Iiked it?

[04:20.86]呃 没有 Uh, no.

[04:22.70]知道吗? 你明天还是要去你的签书会  行吗? You know what? You’re gonna go to your book signing tomorrow, aII right?

[04:25.47]而你会看到真正喜欢你的粉丝 And you’re gonna see your fans, the peopIe that matter.

[04:27.42]他们一定会喜欢这本书的 They’re gonna Iove this book.

[04:29.54]你这么想?      对啊 当然  You reaIIy think so?         l do. AbsoIuteIy.

[04:32.08]我 呃 很抱歉 先生 l’m, uh, very sorry, sir.

[04:34.23]我们真的很希望能来多点人 We were reaIIy expecting a bigger turnout.

[04:35.88]不会吧 Are you serious?

[04:37.89]是啊 这可能跟那篇评论有点关系 Yeah, l think it had a IittIe something to do with that review.

[04:42.96]我喜欢这本书 l Ioved the book.

[04:46.09]我真的觉得不错 呃… l reaIIy thought it was great. Um

[04:48.96]但是 呃 如果你愿意 But, uh, if you want to,

[04:51.11]我们可以再等半小时等多点人来 we couId wait a haIf an hour just to Iet the crowd filII in.

[04:53.07]我们还是开始吧 好吗?      好的  You know, Iet’s just get started, okay?         Okay.

[04:57.87]女士们先生们 请允许我为大家介绍 Ladies and gentIemen, l present to you the author...


1 bucks
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 legendary
  • Legendary stories are passed down from parents to children.传奇故事是由父母传给孩子们的。
  • Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。
3 barrage
  • The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage.进攻在炮火的掩护下开始了。
  • The fierce artillery barrage destroyed the most part of the city in a few minutes.猛烈的炮火几分钟内便毁灭了这座城市的大部分地区。
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chaetomium globosum
chronic mountain sickness
Claude Of France
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computer communications system
condition of grant
construction of infrastructural facilities
Cunninghame Graham
curve pattern compaction
Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem
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directory harvest attack
electron velocity analyzer
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Falsa Chipana, Pta.
family Lecythidaceae
feeding gale
Fianarantsoa, Faritani de
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Freudenreich flask
fruiting shoot
Ganges Worm
Garton diet
harmonic order
jib rig
jug up
ketatosis blennorrhagica
law of continuous evolution
manganese dibromide
Matos, R.
medicago archiducis-nicolai g. siryaev
mesocortical pathway
missing white woman syndrome
mystacides dentatus
opening shop
organic film condenser
output buffer empty
power supply module
primary headbox
protecting system
proved ore
prusso complex
public antigen
pusher barge line
reciprocating rhythm
red cell auto-antibody
safety design
selaginella doederleinii
self-stick circuit
sleep efficiency (se)
solid state diffusion process
standstill current
syndiotactic polypropylene
territorial management
trust for value
well injection