时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-复制娇妻


  [00:02.70]Come on, Joanna. 来嘛,乔安娜

[00:04.58]Spin cycle, ladies, and... 甩干,女士们,再来…

[00:09.30]And... 再来…

[00:10.38]And... 再来…

[00:11.74]And... 再来…

[00:18.14]- Sweet. - Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Who's the man? - 好棒 - 噢耶噢耶,谁是真正的男人?

[00:21.42]You the man. 你是最棒的

[00:24.30]Thank you, dear. 谢谢你,亲爱的


[01:04.14]Walter? 沃尔特?

[01:05.82]- Hey, how you doing? - Walter Kresby. - 嘿,你好吗 - 沃尔特·克莱斯比

[01:06.62]- Good to see you. - Ted 1 Van Sant. - 很高兴见到你 - 泰德·范·松特

[01:09.74]I'm Stan Peters. Come on in, come on in. 我是史丹·皮特斯 进来,进来

[01:11.62]- Mike said you were coming. - Nice to see you. - 迈克说了你会来 - 见到你很高兴

[01:13.38]Come on in. 快进来吧

[01:17.98]Hear ye, hear ye. Come one, come all, and happy Fourth of July. 大家注意了,来,祝大家国庆快乐

[01:20.98]At 1:30 will be the children's Stars and Stripes, face painting... 1:30会有孩子们的星条旗 面部彩绘…

[01:25.94]Isn't this great? 这里不错吧?

[01:26.34]A real old-fashioned town picnic. Can't get this in Manhattan. 真正的传统小镇野餐会 在曼哈顿可没有这个

[01:31.10]Which is why we're gonna stay exactly ten minutes. 所以我们只能在这里呆十分钟

[01:33.26]We're gonna make an appearance, and then we're gonna get out of here. 我们露个面,然后就走人

[01:35.34]Kids, I'm really sorry about all of this, but let's try and have fun. 孩子们,我真的很抱歉 不过让我们试着找点乐子吧

[01:40.42]Mom, it's a picnic. 妈妈,这是野餐会

[01:41.46]- Chill. - Go ahead, go ahead, have fun. - 冷静 - 去吧,去吧,好好玩

[01:45.70]Ten minutes? 10分钟?

[01:47.02]Walter, you just don't get it. 沃尔特,你只是没有明白

[01:47.82]These women are like deranged-flight-attendant friendly. 这些女人就像疯掉的空姐一样友好

[01:52.26]- They're gonna be all over me. - Joanna! - 她们不会放过我的 - 乔安娜!

[01:53.54]Here we go. 来了

[01:56.42]- Oh, Joanna. - Joanna, hi. - 噢,乔安娜 - 乔安娜,嗨

[02:02.30]- Hi, Walter. - Hi. - 嗨,沃尔特 - 嗨

[02:02.98]- You look great. - I love you in khakis. - 你看起来很不错 - 我喜欢你穿卡其装的样子

[02:08.98]They're new, a little experiment. 是新买来试穿的

[02:12.14]Now I know why they call it Banana Republic. 现在我知道他们为什么 叫它香蕉共和国(时装品牌)了

[02:16.22]Excuse me. Excuse me! 借过,借过

[02:18.02]Excuse me, ladies. Excuse me. 借过,女士们,借过

[02:23.10]Excuse me. Excuse me. 借过,借过

[02:23.50]Excuse me. 借过

[02:27.98]Am I the only one who finds all of this more than a little disturbing? 我是不是唯一觉得这里不舒服的?

[02:30.86]We are celebrating our nation's birthday, 我们在庆祝自己国家的生日

[02:32.46]but there are almost no African-Americans, 可是几乎没有非洲裔美国人

[02:34.50]no Native Americans, no Asian Americans, 没有土著印第安人,没有亚裔

[02:34.70]and... Oh, my God. 还有…噢,我的上帝

[02:38.30]Hey, you're Joanna Eberhart. You got such a raw deal. 嘿,你是乔安娜·埃伯哈特 他们对你实在是太不公平了

[02:42.58]Aren't you Bobbie Markowitz? 你不是芭比·马科维茨吗?

[02:43.78]I love your books, especially the last one. What was it called? 我很喜欢你的书,特别是上一本 叫什么来着?

[02:48.22]It was about your relationship with your mother. 关于你和你妈妈之间的关系的

[02:50.10]- I Love You But Please Die. - Hey, baby. Baby. - 《我爱你但去死吧》 - 嘿,宝贝,宝贝

[02:53.82]Look what I did, look. 看我画的,看

[02:57.18]Happy Fourth of July, everybody. 大家国庆节快乐

[02:59.38]Excuse me. Is this guy bothering you? 对不起,这个家伙有没有烦到你?

[03:01.78]- Yes, he's my husband. - Hey Kresbo-Man. - 没错,他是我老公 - 嗨,克莱斯老兄

[03:04.42]- Hey, Dave. - How do you know each other? - 嗨,戴夫 - 你们是怎么认识的?

[03:05.82]- Men's Association. - That place. - 男子联合会 - 那个地方

[03:08.10]- Did you finish the laundry? - No, I finished a chapter. - 你洗完衣服了吗 - 没有,我写完了一章

[03:11.30]- Did you make the sandwiches? - Did you? - 你做三明治了吗 - 你做了吗

[03:12.10]- Where are the kids? - What kids? - 孩子们呢? - 什么孩子?

[03:14.70]Our kids. 我们的孩子

[03:16.66]- Hey, are you two OK? - We're fine. - 嗨,你们俩没事吧? - 我们很好

[03:18.14]- Come on, I need a cookie. - See what I mean? - 快点,我需要一块甜饼 - 明白我的意思了吗?

[03:20.46]Jerry... Jerry, it's a bake sale, an actual bake sale. 杰瑞…杰瑞,是点心展销 真正的点心展销

[03:22.50]It's like some heavenly diorama at the Smithsonian 这就像是史密森尼博物馆里

[03:27.58]in the Hall of Homemakers. 主妇馆中一幅优美的透视画

[03:29.98]Oh, no. No, stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. 噢,不,不,住手 住手,住手,住手

[03:33.46]That is not cobbler. 这不是水果馅饼

[03:33.58]Roger, could we...? Could we reel it in, like, a couple of hundred yards? 罗杰,我们是不是…? 是不是再往那边逛个两百码?

[03:37.94]How do you ladies keep your figures? 你们是怎么保持身材的?

[03:39.14]Is there just a huge vat 2 of cobbler vomit 3 somewhere? 是不是有专门用来吐水果馅饼的大桶?

[03:41.60]Oh, I'm sorry. 噢,对不起

[03:42.90]- But worth it? - Roger. - 可是有必要吗 - 罗杰

[03:45.10]- That is... - This is fabulous 4. - 那是… - 这真太好吃了

[03:47.50]Jerry thinks that I overdo 5, you know, everything. 杰瑞认为我做任何事都喜欢做过头

[03:48.94]Excuse me, aren't you Roger Bannister? 打扰一下,你不是罗杰·巴尼斯特吗?

[03:52.14]The amazing architect from The Times? 泰晤士报上那个惊人的建筑师?

[03:55.94]Oh, thank you. This is Jerry Harmon. 噢,谢谢你!这是杰瑞·哈蒙

[03:56.10]- Hi. - Corporate 6 attorney. - 嗨 - 事务所的律师

[03:58.94]But he's getting the help that he needs. 但是他正在找他要的

[04:00.30]- Stop it. - You stop it. - 住嘴 - 你住嘴

[04:02.38]- We're new. - Oh, my God, Joanna Eberhart. - 我们是新来的 - 噢,上帝,乔安娜·埃伯哈特

[04:02.46]- I love the shows. - Oh, thank you. - 我很喜欢那些节目 - 噢,谢谢你

[04:07.38]And Bobbie Markowitz. Love the books. 还有芭比·马科维茨 很喜欢那些书

[04:09.82]I mean, right here in Stepford. 我是说,来到斯戴福这里

[04:10.14]Jerry, how did this happen? Where did you come from? 杰瑞,怎么会这样的? 你们从哪儿来?

[04:13.02]People. 人物

[04:16.82]Attention, attention, Fourth of July funsters, 注意,注意 国庆节的游客们

[04:19.10]grab your partners because it's time 拉上你的同伴,因为现在是…

[04:22.58]for some sizzling Stepford square dancing, so come on in. 跳斯戴福方块舞的时候了,快进去吧

[04:28.42]- Square dancing? - Cowgirls? - 方块舞? - 牛仔女郎?

[04:30.42]- We're in hell. - Come on, Bobbie. - 我们死定了 - 来吧,芭比

[04:44.14]- Howdy. - Howdy. - 你好 - 你好

[04:47.14]OK, everybody ready to kick up your heels 好,大家准备好踮起脚

[04:48.90]for some barn-busting Stepford high-stepping? 来支劲爆的斯戴福快步舞吧?

[04:54.58]OK. 好的

[04:56.78]Bow to your partners Lose your cares 向你的舞伴鞠躬,忘掉烦心事

1 ted
  • The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
  • She often teds the corn when it's sunny.天好的时候她就翻晒玉米。
2 vat
n.(=value added tax)增值税,大桶
  • The office is asking for the vat papers.办事处要有关增值税的文件。
  • His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into the vat.他父亲把一袋袋发霉的黑面包倒进大桶里。
3 vomit
  • They gave her salty water to make her vomit.他们给她喝盐水好让她吐出来。
  • She was stricken by pain and began to vomit.她感到一阵疼痛,开始呕吐起来。
4 fabulous
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款。
5 overdo
  • Do not overdo your privilege of reproving me.不要过分使用责备我的特权。
  • The taxi drivers' association is urging its members,who can work as many hours as they want,not to overdo it.出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。
6 corporate
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
ammonium phthalamate
amount of personalized relationship
anterior occipital fissure
antisag bar
authorized securities
buffer station
byte addressable computer
capillarity condensation
capital of Pennsylvania
carbonrundum dust
cast-in-situ bored pile
colonial currency system
compensation costs
contextual factor
cooks someone's goose
core coolant flow
count of card wire
cyclophorus friesianus
dryoathyrium viridiforn (mak.) ching
edge roller
female urethral crest
fucks you up
Gran Colombia
greasing truck
ground shade
high-tensile meterial
hydroxypyruvic acid
intensive courses
Lhermitte-McAlpine syndrome
light emitting diode display
Lindley's theorem
main group
mean low water springs
meridian determination
middle standingpillar
multidimensional device simulation
multiplicative stage
navigating in rocky water
numeric pager
ocean-going raft
opaque word
Paris bashanensis
patient name
Pecora, C.
perry masons
pharyngeal slit
PM reactor portable medium power reactor
potanthus confucius angustatus
put oneself out of court
ride the tiger
satellite equipments
scarlet clematiss
schistose gneiss
search rate
small arms primer
stiffening piece
Stokes-Raman scattering
surface immumoglobulin
thoracic surgeon
urea plastic molding compound
wing bunker
with a string attached