时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-丑陋事实


   [00:01.02]So you're saying that men are incapable 1 of love? 你是说男人没有爱的能力?

  [00:05.74]What? Come on. 怎样?拜托
  [00:07.78]The only thing you burst is your credibility. 你唯一戳破的是你的可信度
  [00:11.14]Men are completely capable of experiencing love. 男人完全有体验爱情的能力
  [00:12.30]Okay, l'll bite. Go on. Who's the guy? 我买帐,说吧,这家伙是谁?
  [00:14.98]-What? -The guy. Mr. Wonderful. - 什么? - 这个完美先生
  [00:16.90]The one who's so capable of love. Who is he? What's he like? 这个很会爱的人 他是谁?长相如何?
  [00:22.30]He's smart, he's handsome but he doesn't know it. 他聪明、英俊却不自知
  [00:23.78]He's successful, but in a job that means something. 他事业成功又位居要职
  [00:28.62]He loves red wine, picnics, classical music. 他喜欢红酒、野餐、古典音乐
  [00:34.50]This is a guy in America, right? 这家伙住美国对吧?
  [00:35.46]l mean, you're not calling from Europe or something? 你不是从欧洲打来的吧?
  [00:37.26]He loves dogs, but he's more of a cat person. 他爱狗,不过却更爱猫
  [00:41.38]He never gets up before you on a Sunday morning. 他星期天绝对不会比我早起床
  [00:42.26]Wait a second, l get it. 等等,我懂了
  [00:45.50]You're a lesbian. 你是蕾丝边
  [00:47.42]l mean, you just described the perfect woman. 你说的是完美的女人
  [00:50.90]Why are you so threatened by these qualities? 你为什么这么不爽这些特质?
  [00:52.58]ls it perhaps because you don't possess a single one of them... 也许是因为你啥都没有
  [00:56.26]...and that is the real reason why women aren't interested in you? 这也是你没女人爱的原因
  [01:00.74]Okay. Okay, l'll give you 1 00 bucks 2 of my own money... 好,我自掏腰包给你一百元
  [01:02.74]...to go get this guy and bring him down here and let me meet him. 你只要带这家伙来让我见一面
  [01:07.50]Well, he's out there, somewhere. 他就在某个角落里
  [01:11.06]Wait a second. 等一下
  [01:13.78]No, l'm describing a type. 没有 我描述的是一个类型
  [01:17.74]l thought that's what we were doing. 我们不就是在谈这个吗?
  [01:20.10]What? You don't even know him? 搞啥?你根本不认识他?
  [01:22.58]Whoa, okay, now l get the picture. 好,我了了
  [01:25.66]Hold on. Oh, you're a dog. 等一下 你是野猪妹
  [01:29.46]-What? -Well, you must be. - 什么? - 你一定是嘛
  [01:31.18]Come on, you heard me. l mean, if you were-- 拜托 如果你够辣…
  [01:34.26]lf you were hot, you would be out breaking some poor schmuck's heart... 你就会把一些呆头男耍得团团转
  [01:36.62]...instead of spending all your time fantasizing about Mr. Wonderful. 而不是花时间想像完美先生
  [01:41.98]...you're ugly. 你很丑
  [01:44.78]l am not ugly. 我不丑
  [01:47.14]Well, okay, let me help you out here. 那好吧,我来帮你一把
  [01:50.66]You might as well face the fact that you're gonna be alone... 你最好面对你会终身孤独的现实
  [01:53.94]...and stop pining away for some fantasy guy you're never gonna get. 别再肖想你永远找不到的好男人
  [01:55.82]-How can you possibly--? -Hey, Lassie. - 你怎么可以… - 野猪妹…
  [01:57.50]The show's called The Ugly Truth. lf you can't face it, don't call. 本节目叫《真相挖挖哇》 不能面对真相,就别打电话
  [02:02.98]That wraps it up for this evening. 今晚的节目到此差不多了
  [02:04.34]I'm Mike Chadway reminding you that the truth is never pretty. 我是查麦克 提醒你现实永远是残酷的
  [02:08.10]How'd the date go? 约会进展如何?
  [02:11.22]Well, l was very pleased with the choice of restaurant. 我很高兴选了那家餐厅
  [02:13.82]-That is so awesome 3. -Why? - 真是太好了 - 为什么?
  [02:16.10]-Morning. -Morning. - 早 - 早
  [02:16.90]Good morning, everyone. 早,各位
  [02:19.26]Now, before l play you this, l should warn you... 在我播带子之前,我警告各位
  [02:20.26]...this guy's a little rough around the edges. 这家伙有点粗
  [02:24.62]-Face it, you're ugly. -I am not ugly. - 认清现实吧,你很丑 - 我不丑
  [02:29.10]-Well-- -Why are we watching this? - 怎么… - 我们干嘛看这个?
  [02:31.10]Say hello to our new guest commentator 4. 见过我们的新名嘴
  [02:34.06]l'm starting him at two segments a week, three minutes a pop. 我先排他一周两段,一段三分钟
  [02:37.34]-Are you kidding me? -Who the hell is this guy? - 你是在耍我吗? - 这家伙是哪里冒出来的?
  [02:38.06]-Name's Mike Chadway. -And he's an uber-moron misogynist 5... - 我叫查麦克 - 他是个反女人的白目男
  [02:41.10]...who represents everything wrong with television and society. 他是电视和社会的反面教材
  [02:44.74]l get crap every time l suggest we do something remotely fluffy 6. 我每次的提议都被批得满头包
  [02:48.98]Oh, come on. He's got a point of view. 拜托,他的风格自成一派
  [02:52.18]We don't have to like it. l mean, we're newspeople. 我们不必喜欢 我们是新闻人
  [02:54.54]We're objective. Stone Phillips interviews terrorists. 我们很客观 李似端访问绑匪…
  [02:56.46]Doesn't mean he likes them, he does it for ratings. 不代表喜欢他们 他是为了收视率
  [02:57.50]l have a list of ideas to improve ratings. 我有一狗票的点子能改善收视率
  [02:59.74]-You'll like it. We don't need him. -Not at all. - 你会喜欢的,我们不需要他 - 我们不需要他
  [03:04.82]-''An intimate profile of the mayor.'' -l like that. - 〝市长的亲密档案〞 - 我喜欢
  [03:07.98]-l like the mayor. -Fantastic. - 我喜欢市长 - 这个赞
  [03:09.06]-The mayor? -Yes. lt can be edgy 7 and yet intriguing 8. - 市长? - 对,内容铁定劲爆又有趣
  [03:10.86]Unless you can get him to bang three crack whores... 除非你能现场直播
  [03:12.66]...and a German shepherd on live TV, no one's gonna give a shit. 他连上三女加一只狼狗 否则根本没人想看
  [03:20.02]Oh, l'm sorry. l was eavesdropping 9 out in the hall. 对不起,我刚刚在外面偷听
  [03:23.26]What did l tell you? lsn't this guy great? 我是怎么说的?这家伙赞吧?
  [03:25.94]Oh, thanks, boss. 谢了,老板
  [03:27.38]You already hired him? 你已经雇用他了?
  [03:29.42]Who's this delightful 10 creature? 这位尤物是谁啊?
  [03:33.14]l'm your producer. 我是制片
  [03:34.90]Hey. 嗨
  [03:39.42]l like a woman on top. 我喜欢女人在上位
  [03:42.58]God. 天哪
  [03:43.18]-Nice office. -He's just kidding. - 不错的办公室 - 他开玩笑的啦
  [03:46.22]-Excuse me. -Mike, you see your office? - 这是怎样 - 麦克,看过你的办公室没?
  [03:47.02]Oh, yeah. 是啊
  [03:48.22]-No, l didn't. -Let me show you. - 还没 - 来,我带你去
  [03:51.74]-Beautiful. -Everybody take five. l'll be right back. - 赞啦 - 休息五分钟,我马上回来
  [03:53.42]Were you all not there last year for our sexual-harassment meeting? 你们没上过性骚扰防治课吗?
  [03:55.70]-Were you not there, Larry? -He needs to go. - 是啊,赖瑞,你没上过吗? - 他必须去
  [03:59.06]He wasn't sexually harassing 11 me. 他又没有骚扰我
  [04:04.22]l am an award-winning news producer. Award-winning producer. 我是得过奖的新闻制片
  [04:04.50]l am an award-winning news producer. l am an award-winning news producer. 我是得过奖的新闻制片 我是得过奖的新闻制片
  [04:08.50]You're an award-winning news producer. 你是得过奖的新闻制片
  [04:12.58]-You don't knock? -Well, l did knock. You didn't answer. - 你不敲门的啊? - 我敲了,你没反应
  [04:13.50]So essentially 12, your knock was negated 13 by your complete lack of adherence 14... 所以基本上,你的敲门无效
  [04:17.82]...to the social etiquette 15 that follows a knock. 因你完全不懂敲门后应有的礼仪
  [04:23.30]You're wound like a fucking top. 哇,在上面这么紧张啊
  [04:25.42]Woof, woof. Remember the bark? 汪、汪 记得我的声音吗?
  [04:30.46]Last night, a little phone conversation we had. 昨晚,我们通过电话
  [04:31.18]Yeah. Hey, what do you know? 对哦!真想不到
  [04:35.78]You're not ugly at all. 真是的,你不像野猪妹嘛
  [04:35.94]Oh, well, imagine my relief. 我还真松了一口气
  [04:40.14]l would never have gotten it without you. 要不是你我根本没搞头
  [04:40.22]l want to thank you for getting me this gig. 我想感谢你给我机会
  [04:43.50]You and l, we make good TV. 你和我,做出好节目
  [04:47.38]You make imbecilic trash... 你的节目…
  [04:47.78]...watched by housebound inbreds who are so busy... 根本是给低能的人看的
  [04:49.18]...with their hands down their pants, they can't change the remote. 他们的手忙着伸进裤子里自爽 没时间按遥控器转台
  [04:53.66]l hadn't been picturing you that way, but it's a nice image. 没想到你会那样,不过这画面很赞
  [04:57.74]l do not watch your program. 我根本不看你的节目
  [04:58.70]My cat stepped on the remote. 是我的咪咪不小心踩到遥控器

1 incapable
  • He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed.他不会做出这么残忍的事。
  • Computers are incapable of creative thought.计算机不会创造性地思维。
2 bucks
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 awesome
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
4 commentator
  • He is a good commentator because he can get across the game.他能简单地解说这场比赛,是个好的解说者。
  • The commentator made a big mistake during the live broadcast.在直播节目中评论员犯了个大错误。
5 misogynist
  • He quickly gained the reputation of being a misogynist.他很快地赢得了“厌恶女性者”的这一名声。
  • Nice try,but you're a misanthrope,not a misogynist.不错了,你讨厌的是世界,不是女人。
6 fluffy
  • Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls.刚孵出的小鸡像绒毛球。
  • The steamed bread is very fluffy.馒头很暄。
7 edgy
  • She's been a bit edgy lately,waiting for the exam results.她正在等待考试结果,所以最近有些焦躁不安。
  • He was nervous and edgy, still chain-smoking.他紧张不安,还在一根接一根地抽着烟。
8 intriguing
  • These discoveries raise intriguing questions. 这些发现带来了非常有趣的问题。
  • It all sounds very intriguing. 这些听起来都很有趣。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 eavesdropping
n. 偷听
  • We caught him eavesdropping outside the window. 我们撞见他正在窗外偷听。
  • Suddenly the kids,who had been eavesdropping,flew into the room. 突然间,一直在偷听的孩子们飞进屋来。
10 delightful
  • We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday.上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。
  • Peter played a delightful melody on his flute.彼得用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。
11 harassing
v.侵扰,骚扰( harass的现在分词 );不断攻击(敌人)
  • The court ordered him to stop harassing his ex-wife. 法庭命令他不得再骚扰前妻。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • It was too close to be merely harassing fire. 打得这么近,不能完全是扰乱射击。 来自辞典例句
12 essentially
  • Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。
  • She is an essentially selfish person.她本质上是个自私自利的人。
13 negated
v.取消( negate的过去式和过去分词 );使无效;否定;否认
  • Our historical right to rule ourselves as a people had been negated. 我们被剥夺了作为一个民族治理自己国家的历史权利。 来自辞典例句
  • Thus far we have negated frictional effects in the harmonic oscillator. 到现在为止,我们一直没有考虑谐和振荡器中的摩擦效应。 来自辞典例句
14 adherence
  • He was well known for his adherence to the rules.他因遵循这些规定而出名。
  • The teacher demanded adherence to the rules.老师要求学生们遵守纪律。
15 etiquette
  • The rules of etiquette are not so strict nowadays.如今的礼仪规则已不那么严格了。
  • According to etiquette,you should stand up to meet a guest.按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。
abstract noun
abstract programming
accurate filter
Achras sapota
aerial image simulation
atypical estrus
broad-leaved tree
catch red-handed
chinook salmon
class of conjugate elements
copper melanterite
copy recipient
cut one's own grass
dissolved-oxygen sag curve
earl russells
economic commission for europes
friend's ship
get sb through sth
ginning machine
heat distortion
hexagonal metal
hover performance
indigenous fuel
inella distorta
jones fracture
maricultural science
middle paleolithics
mouldboard type scraper
mountain avenss
movable part
oriental alabaster
orifice cheek valve
overabundance of manpower
partially aerated combustion,Bunsen combustion
please show me your passport
polynomial-time church-turing thesis
rami cutaneus lateralis
razor-thin wing
reactivity insertion accident
rotational bomb
salt structure
seminiferi recti
Sida spinosa
siphonaria laciniosa
soil polysaccharide
Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association
syngenic transplantation
Tatarskiy Rayon
thin film material
Tolmiea menziesii
trimming motor
turbine generator set