时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-当风吹起的时候


  [00:06.28]He'II... He'll take cover immediately 他会..在第一时间隐蔽好

[00:10.04]and... adopt all the prescribed precautionary measures. 按照规定,放弃所有在手册警戒应当放弃的财物。

[00:13.48]He... He's no fool, our Ron. 他..他可不蠢,我们的Ron.

[00:16.76]He's not likely to get hot under the collar. 他不像会穿着硬领衣服让自己汗流浃背的人。

[00:20.44]He... He won't go to pieces. 他..不会被炸成碎片的。

[00:23.72]The whole family will... will stick together. 整个大家庭将..将会团结在一起。

[00:28.20]Oh! Look! 哦!看哪!

[00:31.68]There's funny spots on my legs. 我的腿上有些奇怪的斑点。

[00:33.28]Er... They're various veins 1. That's... That's what that is. 呃..它们是静脉。就是这样。

[00:36.80]That's... That's a common complaint amongst... 这只是常规疾病的其中之一..

[00:40.92]amongst the middle-aged 2 segment of the populous 3. 中老年人的常见病之一。

[00:42.32]Oh, that's... that's... that's nothing to worry about. 哦,那..没什么好担心的。

[00:47.20]They don't look like veins to me. 它们看上去简直不像我的血管了。

[00:48.76]I don't like the look of it. 我不喜欢它们现在这样子。

[00:50.92]Oh... (Chuckles) Oh, you are... you are a baby! 哦..(笑起来)哦,你..真像个孩子!

[00:54.60]You're a worn... worn... born worrier, you are, you know. 你是个憔悴的..憔悴的..疲倦的总在操心的人,你绝对是,你知道的。

[00:59.04]Now, you just try and look on the bright side, eh, ducks? Hm? 现在,你试试看事情的光明面吧,宝贝儿,嗯?

[01:02.56]Look! Look! 看!看!

[01:04.72]I've even got funny blotches 4 on my skin, see? 我皮肤上有些奇怪的疙瘩,看到了么?

[01:07.12]And I... I'm a man. 我..我是男性。

[01:11.52]Yes... (Coughs) Yes, too much tinned food. That's all that is. 是啊..(咳嗽)

[01:14.96]Yes. 是

[01:17.96]Pilchards never did agree with me. 沙丁鱼从来不同意我的观点。

[01:20.96]I must put some skin lotion 5 on those spots. 我得在斑点上涂些护肤霜。

[01:26.36]Yes. Oh, they'II... they'll soon clear up. 嗯,噢,它们一会儿就不见了。

[01:29.40]I'll pop down to the chemist... chemist in the morning. 明早我就去..药房。

[01:33.04]I'll get some... get some ointment 6. 我要去买些..买些药膏

[01:35.00]We could do with some lozenges or pastilles, too. 我们可以用些锭剂,或者锭片。

[01:35.84]Yes. 好。

[01:42.80]- I've still got a terrible throat. - Yes, so have I. -我的嗓子也变坏了。 -是啊,我也是。

[01:48.72]I wonder... 我想..

[01:50.88](Breathlessly) ...if they'll be able to sell us some water. (呼吸困难)..是不是有人能卖点水给我们。

[01:54.56]I'm going to have an early night, James. 我要早点睡了,James。

[01:59.84]We could do with a good long rest after that blessed bomb. 拜那个该死的炸弹所赐,我们可以有一段长长的休息时间了。

[02:03.04]Oh, yes, yes. It's bound to take it out of you, a thing like that. 哦,是啊,是啊,长到让人虚脱。

[02:08.20]Yeah, it's a... it's a shock to the system. 是,这是..这是对体制的震动。

[02:12.24]Oh, yes. I expect so. 哦,是啊,我也这么想。

[02:13.00](Gasps) Oh! (喘气)哦!

[02:18.84]Look! 看!

[02:21.28]Don't... Don't worry, dearest. 别..别担心,我最亲爱的。

[02:21.52]My hair's coming out! 我的头发脱落了!

[02:23.48]Don't worry, don't worry. 别担心,别担心。

[02:25.96]Women don't go bald. No! 女人可不能秃顶,不能!

[02:29.56]That's... That's a scientific fact. 那是..那是科学规律。

[02:35.68]Shall we get into those paper bags again? 我们还要去那个纸袋里吗?

[02:37.76]Well, whatever for, dear? 嗯,不然还能怎么样,亲爱的?

[02:39.48]Well, you never know. 好吧,你永远是对的。

[02:44.00]There might be another one while we're asleep. 在我们熟睡之际可能有另一枚炸弹投放下来。

[02:48.56]Well, I... I suppose it er... wouldn't hurt. 嗯,我..我想它不会伤到我们的。

[02:52.68]It... It would be a... a sensible precautionary m-measure 这种情经过测量

[02:56.12]in the... in the... in the circumstances. 将会明显地被警示出来。

[02:59.44]After all, really, this is an all-out war situation, 不管怎样,真的,现在是双方都毫无保留的战局,

[03:04.64]and er... Well, I mean, 呃...我是说,

[03:08.36]another I... IBM... might... might come over. 另一个,I..IBM... 将会顺势而出。(开始胡言乱语)

[03:16.04]HILDA: Oh, it's stuffy 7 in these bags. 哦,袋子里真够闷热的。

[03:18.92]JIM: (Chuckles) Yes. (笑起来)是啊。

  [03:21.08]- Now you know what it feels like to be a potato. (Hilda chuckles) -现在你知道为什么它感觉像是个土豆了。(Hilda笑起来)

[03:26.56]HILDA: I should hate that, being buried in the ground. 我痛恨这样,被埋在地下。

[03:30.08]Oh, yes. Yes, so would I. 哦,是啊,我也是。

[03:31.64]- Give me... cremation 8 every time. HILDA: Oh, me too. -让我..火葬吧。 -哦,我也要。

[03:38.80]HILDA: We'd better just stay here and wait for the... emergency services to arrive. 我们最好留在这儿等待..紧急救援的到来。

[03:46.76]JIM: Y-y-yes. Yes, they'II... they'll take... they'll take good care of us. 是-是啊,他们..他们就要..来照顾我们了。

[03:52.20]We won't have to worry about... about a thing. 我们不必担心..担心任何一件事。

[03:53.64]Just... Just leave everything to them. 只要..只要把所有的问题都留给他们。

[04:00.44]The governmental authorities... will know what to do with us. 当局..知道怎照料我们。

[04:04.64]The powers that be... 当权者总会..

[04:08.92]...will get to us in the end. ..找到我们的。

[04:13.68]HILDA: You have got the box with our medical cards and birth certificates, haven't you? 你用盒子装好了我们的医保卡和出生证明了吧?

[04:16.48]JIM: Yes, dear, yes. 是的,亲爱的,装好了。

[04:20.44]JIM: They're quite safe. 它们相当安全。

[04:26.68]HILDA: Shall we pray, dear? 我们来祈祷吧,亲爱的?

[04:28.80]JIM: Pray? - Yes. -祈祷? -是啊。

[04:30.96]JIM: Oh, crumbs 9. Er... Who... Who to? 哦,天哪。呃..向谁祈祷?

[04:35.00]HILDA: Well, God, of course. 当然是向上帝啊。

[04:38.96]JIM: Oh... Oh, I see. 哦..哦,我明白了。

[04:42.08]JIM: Y- yes. If you think it... it er... would be... would be the correct thing. Hm? 是-是的,如果你认为..那样是..对的。嗯?

[04:47.48]HILDA: It can't do any harm, dear. - OK. 那不会有坏处的,亲爱的。

[04:51.16]JIM: Er... Here goes. 呃..开始吧。

[04:57.40]Er... Dear...sir... 呃..亲爱的..上帝..

[05:01.68]HILDA: No, that's wrong. 不对,不该这样说。

[05:03.84]JIM: Well...er... How... How... How do you start? 好吧..嗯..你怎么开始祷告?

[05:07.68]HILDA: Oh, God... 噢,上帝呀..

[05:08.12]JIM:our help...in ages past? 在多年以前..给我们帮助

[05:12.92]HILDA: That's it. Keep it up. 就是这样,继续呀。

[05:17.20]JIM: Almighty 10 and most merciful Father, er... 全能而慈悲的主啊,呃..

[05:20.96]HILDA: Oh, that's good. 哦,说得很好。

[05:25.04]JIM: Dearly beloved, 亲爱的教友,

[05:27.24]we are gathered...er...u- u-unto thee... 我们聚集在这里..呃..直到..

[05:32.80]I shall fear no evil. 我不再感到恐惧。

[05:38.08]Thy rod...and thy staff...comfort me 你的权杖..和你的鞭子..让我得到安慰

[05:42.56]all...the days... the days of my life. 在我生命中的..每一天。

[05:47.44]L- Lay me down...in... in green pastures... 让我躺在..绿色的草地上..

[05:55.24]I... I can't remember any more. 我..我忘记了一切。

[05:58.92]HILDA: That was nice. 做得非常好。

[06:02.08]I liked the bit about the green pasture. 尤其是绿草地那部分。

[06:03.80]JIM: Oh, oh, yes, yes. 哦,哦,是的。

[06:05.96]Into the valley of the shadow of death... 走进笼罩着死亡阴影的山谷里..

[06:10.64]HILDA: (Sighs) No more, love. (叹气)别再说了,亲爱的。

[06:16.48]HILDA: (Whimpers) No more. (啜泣)别再说了。


[06:31.84]? Rockabye baby

[06:35.68]? On the tree top

[06:37.00]? When the wind blows

[06:42.40]? The cradle will rock

[06:43.80]? Oh, babe

[06:49.24]? Hate to see you fall that way

[06:53.88]? Better speak to the powers that be today

[07:00.28]? Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?

[07:08.84]? You can take your revenge

[07:11.84]? But you'll still feel bad

[07:13.00]? There must be more to life than lucky strikes

[07:17.96]? And some unlucky ones

[07:24.04]? And folded flags and pipes

[07:26.76]? And drums

[07:34.96]? I stood in the wings with you

[07:38.40]? Our lives in the hands of a second-rate actor

[07:41.48]? Holding the high ground

[07:43.64]? Of some old stage

[07:48.32]? Oh, babe

[07:52.88]? How do these jaded 11 stars get so far away?

[07:59.20]? Will they catch what the moral had to say?

[08:06.40]? Hey Joe, where you goin' with that dogma in your head?

[08:12.28]? You can prove your point

  [08:14.44]? But your kids will still be dead

[08:20.32]? Bring down the curtain

[08:22.48]? This soap opera must surely close

[08:28.76]? Before the cold wind blows

[09:11.56]? Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?

[09:19.32]? But you'll still feel bad

[09:19.84]? You can take your revenge

[09:25.96]? Bring down the curtain

[09:29.00]? This show must close

[09:34.60]? Before the cold wind blows

[09:41.76]? So rockabye baby

[09:47.04]? On the tree top

[09:48.24]? When the wind blows

[09:50.92]? The cradle will rock

[09:55.12]? There must be more to life than lucky strikes

[09:57.73]? And some unlucky ones

[10:02.09]? And folded flags and pipes

[10:06.01]? And drums

1 veins
n.纹理;矿脉( vein的名词复数 );静脉;叶脉;纹理
  • The blood flows from the capillaries back into the veins. 血从毛细血管流回静脉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I felt a pleasant glow in all my veins from the wine. 喝过酒后我浑身的血都热烘烘的,感到很舒服。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 middle-aged
  • I noticed two middle-aged passengers.我注意到两个中年乘客。
  • The new skin balm was welcome by middle-aged women.这种新护肤香膏受到了中年妇女的欢迎。
3 populous
  • London is the most populous area of Britain.伦敦是英国人口最稠密的地区。
  • China is the most populous developing country in the world.中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家。
4 blotches
n.(皮肤上的)红斑,疹块( blotch的名词复数 );大滴 [大片](墨水或颜色的)污渍
  • His skin was covered with unsightly blotches. 他的皮肤上长满了难看的疹块。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His face was covered in red blotches, seemingly a nasty case of acne. 他满脸红斑,像是起了很严重的粉刺。 来自辞典例句
5 lotion
  • The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.这种洗液应均匀地涂在皮肤上。
  • She lubricates her hands with a lotion.她用一种洗剂来滑润她的手。
6 ointment
  • Your foot will feel better after the application of this ointment.敷用这药膏后,你的脚会感到舒服些。
  • This herbal ointment will help to close up your wound quickly.这种中草药膏会帮助你的伤口很快愈合。
7 stuffy
  • It's really hot and stuffy in here.这里实在太热太闷了。
  • It was so stuffy in the tent that we could sense the air was heavy with moisture.帐篷里很闷热,我们感到空气都是潮的。
8 cremation
  • Cremation is more common than burial in some countries. 在一些国家,火葬比土葬普遍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Garbage cremation can greatly reduce the occupancy of land. 垃圾焚烧可以大大减少占用土地。 来自互联网
9 crumbs
  • Those rebels did not really challenge Gods almighty power.这些叛徒没有对上帝的全能力量表示怀疑。
  • It's almighty cold outside.外面冷得要命。
10 jaded
  • I felt terribly jaded after working all weekend. 整个周末工作之后我感到疲惫不堪。
  • Here is a dish that will revive jaded palates. 这道菜简直可以恢复迟钝的味觉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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ave interj
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clutch start
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drag king
dynamic effect
environemental improvement
foundation stress
germinal localization
half peripheral length
heat-exchanger principle
high plant population
horizontal belt conveyor
internal transmigration
Kilcolman Castle
lateral sliding angle
lawn belt
layer-crossing regulation
lip high line
man bun
mass transfer peclet number
master drive
maximum tension stress
methyl cyclohexadiene
multilateral agency
multivariate negative hypergeometric distribution
nanowatt circuit
network access machine
nonprofit institutions
online journal
output device handler
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periodic scan method
periodontal pocket packing
plume moth
predicted starting and finishing dates
psychedelic trance
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regular notch lapel
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secondary bone
senile atrophic gingivitis
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stochastic scheme
taffeta weaves
Task Offloading
Tha Li
tool shelf
trademark registration certificate
Turtle Channel
usual risk
Verkhniy Chegem
water protection
what for?