时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-日落之前


  [00:03.32]So he went to Asia to visit some of those monasteries 1. 他去亚洲拜访了很多寺庙

[00:05.40]-I've thought about doing that too. -Yeah, you should. I'll tell you why. -我也那样想过 -是的,应该的。我告诉你原因

[00:14.16]...a monk 2 offered to suck his cock 3. ...都有和尚要求给他吹萧

[00:16.52]True story. 真是故事

[00:19.16]It all comes down to that, doesn't it? 归结起来,总是那个原因,是吗

[00:22.72]That's why I really admire what you're doing. 那个我羡慕你的原因

[00:23.20]-You know? -What do you mean? Sucking cock? -你知道吗 -是什么意思呢?吹萧吗?

[00:26.56]-No. -No? Wrong answer. -不是 -不是吗?

[00:28.04]No, I was gonna say you're not detached 4 from life. 不,我的意思是你并没有和生活隔离

[00:32.04]You're putting your passion into action. 你将激情付诸于行动

[00:36.44]Well, I try. 呃,我尽力而为

[00:40.68]You know something? I'm gonna be on planes... 你知道吗,下面的8个小时...

[00:42.80]...and in an airport for the next eight hours.... 我都要待在机场和飞机上

[00:44.08]I'd just love to see a little bit more of Paris. 我想多看巴黎几眼

[00:48.64]-Would you walk with me? -Yeah. -你愿意和我走走吗 -是的

[00:49.16]-Do you mind? -That's great. -你介意吗 -那很好

[00:52.32]-Do you want to? -Let's do that. Yeah. -你想去吗 -我们走。好的

[00:54.12]No, I got it, I got a little per diem going on here. 不,我有,我这儿有点儿零钱

[00:54.84]What do we owe here? Four-fifty? 要付多少钱呢 4,50法郎吗

[00:58.92]-This good, for a tip? -Yeah, that's fine. -这样好吗,给小费吗 -好的,可以了

[00:59.68]-That's more than enough. -Throw that in too. -用不了那么多 -这个也给他们吧

[01:04.08]-ls there anywhere to go around here? -It's sales day today. -附近有什么地方可去的吗 -今天是集日

[01:06.92]-What's that? -It's when everything's on sale in Paris. -什么 -意思是今天巴黎什么都有卖的

[01:11.64]It's twice a year. 一年两次

[01:15.28]All right, let's go shopping. 好的,我们去购物

[01:16.60]No, no, no. That's a bad idea. I don't wanna inflict 5 that on you. 不,不,不,那主意不好 我不想你受那苦

[01:20.96]It's madness. Let's just go to this garden path. It's really nice. 那样很蠢,我们去公园那儿 那儿很漂亮

[01:22.92]All right. That sounds better than shopping, actually. 好吧,实际上,那要比购物爽

[01:27.32]Not that I wouldn't do whatever you wanted. 我可不是不想陪你

[01:27.52]Sometimes I don't even need to buy anything. I just get high... 有时候我根本不需要买东西 四处逛逛看看...

[01:31.20]...on trying on and looking at things. ...我就很满足了

[01:33.08]Is this where we're going? 我们从这儿走吗

[01:34.80]-Yeah. -A therapist 6 will tell you that's good. -是的 -临床医生会告诉你那很有益于健康的

[01:38.56]-Really? Are you ever in therapy 7? -Oh, no. -是吗?你那样治疗过吗 -噢,没

[01:39.84]-Do I seem like I'm in therapy? -I'm kidding. -我看起来需要治疗吗 -我开玩笑

[01:44.72]-Does it help your sex problems? -My sex problems? -对你的性功能有帮助吗 -我的性功能吗

[01:48.72]-I'm kidding. -Tell me the truth. -开玩笑 -对我说实话

[01:49.80]-We didn't have any problems. -No, I'm kidding. -过去我们没有问题 -不,我开玩笑

[01:53.56]-We didn't even have sex. -That's a joke, right? -过去我们没做过爱 -开玩笑,好吗

[01:55.36]No, we didn't. I mean, that was the whole thing. 是的,我们没有做过 我是说,仅此而已

[01:57.56]-Of course we did. -No, no, no, we didn't. -我们当然做过 -不,不,不,没有做过

[02:00.64]You didn't have a condom and I never have sex without one. 当时你没有带套 而我做爱总带套

[02:03.68]I'm extremely paranoid. There's no way-- 我是个极度偏执狂 这决不可能--

[02:05.92]I find it scary that you don't remember what happened. 你什么也不记得了真可怕

[02:07.88]No, listen... 不,听着...

[02:08.04]...I didn't write an entire book, but I kept a journal 8... ...虽然我没写书 但我写了日记...

[02:13.64]...and I wrote the whole night in it. That's what I meant, you idealizing it. ...我把整晚上的事都记了下来 我是认真的,你把它理想化了

[02:15.20]All right, listen, I even remember what brand of condom we used. 好吧,听着,我甚至记得当时 我们用的是什么牌子的避孕套

[02:19.92]That's disgusting. I don't wanna hear it. 真恶心,我不想听

[02:22.20]-That's not disgusting. -No. -并不恶心 -不

  [02:24.40]Okay, when I get home I'll check my journal from '94, but I know I'm right. 好吧,我回家的时候查94年 以来的日记,但我知道我是对的

[02:32.92]-Wait a minute. -What? -等一下 -怎么了

[02:35.32]-Was it in the cemetery 9? -No. -当时是在公墓里吗 -不是

[02:38.08]No, we went to the cemetery in the afternoon. 不,我们是下午去的公墓

[02:39.36]It was in the park, very late at night. 是在公园里,当时已经很晚了

[02:43.56]-ln the park? -Wait a minute, wait a minute. -在公园里吗 -等一下,等一下

[02:46.76]I can't-- I can't.... 我--我...

[02:48.84]Is it that forgettable? You really don't remember? In the park? 那可能忘记吗?你真的不记得了吗 是在公园吗

[02:50.84]Okay. Wait a minute, I think you might be right-- 好的,等一下 我想也许你是对的--

[02:57.16]-No. -Are you messing with me? -不 -你是在开玩笑吗

[02:57.56]Okay. No, I'm sorry. I think-- I mean, you're right, okay? 好的,不,抱歉,我想-- 我是说,你是对的,好吗

[03:02.04]Sometimes I put things in drawers inside my head and forget about it. 有时候我把一些事情锁在大脑中 然后把它们忘掉

[03:04.72]It's less painful to put things away than live with it. 带着记忆生活要比 把它们搁置起来痛苦一些

[03:07.20]What, so that night was, like, a sad memory for you? 什么,那么那天晚上的事,对你 来说好像是一个痛苦的回忆吗

[03:09.92]I didn't mean that night in particular. 我并没有特指那天晚上

[03:11.96]I meant certain things are better forgotten. 我是说有些事更容易忘记

[03:15.16]I remember that night better than I do entire years. 关于那一年,那天 晚上的事我记得最清

[03:16.96]-Me too. -Really? -我也是 -是吗

[03:18.84]Well, I thought I did. 呃,我过去以为是的

[03:25.92]But maybe l-- Maybe I put it away because of the fact that... 但是也许我--也许我把它 搁置起来是因为那天是...

[03:29.28]...my grandmother's funeral was the day we were supposed to meet. ...我们要见面的那天 正好赶上我奶奶的葬礼

[03:30.76]It was a tough day for me, but it must've been worse for you. 对我来说那是艰苦的一天 但是对你来说可能更难熬

[03:34.28]It was unreal. I remember looking at her dead body in the coffin 10... 有点儿不真实。我现在还 记得她躺在棺材里的情景...

[03:38.40]...at her beautiful hands, so warm, so sweet, that used to hold me... ...她那双手过去常常握住我 多么美丽,多么温暖,多么恬美...

[03:45.88]...but nothing in that coffin resembled what I remembered of her. ...但是棺材里的她再也 不想我记忆中的那样了

[03:47.76]All the warmth was gone. 那丝温暖荡然无存

[03:49.08]And then I was crying, so confused if I was crying... 然后我就开始痛苦 很迷茫...

[03:51.96]...because I was never gonna see her again or never gonna see you again.... ...不知是因为再也见不到她 还是因为见不到你而哭泣...

[03:57.04]I'm sorry. I'm sorry to go on like this. I've been a little down this week. 对不起。抱歉我总是这样 这星期我有些消沉

[04:01.36]-Why? -I don't know. Nothing bad, just.... -为什么 -我不知道。没什么坏事,只是...

[04:05.16]Reading your book, maybe? 也许是看了你的书吗

[04:07.68]No, but-- Thinking of how hopeful I was that summer and fall... 不,但是--想想那年夏天 和秋天我是多么期待...

[04:11.96]...and since then it's been kind of a.... ...从那以后就有点儿...

[04:14.20]I don't know. 我不知道

[04:17.48]Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past. 如果可以对过去置之不理 记忆真是一件妙事

[04:24.08]"Memory is wonderful if you don't have to deal with the past." "如果可以对过去置之不理 记忆真是一件妙事"

[04:27.12]Can I put that on a bumper 11 sticker? 我能把那话贴在车屁股上吗

[04:28.44]If you wrote a book about our night, that's a good title. 如果你写本关于我们那晚的 书的话,这是个不错的书名

[04:30.92]-And it could be a total different book. -Yeah, there'd be no sex scenes. -而且那将是一本完全不同的书 -是的,那不会有性爱场面

[04:36.80]-But you know what? -What? -但是你知道吗 -什么

[04:36.96]Now that we've met again... 既然我们再次相遇了...

[04:37.20]...we can change our memory of that December 1 6. ...我们可以交换 一下12月16日的记忆

[04:42.44]It no longer has that sad ending of us never seeing each other again. 再也不是永不相见的悲惨结局了

[04:44.96]Right. I mean, I guess a memory's never finished as long as you're alive. 是的。我是说,只要你活着 记忆永远不会结束

  [04:48.68]Yeah, I know. I have this memory from my childhood... 是的,我知道。我从小就记得这事...

[04:54.88]-...I realized recently never happened. -What? -...近来我才知道从没发生过 -什么事

[04:56.84]Well, when I was 8 or 9, my mom was so paranoid... 呃,我8,9岁的时候 我妈妈有点儿偏执逛...


1 monasteries
修道院( monastery的名词复数 )
  • In ancient China, there were lots of monasteries. 在古时候,中国有许多寺院。
  • The Negev became a religious center with many monasteries and churches. 内格夫成为许多庙宇和教堂的宗教中心。
2 monk
  • The man was a monk from Emei Mountain.那人是峨眉山下来的和尚。
  • Buddhist monk sat with folded palms.和尚合掌打坐。
3 cock
  • The cock is crowing.这只公鸡正在啼鸣。
  • The cloud was in the shape of a cock.那云成公鸡形。
4 detached
  • She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical. 她希望他不再那么冷酷无情,那么无动于衷,那么愤世嫉俗。
  • The general detached a small force to go and guard the palace. 将军派遣一支小部队去保卫宫殿。
5 inflict
  • Don't inflict your ideas on me.不要把你的想法强加于我。
  • Don't inflict damage on any person.不要伤害任何人。
6 therapist
  • My therapist helped me feel my anger.我的治疗专家帮助我感受自己的怒气。
  • Family therapists.家庭治疗师。
7 therapy
  • The doctor said she should be given a physical therapy.医生说她应该进行理疗。
  • She will need to have the therapy repeated every few months.她将需要每隔几个月就进行一次治疗。
8 journal
  • He kept a journal during his visit to Japan.他在访问日本期间坚持记日记。
  • He got a job as editor of a trade journal.他找到了一份当商业杂志编辑的工作。
9 cemetery
  • He was buried in the cemetery.他被葬在公墓。
  • His remains were interred in the cemetery.他的遗体葬在墓地。
10 coffin
  • When one's coffin is covered,all discussion about him can be settled.盖棺论定。
  • The coffin was placed in the grave.那口棺材已安放到坟墓里去了。
11 bumper
  • The painting represents the scene of a bumper harvest.这幅画描绘了丰收的景象。
  • This year we have a bumper harvest in grain.今年我们谷物丰收。
8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate
a quantity of
abt system railway
audio tapes
audio video speech recognition
augmentation system
aurora tubes
bilge tank
blue dun
called bond
Camachigama, L.
caved in
chimeric protein
clear anchorage
climb very steep slopes
cluster number
common control switching system
controlled speed axle generator
cowardy custard
current number
drill and practice
dropping that
Duranol dyes
electromagnetic coupling asynchronous motor
essential gene
eulerian derivative
existential operator
foot mark
granite fruit bowl
Grunbaum-Widal test
heavy-duty detergent
height of row
instrument face plate
interpretive translation program
kangaroo paws
light weight case
mark reader
materiel maintenance
military fever
ordered Abelian group
out-of-service time
pallet feed
plumed thistles
probability of escape per absorption
reuuber matrix
self religion
spatial pattern
support vector
surveying altimeter
tell on
total oxides of nitrogen
transmission line corridor
travel(l)ing trader
two-dimensional optical radar
uniform vorticity
West Stonesdale
wire annealing
Xinyi District