时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-当风吹起的时候


  [00:02.90]Only I can't remember. I think I'll ring our Ron. He'll know. 可是我不记得了。我去打给Ron。他会知道的。

[00:19.10]Hello, son. All right? Beryl and the baby? 嗨,儿子。Beryl和宝宝都还好吗?

[00:21.62]Good. Er... Iook, I'm building this governmental inner core or refuge, 那就好。呃...你看,我正在按照政府指导建一个核心隐蔽处,

[00:25.50]and it says, "Place it at an angle of 60 degrees." 书上说,“将它设置在60度角方向。”

[00:31.70]Well, what's that mean, exactly? 那么,它准确的意思是什么?

[00:32.66]It's not cobblers, son. 这不是p话,儿子。

[00:36.58]It's in the governmental directive. 它是政府发行的指导手册。

[00:38.66]You mean you're not constructing an inner core or refuge? 你是说你没有建造一个隐蔽处?

[00:44.18]I gave you the leaflets especially! 我还特地给你资料了!

[00:46.06]But what about baby Jim? 那Jim宝贝怎么办?

[00:50.18]Don't start singing! 别唱歌!

[00:50.90]What do you mean, "We'll all go together when we go"? It's not funny. 你说“该走的时候我们都将一起走”是什么意思?这一点也不好玩。

[00:53.98]No, but it's our duty to carry out governmental instructions in time of war, son. 不,在战争来临前,及时按照政府的建议办事是我们的责任,孩子。

[01:00.98]Stop laughing, will you? I'm surprised at you. 别笑了,行吗?我对你的行为感到诧异。

[01:04.10]You're supposed to be a responsible father now. 你现在是个需要对家庭负责的父亲了。

[01:08.58]A protractor? The angle at the bottom? 量角器?角度在它的底部?

[01:13.22]Er... yes, yes, I see. 呃...好的,好的,我明白了。

[01:15.38]OK, son. Thanks. 行了,儿子,谢啦。

[01:15.94]Now, listen. 现在,听我说。

[01:18.70]Just you start that inner core or refuge. It's your bounden duty, son. 你必须开始建设隐蔽处,这是你应该挑起的责任,儿子。

[01:23.22]Cheerio, son. 加油,孩子。

[01:24.10]Now, remember what I said. 现在,记着我说的。

[01:26.26]I am your father. I do know a bit about war. 我是你的老爸。我知道一些关于战争的事情。

[01:30.90]Love to Beryl and baby Jim. Ta-ta. 向Beryl和小Jim问好。

[01:35.38]Yes er... Ron says I need a protractor. He says I can get one at Willis's. 嗯...Ron说我得拿一个量角器。他说能在Willis's买到。

[01:39.74]He was killing 1 himself laughing, and he was singing songs! 他在自嘲,甚至在唱歌!

[01:43.38]I can't understand it. I think it's nerves. 我不能理解他。依我看这是很严重的事。

[01:44.14]He's gone a bit hysterical 2. 他有点歇斯底里了。

[01:46.46]- He can't be drunk at this time of day. - Our Ron doesn't drink. -他不能从白天就开始喝酒。 -我们的Ron从不喝酒。

[01:50.42]Oh, no, no, no. No, no, of course not, dear. 哦,不,不...不,当然不是,亲爱的。

[01:54.14]Ron is not going to make an inner core or refuge. Ron没准备造一个隐蔽处。

[01:57.94]I remonstrated 3 with him, but he was adamant 4. 我劝过他了,但是他很顽固。

[01:59.50]He says if London cops it, he'll cop it. And not to worry, Dad. 他说如果伦敦在意这事,他就在意。如果不是就不用担心。

[02:03.30]It's an irresponsible attitude. 这种态度太不负责了。

[02:05.46]I'm a bit disappointed in him, adopting that attitude. 他的态度让我对他感到失望。

[02:09.10]He was always a very responsible boy when he was in the Cubs 5. 他在童子军里时,曾是个非常负责任的孩子。

[02:12.98]It was going to that art college that spoiled him. 是艺术学院的经历改变了他。

[02:18.74]He met some dreadful people there. 他在那儿遇到了一些糟糕的家伙。

[02:20.90]Huh! Blessed beatniks! 呼!上帝保佑垮掉的一代!

[02:24.10]I don't suppose it'll make a terrific amount of difference, the exact angle. 我认为精确角度带来的差别并不会很大。

[02:28.50]It'll probably all fall down anyway. What with the bomb, an' that. 也许无论如何,它都会倒掉。不论是炸弹或者是别的什么。

[02:35.34]If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well, James. 一份工作值得去做,那么它就值得我们好好做,James。

[02:36.14]Yes, dear. But it is only temporary. 是这样,亲爱的。但这只是个临时建筑物。

[02:39.94]After all, it'll all be over in a flash. 不管怎样,一切都会在瞬间结束。

[02:46.86](Indistinct radio communication in Russian) (收音机里传来听不清楚的俄文)

[02:50.98]Funny to think they were on our side in the war. 以为他们会在战争里站在我们这一边真是可笑的想法。

[02:54.26]- Who, dear? - The Russkies. -谁这么想亲爱的? -亲俄派。

[02:56.42]- With old Joe Stalin. - Yes, he was a nice chap. -和老斯大林一起。 -是的,他是个有意思的家伙。

[03:01.70]I liked him. 我曾经喜欢他。

[03:03.86]Like an uncle, he was. 他以前看上去像个叔叔。

[03:06.02]I liked his moustache and his pipe. 我喜欢他的胡子和烟斗。

[03:06.46]Yeah. Roosevelt was nice, too. 是啊,罗斯福也不错。

[03:11.06]There was three of them. 有这么三个人。

[03:11.46]Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. 丘吉尔,罗斯福和斯大林。

[03:15.62]All good blokes. 都是好家伙。

[03:17.78]With old Hitler, Goering and Musso, and all that lot, on the other side. 还有希特勒,戈尔和墨索里尼,还有那些另一阵营的人们。

[03:26.66]You somehow knew where you were then. 有时你知道自己身处何处。

[03:29.98]I don't even know who the people are these days. 当时我根本不知道这些人是谁。

[03:33.26]I expect it's all done by committees, dear. 我希望他们都被委员会搞定,亲爱的。

[03:35.94]Yes, and meetings. I expect they have loads and loads of meetings, 是的,还有会议。我希望他们不停的开会,

[03:39.94]and thus arrive at decisions. 最后做出决定。

[03:41.66]Commuters, too. 还有工人们。

[03:44.58]They all use commuters these days. 他们一直在利用工友。

[03:46.74]It's got very impersonal 6. 这与个人魅力无关。

[03:50.18]Churchill with his cigar, old Stalin with his moustache - 丘吉尔叼着雪茄,斯拉林和他的胡子-

[03:52.94]you knew where you stood. 你知道你站在哪边。

[03:55.10]Do you think they'll invade? 你估计他们会侵入吗?

[03:57.42]Oh, no, no. Won't need to. 哦,不,不,不需要这样。

[04:00.50]Long er... range. 长...射程。

[04:01.34]It'll all be done by missiles. 导弹就可以完成了。

[04:02.66]Then they'll instil 7 commuters to take charge of us. 那么他们会灌输思想,促使工友们来接管我们。

[04:05.82]It's funny to think there's no shelters this time. 要是这次没有掩体,就真的很可笑了。

[04:11.10]We had an old Anderson in the garden. 我们有个老Anderson在花园里。

[04:13.26]I can see it now. 我现在都能看到它。

[04:14.62]We had nasturtiums growing all over it. 旱金莲现在都把它盖住了。

[04:19.18]And we painted the front green. 我们还给它的前面涂上了绿色的。

[04:20.78]Painted, it looked quite pretty. 涂上颜色后,它看上去漂亮极了。

[04:22.66]Next door grew cabbages on theirs. 隔壁邻居在他们的Anderson上面种卷心菜。

[04:25.14]Yes. We had a Morrison.

[04:27.30]Hm, I used to sleep in it. 嗯,我曾经在里面睡觉。

[04:29.50]I stuck pin-up girls all over the inside. 我在里面贴满了美女的图片。

[04:33.42]Betty Grable, Anne Shelton, Patricia Roc. Betty Grable, Anne Shelton, Patricia Roc.

[04:37.38]The roof got all smoky, cos I used to read in bed with a candle. 屋顶上漂满了烟雾,因为我点着烟躺在床上看书。

[04:40.62]Yes, it was nice in the war, really. 是啊,那真是战时的美好记忆。

[04:44.90]The shelters, the blackouts, cups of tea... 掩体,管制期,和下午茶...

[04:49.70]JIM: The ARP, the evacuees 8. 被遣散的人。

[04:51.90]London kids seeing cows for the first time. 伦敦的孩子们第一次看到奶牛。

[04:55.22]HILDA: Old Churchill on the wireless 9. 丘吉尔通过无线电发表讲话。

[04:56.46]The nine o'clock news. 九点整点新闻。

[04:57.50]- Vera Lynn singing away. JIM: Worker's Playtime. Vera Lynn 正在唱歌。是工人们的休息时间。

1 killing
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
2 hysterical
  • He is hysterical at the sight of the photo.他一看到那张照片就异常激动。
  • His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.他那歇斯底里的笑声使所有的人不知所措。
3 remonstrated
v.抗议( remonstrate的过去式和过去分词 );告诫
  • They remonstrated with the official about the decision. 他们就这一决定向这位官员提出了抗议。
  • We remonstrated against the ill-treatment of prisoners of war. 我们对虐待战俘之事提出抗议。 来自辞典例句
4 adamant
  • We are adamant on the building of a well-off society.在建设小康社会这一点上,我们是坚定不移的。
  • Veronica was quite adamant that they should stay on.维罗妮卡坚信他们必须继续留下去。
5 cubs
n.幼小的兽,不懂规矩的年轻人( cub的名词复数 )
  • a lioness guarding her cubs 守护幼崽的母狮
  • Lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them. 狮子的幼仔依靠母狮喂养。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 impersonal
  • Even his children found him strangely distant and impersonal.他的孩子们也认为他跟其他人很疏远,没有人情味。
  • His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.他的态度似乎很生硬冷淡。
7 instil
  • It's necessary to instil the minds of the youth with lofty ideals.把崇高理想灌输到年青人的思想中去是很必要的。
  • The motive of the executions would be to instil fear.执行死刑的动机是要灌输恐惧。
8 evacuees
n.被疏散者( evacuee的名词复数 )
  • Moreover, for multi-exits, evacuees select a exit based on game theory. 在有多个出口时,疏散人员根据对策论选择出口。 来自互联网
  • Evacuees wade through flooded area following heavy monsoon rains in Peshawar on Saturday, July 31, 2010. 撤离灾区涉水通过后在白沙瓦沉重的季风降雨在周六,2010年7月31日。 来自互联网
9 wireless
  • There are a lot of wireless links in a radio.收音机里有许多无线电线路。
  • Wireless messages tell us that the ship was sinking.无线电报告知我们那艘船正在下沉。
4-H Club
adscriptus glebae
alkaline hydrogen oxygen cell
bursting of bags
cable in the classroom
Calabar swelling
ceramic sensor
circulation frequency of word
coercive control
column arm
divergent cyclical pattern
divisional structural plane
emotional energy
eragrostis pilosissima
explosive atmoshpere
fashioning flat knitting machine
find fault in
give the lie to
gun director
has up
imago on-line
increase of power
jump relative
language proficiency code
maintenance department expenses
mars bars
merothrips laevis
mirror-scale meter
missense suppression
modulation-demodulation method
myocaridal infarction of rigbt ventricle
normal operation loss
Nucleus parafascicularis
paleogeography of coal-bearing series
paranemic joint
pearl powder
plow harrow
premodern agriculture
prime plane
processing options
pyrotritaric acid
railroad shoe
rain green plant
reverse lever latch spring
Shadwell, Thomas
shouting matches
single-phase winding
solid deck
stainless steel wire cloth
Strychnos wallichiana
synchro generator-transformer system
topical anaesthetics
transverse diameter of pelvic outlet
two tail test
white rabbit
winding distribution factor
zonal harmonic perturbation