时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-紫罗兰


  [00:02.92]* 你和我 * ’ You and I.’

[00:06.32]* 会充满了幸福和希望 * ’ Were so full oflove and hope.’

[00:10.43]* 你能让这一切尽快实现吗 * ’ Would you GIve It all up noW.’

[00:14.03]* 还是深陷在困苦中 * ’ Or Would you GIve In lust 1 to spIte 2 them all.’

[00:17.97]* 你要冲出牢笼 * ’And you GIve It all aWay.’

[00:21.64]* 你应该现在就走出阴霾 * ’ Would you GIve It all aWay, noW.’

[00:25.41]* 不要沉沦了 * ’Don’t let It come apart.’

[00:29.28]* 不想看这你沉沦下去 * ’Don’t Wanna see you come apart.’

[00:33.62]* 因为你走出了阴霾 * ’ ’Cause you GIve It all aWay.’.’

[00:35.65]你在开玩笑吗 他们喜欢你 Are you kIddInG me? They love you.

[00:38.17]他们想和你交易 但前提是 They wanna be in business with you, but what they are expecting...

[00:41.49]是另外一部法兰克奈克 对吗 is another Frank Knight 3 book, okay?

[00:44.99]事实上你已经得到了它的预付款 To say nothing of the fact that you aIready got your advance for it.

[00:47.90]如果他们希望的话我可以还给他们  l’II give the advance back, if that’s what they want.

[00:49.73]就为了这个吗? ls it such a chore?

[00:51.17]只需要你花6个月去写这些  lt takes you six months to write those things.

[00:52.98]这不是时间的问题 lt’s not about the time.

[00:54.34]我... 对其他的事感兴趣 l’m... interested in other things.

[00:56.97]我想写点其他的      那你不能同时写吗  l wanna write about other things.         And you can’t do both?

[00:59.71]你有没有读过 进入黑夜的漫长过程 这本书 You ever read A LonG Day’s Journey Into NIGht?

[01:01.71]你这么说是什么意思 你就这么喜欢让我难堪 Why do you do that to me? Do you enjoy making me feeI Iike an idiot 4?

[01:04.88]好吧 抱歉 书中父亲这个角色 Okay. Sorry. The father in the pIay

[01:06.88]是建立在奥尼尔自己父亲上的 明白吗 Based on O’NeiII’s own father, aII right?

[01:08.89]角色中他拥有一个非常棒很能赚钱的职业 He had a very Iong and Iucrative career as a stage actor...

[01:11.39]这些在《基督山伯爵》中演绎了一次又一次 pIaying the same roIe over and over again in The Count of Monte CrIsto.

[01:14.42]为什么 因为他擅长这些 并使他富有 Why? ’Cause he was good at it, and it made him rich.

[01:17.09]但在他快死的时候 他回首过去 But by the end of his Iife, he reaIizes that by doing so...

[01:20.30]他失去了成为一个真正伟大的艺术家的机会 it cost him the chance to be a truIy great artist.

[01:23.03]我不想重蹈覆辙 l don’t wanna be that guy.

[01:25.07]你是在提醒我不该和他一样去赚钱... You’re aware you may not make the same kind of money...

  [01:27.10]你已经适应了这些 知道吗 you’ve grown accustomed to, aII right?

[01:29.37]出版的话 那会是种挑战 And GettInG publIshed That’s Gonna be a challenGe.

[01:32.24]不需要再提醒你 l don’t need to remind you

[01:33.17]关于刺杀肯尼迪的第二个例子 是吗 whatJ.F.K. said about second acts, do l?

[01:34.78]是菲茨杰拉德 It Was F. Scott FItzGerald.

[01:37.21]你不用再跟我这么废话了 关键是 Are you gonna break my baIIs about particuIars? The point is

[01:39.98]关键是 他说 没有第二幕戏了 The point is, he said there are no second acts.

[01:42.42]我不相信 我认为你也同意我的看法 I don’t belIeve that, and I don’t thInk you do eIther.

[01:45.05]那你为什么要办这次的聚会 Or else Why Would you be throWInG thIs party...

[01:47.09]找来凯特的大学同学 就是为了让她来参加吗? for Kate’s colleGe frIends lust to Get her to come?

[01:52.73]我回来啦 l’m home!

[01:57.70]布莱 布莱 BriBri!

[02:00.44]欢迎回来 WeIcome back.

[02:03.54]什么事 你要出门吗 What’s up? Are we goin’ out?

[02:06.54]恩 我要去墨菲的聚会 Uh, actuaIIy, l’m heading to Murph’s party.

[02:09.15]嘿 你还生我气吗      当然还气你  Hey. Are you mad at me?         Of course l’m stiII mad at you.

[02:12.95]你认为我的小说是堆垃圾 记得吗? You caIIed my noveI a piece of shit, remember?

[02:15.52]亲爱的 我说的是气话 Dude, l was upset.

[02:19.22]别气了啦 我希望你能和我一起去 Come on. l wanted you to come with me.

[02:24.06]我会为你打扮好的 好吗? l’m gonna make it up to you, okay?

[02:26.23]在墨菲的聚会后 After Murph’s party,

[02:27.49]我会带你去切尔西 我们一起跳舞 l’II take you to that pIace in CheIsea and we can go dancing.

[02:31.73]伯妮 我觉得我们需要谈谈 Bernie, l think we need to taIk.

[02:37.07]你不会这么做的 You’re not going to do this.

[02:43.75]你在西雅图有了份好的工作 You got a great job waiting for you in SeattIe...

[02:46.28]而我不想离开纽约 and l don’t want to Ieave New York.

[02:50.25]你没有必要因为我而阻碍你自己 And l don’t think you shouId Iet me stand in your way.

[02:53.26]你想这样结束了吗 That’s how you wanna end it?

[02:55.63]就6个月 我们就这样结束了 After six months, that’s how we’re gonna end?

[02:59.76]我 我们有过快乐的时光 Look, weWe’ve had fun.

[03:02.93]我们在一起很开心 但我们不合适  But we’re good together, but we’re not great.

[03:06.44]我们很合适 We’re good enough.

[03:07.40]你不认同我是最棒的那个男人... You don’t Iook at me and think that l’m the greatest guy...

[03:10.11]可以干出番事业来让世人震撼 that ever waIked the face of the earth.

[03:12.21]不要异想天开 布莱 那不会是你啊 Don’t

  [03:15.65]是啊 我明白 这就是重点 Yeah, l know. That’s the point.

[03:17.65]但你至少要留一点希望给我 But you shouId at Ieast think that l am.

[03:20.12]好吧 你认为我是你见过的最完美的女孩吗 WeII, do you think l’m the greatest girI you’ve ever met?

[03:23.72]不 不 我的意思是 可能会有人 No. No, but l mean, there is somebody out there

[03:26.96]一个男孩 可能在西雅图 某个乐队... A guy, maybe from SeattIe, who’s in a band...

[03:28.96]爱的很入迷 在夜晚中跳舞... and Ioves to do ecstasy 5 and stay out Iate dancing...

[03:31.73]会觉得你是他生命中最美好的一切 and wiII think you are just the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him.

[03:34.63]你真他妈是个畜生      噢 不要发火骂人  You are such a fucking cock!         Whoa! Don’t start the mouth.

[03:38.97]为什么不? 才6个月过去了 就想把我一脚踹开 Why not? After six months you’re just dumping me out of the bIue?

[03:43.54]想安抚我就跟我说... Trying to make me feeI better by teIIing me...

[03:45.54]我会在西雅图遇见什么该死的舞者 l’II meet some asshoIe dancer in SeattIe?

[03:49.98]你只是想去和那个作家去鬼混 那个贱人 You just wanna go off with that writer, the bitch.

[03:52.38]噢 上帝 不是的 这和她一点关系都没有 Oh, God. No, this has nothing to do with her.

[03:54.55]她也不是什么贱女人      放屁  And she’s not a bitch.         BuIIshit.

[03:57.02]别闹了 伯纳黛特      畜生  Stop cursInG, Bernadette.         Cock.’

[03:58.25]什么      畜生  ReaIIy?         Cock!

[03:59.32]好了 够了      畜生  PIease, come on.         Cock!

[04:00.39]你简直就像个疯子      畜生  You’re acting 6 Iike an idiot.         Cock!

[04:01.69]哦 我的上帝 你有完没完?      畜生  Oh, my God. Are you done?         Cock!

[04:03.86]好吧 Okay.

[04:07.03]你他妈真是个狗娘养的畜生 You are such a fucking cock!

[04:11.83]但是我爱你 But l Iove you!

[04:14.07]纽约是个多么有意思的地方 NeW York Is WeIrd 7 lIke that.

[04:16.17]我还没有见过我的一半邻居呢 l stiII haven’t met haIf the peopIe in my buiIding...

[04:18.27]但我在路上随便走走就走到马克这儿来了 but l randomIy run into Mark here aII over town.

[04:20.78]但她还是不肯和我睡 And she stiII won’t sIeep with me.

[04:22.78]因为我在大学的时候都做了 Because l did in coIIege,

[04:24.86]我不想再重蹈覆辙 and l don’t need to revisit it.

[04:25.95]是啊 是啊 那是以前的事啦... Yeah, weII, that was some time ago...

  [04:28.32]恩 你们也明白 一切都会改变的 and, uh, you know, things change.

[04:30.52]你 恩 肯能会感到惊讶      是吗  You, uh, might be surprised.         Yeah?

[04:32.86]你的头发越来越少了 这让我很惊讶 You got Iess hair. That surprised me.

[04:36.33]你知道的 这很有趣 是吗  You know, that’s funny. lsn’t that funny?

[04:39.36]不要误导我 布莱恩 Don’t Get me WronG, BrIan.

[04:40.55]我喜欢这书 我觉得我的工作还是相当不错的 We Iike the book, and l think we did a fairIy good job...

[04:43.50]撇开这些 尽管有些评论 of getting it out there in spite of the reviews.

[04:46.40]但就考虑下领一部侦探奈特系列 But just think about doing another one of the Detective Knight series.

[04:49.21]接着你就可以回到过去 也为了你自己 Then you can go back and do one for you.

[04:51.37]就像好莱坞 一本给他 一本写给自己 Just Iike HoIIywood: One for them, one for you.

[04:54.04]你们在说什么 一个给他们 一个... What are you taIking about? One for them, one for

[04:56.15]我已经给了你们5部 l’ve given you filve.

[04:57.23]给我自己5部怎么样 可以吗 How about filve for me? How’s that sound?

[04:58.65]你们知道吗? 他只是个低俗的文人 You know, he’s a fucking hack 8.

[05:00.80]是个雇佣文人 He’s a hack.

1 lust
  • He was filled with lust for power.他内心充满了对权力的渴望。
  • Sensing the explorer's lust for gold, the chief wisely presented gold ornaments as gifts.酋长觉察出探险者们垂涎黄金的欲念,就聪明地把金饰品作为礼物赠送给他们。
2 spite
  • He has modern ideas in spite of his great age.尽管他年事很高,但思想观念却很入时。
  • In spite of his anger,his remarks were restrained.他尽管生气,说的话还是有节制的。
3 knight
  • He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
  • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
4 idiot
  • Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark.只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。
  • You are behaving like a perfect idiot.你表现得像个十足的白痴。
5 ecstasy
  • He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得入了神。
  • Speechless with ecstasy,the little boys gazed at the toys.小孩注视着那些玩具,高兴得说不出话来。
6 acting
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
7 weird
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
8 hack
  • He made a hack at the log.他朝圆木上砍了一下。
  • Early settlers had to hack out a clearing in the forest where they could grow crops.早期移民不得不在森林里劈出空地种庄稼。
activity holiday
ARDA (analog recording dynamic analyzer)
arrival current curve
back swing actuator
barbed wire, barbwired
bevelled washer
biological rotation
blow-up pan
butting collision
cat o' mountain
characteristics of electrical product
choke plug
Class Two license
contour sander
cooling air temperature
daisy chain bus arbitration
damping chamber
drive gear carrier
duplex ileum
earthing cable
entrenched meander
experimental regulation
federal radionavigation plan
Ferrel cell
frozen black hole
generative transformational grammar
godown changes
Illicium philippinense
in direction
in lieu
inherent delay
interaction representation
Kavadh I
leather tensile strength machine
lower semi-continuous hull
Marquelia, R.
multiple rate of exchange
nitro-acinitro tautomerism
normal association analysis
paper chases
participating fee
pathogenesis of concurrent Zang-Fu disease
Pearson's solution
search rescue beacon equipment
set something on foot
shock absorber bracket
sieving method
single-error mode
smoke suppressant
solorina simensis
specific material demand
stomatal pit
supply chain sustainability
tarpaulin canvas
technical selling
time information
universal logical circuit
went on a journey
Willa Cather