音标:[tiә. tєә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 泪滴, 眼泪, 撕, 扯, 裂缝, 激怒, 飞奔
vi. 流泪, 撕破, 赶快, 飞奔, 被撕破
vt. 撕裂, 戳破, 拉掉, 撕掉, 使分裂, 使精神不安, 折磨
n. a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands
n. the act of tearing
v. separate or cause to separate abruptly
v. to separate or be separated by force
词型变化:名词复数形式 : tears ; 过去分词 : torn ; 过去式 : tore ; 现在分词 : tearing ; 第三人称单数 : tears



  1. Take the book from Alice, she will tear it.把书从艾丽斯那拿开,她会撕了它的。
  2. Nails that project may tear your clothes.突出的钉子会刮坏你的衣服。
  3. Her heart was torn by anxiety.她焦虑得心都快碎了。
  1. Don began to tear up when he talked about his son.唐谈论起他的儿子就开始哭。
  2. Don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.别那麽使劲扯书页,那会撕破的。
  1. My wife burst into tears when she heard the bad news.我太太听到这个坏消息就哭了起来。
  2. She shed crocodile tear over his death.她为他的死而假哭了一场。
  3. She is mending a tear in her dress.她在缝补洋装上的破洞。
  4. They steal handkerchiefs, they tear off buttons, and they even cut off pieces of the unfortunate singers' hair.他们偷歌手的手帕,撕扯纽扣,甚至会剪下歌手的头发。


  1. The tears flowed down from her eyes.泪水从她的眼中涌出。
  2. Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.在这种场合下她忍住了眼泪。
  3. She cried hot tears upon the books.她哭得热泪都滴到书上了。
  4. The old man's tears were flowing freely.老人的眼泪流出来了。
  5. She came near to tears.她几乎要哭了。
  6. When I told them my story the girls broke into tears.当我给女孩子们讲了我的身世后,她们都哭起来了。
  7. It was difficult for her to fight back her tears.她很难忍住不流泪。
  8. When she learned the sad news, she found it hard to choke back her tears.当她得知那个悲痛的消息时,泪水止不住夺眶而出。
  9. The remark touched her to the quick and she gave way to tears.那句话刺痛了她,使她情不自禁地哭了起来。
  10. The sound of her sob fetched tears to the eyes.她的啜泣声使人流泪。
  11. He brushed aside the tears with his sleeve.他用衣袖擦去泪水。
  12. She turned round, and dashed away the tears with a corner of her handkerchief.她转过身,用手帕的一角把泪水抹掉。
  13. I was truly moved by his tears.我的确被他的眼泪感动了。
  14. She cannot fool me with her crocodile's tears.我不会被她的假慈悲欺骗。
  15. His eyes filled with tears as he looked lovingly at her.他饱含深情地望着她时,眼里充满了泪水。
  16. Her eyes were flooded with tears.她的眼里充满了泪水。
  17. Her eyes were blinded with tears.泪水模糊了她的眼睛。
  18. She alternated between laughter and tears.她时笑时哭。
  19. This is English grammar without tears.这是一本容易看懂的英语语法书。
  1. I want cloth that won't tear.我要不易撕破的布。
  2. It seemed to be made of a thin sheet of some hard substance and it would not tear.它似乎是用一种结实的料子做成的,很耐用。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Why did you tear the cloth when I'd advised you to cut it with scissors?我劝你用剪子剪,为什么你却把布扯了?
  2. I tore my coat this morning.今天早上我把上衣撕破了。
  3. The saw tore her hand.锯子划破了她的手。
  4. Political conflict has torn the nation.政治冲突使这个国家四分五裂。
  5. The child's misery tore my heart.这小孩的悲惨境遇使我心碎。
  6. He flew into a rage and tore my hair.他勃然大怒,要扯我的头发。
  7. 1
  8. The clothes were torn and patched in a good many places.衣裳都破了,打了好些补丁。
  9. The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.反动统治集团内部勾心斗角,四分五裂。
  10. The country had been torn by wars.这国家饱受战争之苦。
  11. In those years our mother land was torn by civil war.那些年,我们的祖国因内战而动乱不安。
  12. He was torn by rage.他愤怒至极。
  13. He is torn by jealousy.他正遭受嫉妒心理的折磨。
  14. His heart was torn by anxiety.他心里十分焦急。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj./adv.
  1. He ran to the wounded soldier and tore his shirt open.他跑到伤员跟前,撕开了他的衬衣。
  2. Tom tore the letter open and read it anxiously.汤姆撕开信,急切地读了起来。
  3. Tear this TV apart and fix it, please.请把电视机拆开来再把它装好。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. He was barefoot, wearing a torn and dirty shirt.他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。
v -ing as Attrib.
  1. I'm in a tearing hurry to catch the train.我心急如焚地去赶火车。
  1. This fabric has a tear in it.这织物上有个破洞。
  2. I've a tear in my left sock.我左脚袜子上有个洞。
  3. I wish you'd get rid of that old jacket, it's full of tears.我希望你将那件旧夹克衫处理掉,它完全破了。


brush away a/one's tear
    擦掉眼泪 clear away the tears
gulp back one's tears
    抑制眼泪 hold back; control tears
make with the tears
    产生眼泪 produce the tears
melt into tears
    痛哭 begin to sweep freely
in tears
    流着泪 crying
tear along (v.+prep.)
    沿…飞跑; 沿…狂奔 move excitedly with great speed along sthtear along sth

    The excited children tore noisily along the street.


    An automobile came tearing along the road.


tear around〔about〕 (v.+adv.)
    来回奔跑,四处奔跑,过游荡生活 move excitedly with great speed; go everywheretear around〔about〕

    Look at the children tearing about in the playground.


    Kate tore around from room to room, telling everybody the good news.


    Tom, when are you going to stop tearing around and settle down?


tear aside (v.+adv.)
    把…扯向一旁 remove aside by forcetear sth ⇔ aside

    She tore the curtain aside and looked out.


tear at (v.+prep.)
    撕; 扯破 pull sharply apart or to piecestear at sth

    He tore at the wrapping of the parcel.


    He tore at the cover of the package.


    The sight of her grief tore at his heart.


tear away (v.+adv.)
    硬行拉走 leave by forcetear oneself away from sth

    I couldn't tear myself away from the beautiful display of flowers.


    The exhibits were so interesting that we could hardly tear ourselves away from them.


    She could scarcely tear herself away from the scene.


    It was several hours before he could tear himself away from there.


    He could not tear himself away from the book.


    tear sb/sth ⇔ away from sth

    The bandits struggled to tear her away from the safe.


    Why did you tear the letter away from her hand?


tear between (v.+prep.)
    在两者间犹豫 hesitate between; waver between; range betweentear sb between sth

    She was torn between love and hate.


    He was torn between a wish to return to the factory and a wish to stay to the end of the show.


    The government is torn between principle and expediency.


    Being torn between their research work and their teaching, they often forgot to eat and sleep.


    Being torn between anger and self-reproach, he could hardly fall asleep.


tear down (v.+adv.)
    拆毁; 拆卸destroy, or take aparttear sth ⇔ down

    The workers tore down the old house and built a new one in its place.


    The mechanics tear down the engine, and fix it, and put together again.


    Whoever tears down the notice will be punished.


    She tried to tear down his reputation.


    The old houses have been torn down.


tear from (v.+prep.)
    从…撕扯掉 pull sharply apart or to pieces from sthtear oneself/sth from sth

    She tore several pages from the book.


    He could not tear himself from that spot.


tear in (v.+prep.)
    在…上撕出…; 撕成 make damage by pulling sharply in sthtear sth in sth

    The girl tore a hole in her dress climbing over the wall.


    He picked up his contract and tore it in half.


    I gave him a ticket for the film, and it was torn in two.


tear into (v.+prep.)
    猛扑; 大吃; 戳穿,责备 attack violently, especially with wordstear into sb/sth

    They tore into the enemy.


    They tore into a steak.


    Explosive shells tore into the walls of the stronghold.


    The mother tore into her daughter for coming home late.


tear off (v.+adv.)
    匆匆地脱掉(衣服); 匆匆地做pull violently off; remove sth with urgent movements; do a job rapidly or casuallytear off

    He tore off before we could say a word.


    tear sth ⇔ off

    He tore off his clothes and jumped into the water to save the boy.


    Mind the child. He might tear off the cover of the book.


    I tore off two letters in twenty-five minutes.


    No matter how busy he might be, he would tear off some sleep at noon.


    I caught the pocket of my coat on a nail; it's nearly torn off.


tear out (v.+adv.)
    撕下; 撕掉,扯去 cause sth to be out of placetear sth out of sth

    He tore a page out of a book.


    Two pages had been torn out of the book.


tear through (v.+prep.)
    闪念 flash an idea through one's mindtear through sth

    All kinds of thoughts tore through my mind.


tear to (v.+prep.)
    撕裂 pull apart or to pieces by forcetear sth to sth

    The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces.


    He tried to tear her argument to shreds.


tear up (v.+adv.)
    挖开(地面等)remove the surface of


用作名词 (n.)
  • break into tears突然哭起来
  • bring tears to one's eyes使人掉泪
  • brush the tears away挥泪
  • burst into tears忽然哭起来
  • call for tears使流出眼泪
  • conceal one's tears隐藏泪痕
  • control one's tears极力忍住眼泪
  • draw tears流泪
  • drop tears掉眼泪
  • dry one's tears擦干眼泪
  • fill with tears充满泪水
  • give way to tears忍不住哭起来
  • move sb to tears使某人感动得流下了眼泪
  • wipe one's tears away把眼泪擦去
  • a few tears几滴眼泪
  • bitter tears辛酸的眼泪
  • pearly tears晶莹的泪珠
  • regretful tears悔恨的泪
  • sad tears伤心的泪
  • squeezed tears硬挤出的眼泪
  • sympathetic tears同情的眼泪
  • warm tears热泪
  • crocodile's tears鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲
  • strings of tears一串串泪珠
  • with tears噙着泪
  • without tears不流泪
  • tears of happiness幸福的泪
  • tears of joy高兴的泪水
  • tears of regret悔恨的眼泪
用作动词 (v.)
  • tear a box撕盒子
  • tear a button扯下一粒扣子
  • tear a letter撕信
  • tear a newspaper撕报纸
  • tear a page撕去一页
  • tear a sheet撕一张纸
  • tear an argument驳论点
  • tear material扯料子
  • tear appropriately适当地撕扯
  • tear badly撕得粉碎
  • tear ceaselessly不断地撕扯
  • tear completely彻底地撕扯
  • tear conveniently简单地分裂
  • tear customarily常规分裂
  • tear dreadfully可怕地撕扯
  • tear easily容易扯破
  • tear equally平均分裂
  • tear evenly平均分裂
  • tear extensively广泛刮伤
  • tear fiercely残忍地撕扯
  • tear formally正式分裂
  • tear gently轻轻地撕扯
  • tear gradually渐渐地撕扯
  • tear grudgingly勉强撕扯
  • tear horizontally水平地分裂
  • tear hurriedly匆忙地撕扯
  • tear impatiently急不可耐地撕扯
  • tear ingeniously巧妙地撕扯
  • tear instinctively本能地撕扯
  • tear irregularly不规则地撕扯
  • tear originally最初分裂
  • tear partially部分撕扯
  • tear powerfully强有力地撕扯
  • tear professionally熟练地撕扯
  • tear rudely猛然撕扯
  • tear ruthlessly无情地撕扯
  • tear skillfully技术高超地撕扯
  • tear studiously小心撕扯
  • tear triumphantly得意洋洋地撕扯
  • tear uncomfortably不自在地撕扯
  • tear unexpectedly意外地撕扯
  • tear unmercifully恶狠狠地撕扯
  • tear viciously恶意地撕扯
  • tear wantonly肆意撕扯
  • tear wisely明智地撕扯
  • tear the curtain aside拉开窗帘
  • tear oneself away使人恋恋不舍
  • tear down a notice撕下布告
  • tear off a leaf撕下一页
  • tear off clothes扯掉衣服
  • tear up a weed把野草拔起来
  • tear at the wrapping of the parcel用力撕开包裹的包装纸
  • tear in half撕成两半
  • tear into opponent猛烈抨击对手
  • tear into tiny pieces撕得粉碎
  • tear a button off the coat从上衣上扯下一粒扣子
  • tear out of the book从书里撕下
用作名词 (n.)
  • block up a tear堵塞漏洞
  • find a tear找裂口
  • stop a tear把裂口塞住
  • big tear大裂口
  • deep tear深裂口
  • huge tear巨大的裂口
  • small tear小裂口
  • centre tear中心裂口


  • He must not flote upon his watry bear..With-out the meed of som melodious tear.

  • His pants were patched, never mind the tear in the seat.

    出自:A. Brink
  • The hogs..scuffled over the snake, tore it apart.

    出自:J. Agee
  • He had torn the letter into small bits.

    出自:Sloan Wilson
  • The fumes were still so strong our eyes teared.

    出自:Jayne Phillips

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a minute
actual tare
ash hoe
barium nitride
bifilar inductor
blood stagnation syndrome
blue iron earth
carbon mould
carbon separation
character board
chondrodystrophia hyperplastica
compound floating aileron
concept design
contingency factors
cross twill
cylinder-type cutter
dispersion radii
Dobie's line
Dummy message.
factorial primes
faineant deity
fantasy film
fibril structure
foundation for ethnic dance (fed)
free saddle
geophysical prospecting
hepatic echo
hi tec
housed-in lifeboat
indexed sequential data
information processing architecture
intensive, labor
lack of communication
left digital display indicator
make-up water deaeration
Mandragora officinalis
meridional orthographic projection
morrison remick waites
neurilemma cell
non-order alloy
obidoxime chloride
octyl ether
orientation function
pendulum effect
periodical fluctuation
physical output
plunge-cut grinding
principle of Clausius
pump ... up
range of integration
receiver's and trustee's securities
restaurant attendants
ritualized fight
Rožmberk nad Vltavou
screw steamer
shaft service compartment
Shui Xian
Sinacalia macrocephala
tongue sign
total gross traffic
tricolour kinescope
trimming grab bucket
Tropidonotus natrix
tumorlet of lung
Walter's Ra.
water pollution research laboratory
wax taper