时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-日落之前


  [00:01.24]...so I called 91 1, and the cops came eventually. ...所以我打了911 最后警察终于来了

[00:03.32]-Like three hours later. -Yeah, after I had been raped 1 and killed. -是不是三个小时后 -是的,我已经被人先奸后杀了

[00:07.72]No, but it was a man and a woman officer. 没有,来的是一男一女俩个警察

[00:09.68]I was explaining what I had heard... 当我正在解释我听到 什么的时候...

[00:12.48]...when the woman had to go move the police car. ...女警察说她有事 不得不回到车里去

[00:13.36]I was left alone with the male cop. 留下我和那个男警察在一起

[00:17.84]Right away he asked me if I had a gun, and I said, "No, of course not." 他立刻就问我有没有枪 我说,“没,我怎么会有枪?”

[00:21.52]And he told me, "Well, you better think about getting one. 他告诉我,“好吧 你最好考虑搞一把”

[00:24.80]This is America, not France. Okay? " “这儿是美国,不是法国,知道吗”

[00:26.80]And I said to him, "l have no idea how to shoot a gun... 我告诉他,“我不会开枪..”

[00:31.16]...and I have no interest in firearms whatsoever 2." “...我对任何武器都不感兴趣”

[00:33.12]And that's when he pulled out his gun, like this, and he went: 那时他拔出了枪 就象这样,他说:

[00:37.12]"Well, one day, you're gonna have something like this in your face... “好吧,有一天,有人会 拿枪这样对着你的脸...”

[00:44.96]...and if you wanna have a long life... “...如果你想活的久点儿的话...”

[00:47.68]...you're gonna have to choose between you or them." “...你必须在你和 他们之间作出选择”

[00:52.16]And then they left. And the next morning I called for an application to get a gun. 然后他们走了,第二天我 就写了申请要搞一把枪来

[00:55.48]Me with a gun. I mean, that's really scary. 我带着一把枪 我的意思是,真的很可怕

[00:57.28]But then I realized something was wrong. 但是然后我就发现有些事错了

[01:00.76]The way that cop had pulled his gun out, and everything, right? 是那个警察拔枪的方式 以及关于枪支的这一切吗

[01:03.68]So I canceled my demand for the gun... 所以我撤回了要求 得到一把枪的申请...

[01:05.72]...and I called the police and tried to complain about that cop. ...而且我打电话给 警局投诉那个警察

[01:09.92]-What happened with that? -lt was so much paperwork... -那事后来怎么样了呢 -有那么多的手续...

[01:11.88]...and then I got scared, with my shitty student visa-- ...然后我就怕极了,因为 我拿的是学生签证--

[01:14.88]-Thought you'd get deported 4? -Exactly. I gave up... -害怕你被驱逐出境吗 -没错。我放弃了...

[01:19.28]...and forgot about the whole thing. ...把这一切都抛在脑后了

[01:21.28]-Well, I guess I never forgot. -Obviously. -不过,我永远忘不了 -很显然

[01:24.36]But still, you know, I really enjoyed being there. 但是尽管如此,你知道 我在那儿真的很愉快

[01:26.44]-There's lots of things I miss in the U.S. -Yeah? Like what? -我怀念在美国的很多事情 -是吗?比如说呢

[01:31.88]Well.... 唔....

[01:32.96]The overall good mood people have there. 那的人整体感觉良好

[01:37.84]Like, "How you doing? " "Great." "How you doing? " "Great!" 就像,“你好吗?”“很好!” “你好吗?”“很好!”

[01:37.88]Like, even if it can be bullshit sometimes. 虽然有时候也是胡说八道

[01:41.64]"Have a great day!" “祝你过得快乐!”

[01:45.92]I don't know. Parisians can be so grumpy. Have you noticed? 我不知道。巴黎人脾气很坏的 你注意到了吗

[01:49.12]No, everybody seems pretty happy to me. 没,对我来说人人都很快乐

[01:50.48]-They're not happy. No. -They're not happy? -他们并不快乐。不 -他们并不快乐吗

[01:53.88]No, they are. I don't know. I just mean French men. They drive me nuts. 不,他们快乐。我不知道 我只是说法国男人,我都疯了

[01:59.16]What is it? What about them? 怎么回事?他们怎么了

[02:00.12]Well, they're very nice. They're great, you know, to be around. 唔,他们很好,有他们做伴很棒

[02:03.92]They love food, wine, they're great cooks. 他们热爱食物,酒,都烧的一手好菜

[02:06.28]Why? What do you mean? 为什么?你什么意思呢

[02:06.60]But I've had really bad luck with them. 但是我运气不好

[02:10.16]-Well, I guess they're not as-- -What? -呃,我猜他们不象-- -什么呢

[02:13.96]What's the word? 那个词儿是什么来着

[02:15.52]-Horny? They're not as horny. -Horny? -性欲旺盛吗?他们性欲不强烈 -性欲旺盛

  [02:20.52]Wait, listen to me on this one. In that regard, I am proud to be an American. 等等,这一点听我说,就这方面 来说,我为自己是个美国人而自豪

[02:23.28]And you should be. In that regard only. 你应该自豪,只是在那方面而已

[02:26.68]Have you ever spent time in Eastern Europe? 你去过东欧吗

[02:30.56]Eastern-- No, I don't. Thank you. 东-- 不,没有 谢谢

[02:32.72]I remember as a teenager I went to Warsaw... 我记得自己十多岁的时候去过华沙...

[02:34.68]...when it was still a strict communist regime 5. ...那时候还是共产党专政

[02:39.72]-Which I don't approve of at all. -Sure you don't. -我一点儿也不赞成这种体制 -你当然不赞成

[02:41.16]-No, I don't. -I'm just kidding. -是的,我不赞成 -我只是开玩笑

[02:43.68]But anyway, something about being there was very interesting. 但是无论怎样,去那儿真的很有趣

[02:47.12]After a couple of weeks, something changed in me. 呆了几星期,有些事情改变了我

[02:48.72]The city was quite gloomy 6 and gray... 城里阴暗而郁闷...

[02:53.20]...but after a while, my brain seemed clearer. ...但是,一会儿 我的脑子更清醒了

[02:55.80]I was writing more in my journal... 我在日记里写的给更多了...

[02:57.28]-...ideas I'd never thought of before-- -Communist ideas? -...有很多想法我以前从未有过-- -共产主义吗

[03:01.76]-Listen, I'm not-- -I'm sorry, l-- -听着,我不是-- -抱歉,我--

[03:02.36]-Okay. -Go on. -好的 -继续

[03:04.24]Okay. I'll send you to a gulag later. 等会儿送你去古拉格集中营

[03:09.20]No. But it took me a while to figure out why I felt so different. 经过一段时间,我才发觉我为什么感觉异样

[03:11.76]One day, as I was walking through the Jewish cemetery 7... 一天,当我穿越犹太人墓地时...

[03:14.08]...I don't know why, but it occurred to me there... ...现在也不知道为什么 但是它就在那儿发生了...

[03:16.36]...I realized that I had spent the last two weeks away from most of my habits. ...我当时意识到过去 两周我的习惯都改变了

[03:20.52]TV was in a language I didn't understand... 我不懂电视上的语言...

[03:23.32]...there was nothing to buy, no advertisements anywhere... ...没什么可买的东西 哪儿都没有广告...

[03:25.92]...so all I'd been doing was... ...所以我一直做的就是...

[03:27.12]...walk around, think, and write. My brain felt like it was at rest... ...四处逛逛,思考一下,写点儿什么 好像我的大脑在休假...

[03:31.88]...free from the consuming frenzy 8. It was almost like a natural high. ...远离强烈的暴躁 好像做爱时自然的高潮一样

[03:35.12]I felt so peaceful inside. No strange urge to be somewhere else... 我内心是如此平静 没有去别的地方的冲动...

[03:42.20]...to shop.... ...去购物....

[03:42.32]It could have seemed like boredom 9 at first... 也许起初会很无聊...

[03:45.52]...but it became very, very soulful. ...但是热情会越来越高涨

[03:47.60]It was interesting, you know? 那很有趣,你知道吗

[03:48.56]Can you believe it was nine years ago we were walking around Vienna? 你能想象9年前我们在维也纳漫步吗

[03:54.92]-Nine years? No, that's impossible. -No, it was. It feels like two months. -9年吗?不,那不可能 -是的,就是那样。感觉就象两个月

[03:58.52]But it was summer '94. 但那是在94年夏

[04:00.08]Do I look any different? 我看起来有没有什么改变

[04:06.56]I do? 我有吗

[04:07.56]I'd have to see you naked. 脱光了我才看的出来

[04:08.12]-What? -I know, I'm sorry. -什么 -我知道,我很抱歉

[04:10.76]Your hair was different back then. It was like-- 那个时候你的头发是在后面 就像是--

[04:14.92]-It's the same-- Oh, down. -Yeah, take it down. -就是这样--哦,放下来 -是的,放下来

[04:16.32]Down. Okay, it was down. Okay. 下来。好的,放下来了。好的

[04:18.08]Well? Voila. 满意吗?瞧

[04:21.80]So? 怎么样呢

[04:23.96]Okay, come on. Tell me. 好了,来嘛,告诉我

[04:30.84]Skinnier, I think. A little thinner. 更瘦了,我想,有点儿苗条

[04:33.40]Did you think I was fat before? 你认为我以前有点儿胖吗

[04:34.36]-No.... -Yeah, you thought I was a fatty. -不.... -是的,你认为我以前有点儿胖

[04:37.88]No, you thought I was a fatty. You wrote a book about a fat French girl. 是的,你认为我以前有点儿胖 你写了本关于一个法国胖女孩儿的书

[04:42.72]-No, listen. -Oh, no. -不,听着 -噢,不

[04:45.24]Seriously, all right? You look beautiful. 认真的,好吗?你真漂亮

  [04:48.60]Do I look any different? 我有什么改变吗

[04:48.92]No. Not at all. Actually, you have this line. 没。一点儿都没变 实际上,你有了皱纹

[04:54.88]-I know. -It's like a scar 3. -我知道 -象一条疤痕

[04:56.44]-A scar? Like a gunshot wound? -No, no, no. I like it. I'm sorry. -疤痕吗?象枪伤吗 -不,不,不象。我喜欢这样,抱歉

1 raped
v.以暴力夺取,强夺( rape的过去式和过去分词 );强奸
  • A young woman was brutally raped in her own home. 一名年轻女子在自己家中惨遭强暴。 来自辞典例句
  • We got stick together, or we will be having our women raped. 我们得团结一致,不然我们的妻女就会遭到蹂躏。 来自辞典例句
2 whatsoever
  • There's no reason whatsoever to turn down this suggestion.没有任何理由拒绝这个建议。
  • All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,do ye even so to them.你想别人对你怎样,你就怎样对人。
3 scar
  • This scar is from the bite of a dog.这是狗咬后留下的伤疤。
  • The tragedy left a scar on her mind.这个悲剧给她造成精神上的创伤。
4 deported
v.将…驱逐出境( deport的过去式和过去分词 );举止
  • They stripped me of my citizenship and deported me. 他们剥夺我的公民资格,将我驱逐出境。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The convicts were deported to a deserted island. 罪犯们被流放到一个荒岛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 regime
  • Under the new regime in our office,no one is allowed to leave early.在新的办公制度下,谁也不能早退。
  • The people finally rose up and overthrew the reactionary regime.人们终于起来把反动的政权推翻了。
6 gloomy
  • A few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午有些明亮。
  • When I saw their gloomy faces,I knew something was wrong.当我看到他们沮丧的脸时,我知道出事了。
7 cemetery
  • He was buried in the cemetery.他被葬在公墓。
  • His remains were interred in the cemetery.他的遗体葬在墓地。
8 frenzy
  • He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。
  • They were singing in a frenzy of joy.他们欣喜若狂地高声歌唱。
9 boredom
  • Unemployment can drive you mad with boredom.失业会让你无聊得发疯。
  • A walkman can relieve the boredom of running.跑步时带着随身听就不那么乏味了。
active homing missile
adhesive pad
adjustable moving blade
bandobast, bandobust
beef it up
blue false indigoes
book review digest
bowringpet (bangarapet)
brain cortex
California Nebula
circular lattice distribution
color comparator pyrometer
commercialized agriculture
complex instruction set
compound tubnlar glands
coral plant
core out
cored mold
crossed product
customs quota system
cyrtohypnum sparsifolium
directive to work
discharge lamps
dorsoventral axis
double-heart wood
fast traffic
force someone's hand
graduated charge
graphium gordoniae
heat-treated surface
initial iverse voltage
interactive reentrant assembler
ion-molecule reaction
lateral excursion of axle
life safety
lines up
Louis B. Mayer
MIP mapping
n-address instuction
nodi gutturis
noncooperative game-theoretic model
on that account
orbit shift coils
peach tree
phase variable
prism mass spectrometer
puberty rite
put the world to rights
replacement scheme
roentgen unit
rook rifle
Russell rectifier
second flank
self knowledge
single-address order code
single-track vehicle
totanus (eutortanus) vermiculus
Trema nitida
Villaverde de Guadalimar
virom crosome
wooden crate
yellow-fin tuna