时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-紫罗兰

听电影学英语-紫罗兰 02 - 英语课
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  1. 1 听电影学英语-紫罗兰 02 英语课

  [00:01.44]下班之后 我最不想做的一件事 lt’s my one day off, and the Iast fuckin’ thing l wanna do...

[00:04.15]就是上饭馆 is go to a restaurant.

[00:06.15]所以我会弄完它 然后晚饭时吃 So l’m just gonna filnish this, and have it for dinner.

[00:19.16]你知道什么才是最糟的 You knoW What’s really terrIble Is...

[00:21.26]我甚至不确定到底有没有告诉他 I don’t even knoW If I told hIm or not.

[00:23.63]我是说 我以为我说了 但可能我没说 I mean, I thInk I dId. Maybe I dIdn’t.

[00:26.64]别被他忽悠过去了 Don’t you dare Iet him gasIight you.

[00:29.54]他是故意这么干的 He does this shit on purpose.

[00:31.61]他今晚根本不想来因为他不喜欢我 He didn’t want to come tonight ’cause he doesn’t Iike me.

[00:34.48]我不知道 我觉得原因可能不止这样 l don’t know. l think it’s much bigger than that.

[00:37.95]好吧 希望这样可以让你好受点 WeII, if it makes you feeI any better,

[00:40.23]我挺高兴他没来 l’m gIad he’s not here.

[00:44.32]凯特 33岁生日快乐 Oh, Kate, happy 33rd birthday.

[00:47.22]怎么时间就是过得这么快呢? How the heII did that happen so fast?

[00:49.23]我的天哪      嗯?  Oh Oh, my God.         Mmm?

[00:51.36]你绝对不会相信我刚刚看见谁走进来了 You are not gonna beIieve who l think just waIked in here.

[00:53.96]慢慢转过去 然后告诉我是不是眼花了 Turn around reaIIy sIowIy, and teII me if that’s who l think it is.

[00:57.73]噢 天哪 真不敢相信 是他 Oh, my God. I can’t belIeve It. That’s hIm.

[01:01.77]那你看到谁跟他坐一起吗? And do you see who’s sitting with him?

[01:04.01]布莱恩·凯勒翰怎么会 What the hell Is BrIan Callahan

[01:07.17]跟这个酗酒的蠢蛋呆一起? hanGInG out WIth that drunken fool for?

[01:08.85]你觉得他们认出我们了吗? Do you think they’d even recognize us?

[01:11.15]你进来的时候注意到坐在那里的是谁吗?  Did you catch who was sittin’ over there when you waIked in?

[01:14.17]没有 谁? No. Who?

[01:14.98]就在那儿 是帕蒂和凯特 RIGht there. That’s PattI and Kate.

[01:18.69]我们该过去打个招呼吗? ShouId we go say heIIo?

[01:20.99]我哪儿也不会去的 Look, l’m not goin’ anywhere.

[01:21.89]我敢肯定她还恨我 l’m sure she stiII hates me,

[01:22.86]不过你倒是该过去叙叙旧 你说呢? but you shouId probabIy go over, don’t you think?

[01:25.23]她们是谁?      我们的前…女友  Who are they?         ExgirIfriends of ours.

[01:28.56]我们以前就像这样 很要好  We were... kinda Iike this. The four of us were reaI tight.

[01:32.60]就是大家… You know, everybody

[01:34.36]很久以前的事了 那时我们还在读书 lt was a Iong time ago. Back when we were in coIIege.

[01:35.87]我们还是孩子      就像你这种年龄  We were kids.         Like your age.

  [01:37.87]你要不要过去打声招呼?      绝对不要  Are you gonna go over and say heIIo?         AbsoIuteIy fuckin’ not.

[01:40.61]你呢?      不要  Are you?         No.

[01:42.18]你应该过去 你应该过去打个招呼      别去  You shouId go over, man. You shouId just go say heIIo.         No.

[01:45.21]他没必要过去打招呼 No, he doesn’t need to go over, say heIIo.

[01:47.22]你没必要强迫自己去跟任何人说话 You don’t need to go taIk to another one of your IittIe conquests.

[01:50.29]你不好奇吗?      好奇啊  Aren’t you curious?         Yeah.

[01:52.79]但还没到能冰释前嫌去打招呼的程度 But not so much so that l’m gonna give them the satisfaction of waIking up and saying heIIo.

[01:57.09]你不过去会显得很没风度的  lt wouId be rude if you did not go over and say heIIo to her.

[01:59.80]知道吗? You know what?

[02:02.53]我要过去打个招呼 l’m gonna go say heIIo.

[02:04.70]好主意 代我向她们问好      去吧  That’s a good idea. TeII ’em l said heIIo.         Go for it.

[02:08.77]他来了 我看上去怎么样?      美呆了 He’s comInG over here. HoWdo I look?         You look Great.

[02:11.64]记住了 是他爱上你的 Remember, he was in Iove with you

[02:12.61]而且被甩的时候还哭得唏哩哗啦的 and cried Iike a baby when you dumped him.

[02:14.51]分手是双方面的 我也哭了  The breakup was mutuaI, and l cried too.

[02:16.30]但你始终占了上风 You stiII have the upper hand.

[02:18.28]难以置信 这太奇怪了 UnbeIievabIe. This is too weird 1.

[02:21.45]你们还是朋友吗?  So you guys are stiII friends,

[02:23.55]还是诡异的巧合把我们聚到这儿? or is this just some bizarre coincidence we’re aII here?

[02:25.42]这正是我们所想的 We Were thInkInG the same thInG.

[02:27.42]我们看到你 然后就瞟到了那个讨厌鬼 We saw you, and then we spotted 2 that douche bag...

[02:29.66]坐在你那桌 真不敢相信你居然还跟他有联系 sittin’ at your tabIe and couIdn’t beIieve you’re stiII taIking to him.

[02:32.16]不错 你还是这么伶牙俐齿 Nice. You stiII got the mouth.

[02:34.33]事实上 那个讨厌鬼刚巧是我的律师 ActuaIIy, that douche bag happens to be my Iawyer now.

[02:37.27]那个白痴绝对不可能会去法学院  There is no way that moron 3 went to Iaw schooI.

[02:41.05]福德姆(英国地名) Fordham.

[02:41.97]那他真的通过了律师考试?  And he actuaIIy passed the bar exam?

[02:43.55]第三次考的时候 On his third try.

[02:45.07]他头两次肯定喝醉了  He was probabIy drunk the filrst two times.

  [02:47.05]他已经戒酒2年了 Been sober for two years now.

[02:48.61]那他还是一头恶心又不诚实的猪 He’s stIll a dIsGustInG, dIshonest pIG.

[02:51.58]你干嘛要雇他当你的律师呢? Why wouId you hire him to be your Iawyer?

[02:54.28]我是说 你…你现在是个有名的大作家了 l mean, you’re You’re a big, famous writer now.

[02:57.95]我在沙滩上…读了你的《岁月流觞》 By the Way, I read Day After Day... on the beach.

[03:02.99]很喜欢      很相近了 是《暗夜流觞》  Loved it.         CIose. NIGht After NIGht.

[03:05.76]记住了 不管怎么说 MemorabIe. Either way

[03:09.30]我觉得你可以请到比他更好的 l think you couId do better than him.

[03:10.86]真是不错她的火气还是这么大 Good thing she got over aII that anger.

[03:12.27]凯特 你们俩都分手12年了 You know, Kate, you guys did break up 1 2 years ago.

[03:15.47]他背叛了我 这可是重创 He cheated on me. Those are deep wounds.

[03:17.47]他 就 是 个 鸟人  He... Is... a... prIck 4.

[03:21.51]谢谢 能跟你说话真好 This has been pIeasant. Nice to taIk to you.

[03:24.45]嘿 顺便一问 你什么时候会出书呢? Hey, by the way, when are you working on another book?

[03:28.35]你…这段时间都在干什么呢? Are youWhat are you doin’ these days?

[03:31.69]呃 呃 事实上 呃 我…我正在写呢 Yeah. Yeah. ActuaIIy, weII, l’m l’m stiII working on it.

[03:36.23]但是这 呃…会很好看的 But it’s, um lt’s gonna be great.

[03:38.29]只是我在做 你知道 为参考…读了很多书 lt’s just that l’m doing a Iot of, you know, reading now... for research.

[03:43.43]虽然…它们不怎么相关 但是内在…相通 lt’s lt’s about the disconnectedness, but the interconnectness.

[03:48.00]你知道 我们的生活… You know, the Iives we Iead

[03:50.57]就好像 是重叠交错的但是… lt’s, Iike, about the overIapping but the

[03:53.31]那个 就是 却从来不能触碰… the,you knoW, never really touchInG 5...

[03:56.98]这样 就是 我们感觉 所以… that, you know, we feeI, so

[03:59.32]但是年底应该就会完成了 But it shouId be done by the end of the year.

[04:02.05]听上去不错 期待拜读你的大作 Sounds great. l Iook forward to reading it.

[04:05.59]回见      回见 See ya.         See ya.

[04:09.63]噢 天哪 我真像个白痴 Oh, my God. What a fucking retard 6.

[04:12.63]这个…是重叠交错的 但是这个… ’’The’’’and it overIapping, and the’’

[04:15.43]说的是什么东西啊?      我不知道  WhatWhat is that?         l have no idea.

[04:17.60]你又没准备开始再创作 不是吗?      对啊  You haven’t started writing again, have you?         No.

[04:20.34]但我不能…我不想跟他说这个 But l can’t l’m not gonna teII him that.

  [04:22.84]嘿 你开玩笑呢吧?  Look. Are you kIddInG me?

[04:24.80]你真以为天下有免费的午餐啊? Do you thInk there’s such a thInG as a free lunch?

[04:26.18]你在跟一个25岁的女孩约会 You date a 25yearoId girI,

[04:28.55]当然会面对一些无理要求 you’re gonna deaI with irrationaI behavior.

[04:30.11]对 我只是觉得她有点无法预测 Yep. l’m starting to think she’s unstabIe.

[04:32.37]上星期她还想跟我一起嗑药 Last week she wanted us to do ecstasy 7 together.

[04:34.65]她当然是无法预测的 她的脑子就是个草包  But of course she’s unstable 8. Her braIn Is frIed

[04:37.36]动起来 姑娘们 Move your feet, Iadies.

[04:37.99]听着 你还有其它的事要操心  WeII, Iook. You got bigger things to worry about.

[04:41.02]我是说 下星期就要出书了 我跟鲍勃谈了 I mean, the book comes out next Week, and I spoke 9 to Bob...

[04:44.56]他说那群维京人很是担忧 and he says the... gang at Viking sounds worried.

[04:46.80]担忧? 担忧什么?  Worried? Worried about what?

[04:48.87]这还用问? 他们当然是担心销量啦 What do you mean about what? They’re worried about saIes.

[04:50.37]这书会大卖的 我拿我汉普顿的房子打赌 The book is gonna seII. l’II bet my house in the Hamptons,

[04:53.92]它会成为畅销书的 this book is gonna be a best seIIer.

[04:55.14]跟你赌了      拜托 墨菲 没必要打那么重  l’II take that bet.         Come on, Murph. No need to hit it so hard.

[04:58.81]上帝啊 瞧啊 都怪你不好 Jesus. Look at You got me aII upset.

1 weird
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
2 spotted
  • The milkman selected the spotted cows,from among a herd of two hundred.牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛。
  • Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.山姆的商店屯积了有斑点的短袜。
3 moron
  • I used to think that Gordon was a moron.我曾以为戈登是个白痴。
  • He's an absolute moron!他纯粹是个傻子!
4 prick
  • He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on an upturned nail.当他踩在一个尖朝上的钉子上时,他感到剧烈的疼痛。
  • He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin.他用针一戳,气球就爆了。
5 touching
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
6 retard
  • Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants.缺乏阳光会妨碍大多数植物的生长。
  • Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.持续不断的暴力活动会阻碍关系到国家未来的谈判的进行。
7 ecstasy
  • He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得入了神。
  • Speechless with ecstasy,the little boys gazed at the toys.小孩注视着那些玩具,高兴得说不出话来。
8 unstable
  • This bookcase is too unstable to hold so many books.这书橱很不结实,装不了这么多书。
  • The patient's condition was unstable.那患者的病情不稳定。
9 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
abstract syntax
Acetobacter melanogenum
alpha thorianite
anna regina
arteriae tympanica posterior
as things are
ascariasis of liver
atom at a cube corner
automatic material handling equipment
Bacillus butyri fluorescens
behind backs
bill of charges
brake actuator
Camanche Res.
cardiopulmonary bypass
circular normal distribution
circulating flow water tank
completely monotonic sequence
compo pipe
countersink for wood working
dead front panel
derated mcr
double-brazed grating
dynamic transducer
Edith Piaf
electric vibromasseur
ethylenediamine cresol
family Fagaceae
final return of the decedents
fund accounts
genus catostomuss
Hammett-Zucker postulate
hanaiborchella yongsuensis
India shawls
indirect resistance heating
iron tetracarbonyl
lamp adapter
let it flow
mastonia papillata
mental excitement
modified chest thrusts
neat as a pin
non guaranteed bonds
nuclear acoustic resonance
order paid
polyester resin coating
private capacity
project benefit
receptive period
reduction-casting process
reference relation
rite of passage
sales fee
sequence-of-treatment effect
shell-less washer
shows around
suspensorium scapulare
taken the reins
transformation twin (ning)
universal machine tool
working-storage section