音标:[sli:ps] ;
v. 为…提供床位( sleep的第三人称单数 )
n a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended
n a torpid state resembling deep sleep
n a period of time spent sleeping
n euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)
v be asleep
v be able to accommodate for sleeping



  1. I didn't sleep well last night.昨晚我睡不安稳。
  2. He have to sleep by day and work by night.他只好白天睡觉,晚上工作。
  3. He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。
  1. I haven't had enough sleep lately.最近我睡眠不足。
  2. A growing child needs plenty of sleep.正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。
  3. Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health.缺乏睡眠有害健康。
  4. She stirred now and again in her sleep.她睡觉时不时翻来覆去。
  5. A good sleep may help you pick up flesh.好好睡觉可以帮助你病愈后恢复体重。


  1. Sleep was out of the question.睡眠不成问题。
  2. His sleep was broken by a strange noise.他被奇怪的声音吵醒了。
  3. Most people need eight hours' sleep a day.大部分人一天需要8小时睡眠。
  4. I packed, then snatched four hours' sleep.我整理好行装后抓紧时间睡了四个小时。
  5. I didn't get much sleep.我睡得不多。
  6. I haven't had enough sleep lately.我最近睡眠不足。
  7. He says there might be trouble, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.他说可能会出麻烦,但我不会为此操心而睡不着。
  8. I'll go upstairs and have a sleep.我要上楼睡一会儿。
  9. Having had a good sleep, she was fully recovered.好好睡一觉后,她完全恢复了。
  10. I could not have a good sleep last night because of my headache.我因为头痛,所以昨天晚上没睡好。
  11. She passed away in her sleep.她在睡眠中逝世了。
  12. I heard you talk in your sleep.我听见你在睡觉时说梦话。
  13. He talks in his sleep.他睡觉时常说梦话。
  14. Once he walked in his sleep.他曾经梦游过。
  15. I was in a sound sleep when you called.你打电话来时我正在酣睡。
  16. She cried herself to sleep.她哭着睡着了。
  17. He is never idle saving sleep.他除睡觉时外从不闲着。
  18. Every morning I rose my daughter from her sleep.每天早晨我把熟睡的女儿唤醒。
  19. The last sleep means death.最后的睡眠意思是死了。
  20. Her mother went to her eternal sleep.她妈妈永远地安息了。
  1. It is the proper time to sleep.是该去睡觉的时间了。
  2. The hours pass slowly when you can't sleep.你睡不着时感到时间过得很慢。
  3. They were unable to sleep because of the din coming from the bar.酒吧里传来的喧闹声吵得他们不能入睡。
  4. The river roared him to sleep.河流的奔腾声使他入睡了。
  5. She is still sleeping.她还在睡觉。
  6. Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly.他虽然睡得很香,但是马上就醒了。
  7. I slept very badly.我睡得很不好。
  8. The old woman slept little.这位老太太觉睡得很少。
  9. He eats a little and then sleeps a little.他吃一点儿,然后再睡一会儿。
  10. Did you sleep well?你睡得好吗?
  11. He is able to relax and always sleeps well.他能够放松,并且经常睡得很好。
  12. I could scarcely sleep last night.我昨晚几乎没睡。
  13. He likes to sleep for an hour in the afternoon.他喜欢在午后睡1小时。
  14. I usually sleep late on Sunday.我通常在星期天睡懒觉。
  15. I never sleep on New Year's eve.除夕夜晚我从来不睡。
  16. Of course,I don't always sleep in the afternoons.当然,我并不总是在下午睡觉。
  17. He likes to sleep on a soft bed.他喜欢睡软床。
  18. Don't sleep between damp sheets.不要睡在潮湿的被褥中。
  19. He slept the night in a roadside inn.他在一家路边小店过的夜。
  20. As he'd missed his train, we invited him to sleep the night with us.由于他没赶上火车,我们请他到我们家过夜。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. The room was air-conditioned so that you slept cool on the hottest nights.这间屋子装了空调,目的是在最热的夜晚睡觉时凉爽一点。
  2. He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.他一直喝,喝到他快要迷迷糊糊地睡着了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The room sleeps four.这间屋子能睡4个人。
  2. The boat sleeps a family of eight.这艘船可供一家8口人住宿。
  3. Our caravan sleeps six in comfort.我们居住的拖车可舒舒服服地睡6个人。
  4. The back seat of the car folds down to sleep two people.汽车的后座可以展开睡两个人。
  5. The baby slept the peaceful sleep last night.婴儿昨天夜里睡得很平静。
  6. After such a long walk, he slept the sleep of the dead.走了那么长的路后,他睡得很沉。
  7. She slept the sleep of exhaustion.她因疲劳而酣睡。
用作宾补动词S+~+ pron. + adj.
  1. She slept herself sober.她睡了一觉清醒了。
  2. Get up!You will sleep yourself foolish.起来吧,你都快睡傻了。


have one's sleep out
    睡足而自行醒来 continue sleeping until one wakes up naturally
get off to sleep
    入睡 fall asleep
get to sleep
    睡着,入睡,设法睡着 manage to fall asleep , succeed in passing into the condition of sleep
go to sleep
    (肢体)麻木 both sb's hands and feet have gone numbI've been sitting on the floor and my foot's gone to sleep.我一直坐在地板上,脚都麻木了。
put to sleep
    (人)由于怜悯而杀死动物 kill a suffering animal deliberatelyStray dogs are usually put to sleep.迷路的狗如果没有人认领,常被杀掉。
sleep around (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉和很多人有性关系 have sexual relations with a lot of different peoplesleep around

    Her friends don't approve of her since she started sleeping around.


    She finally got married and stopped sleeping around.


    sleep sb ⇔ around

    She slept around with a lot of people before she got married.


sleep away (v.+adv.)
    以睡眠摆脱(烦恼) get rid of (sth such as trouble) by sleepingsleep away

    When I last looked in the bedroom, he was still sleeping away.


    sleep sth ⇔ away

    Are you going to sleep the whole morning away?


    Tom often sleeps away the hours.


    sleep sth ⇔ away

    Go and have a good rest, you might be able to sleep your troubles away.


sleep in (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉住宿在工作的地方 sleep in the place where you workThey have two maids who sleep in.他们有两个住在他们家里的女仆。
sleep off (v.+adv.)
    用睡觉消除 get rid of a bad feeling or emotion by sleepingsleep sth ⇔ off

    He slept off the effects of all the drink he had at the party the previous night.


    George had too much drinks last night and is now sleeping off the effects.


    You'd better sleep off your fatigue after working.


    She is in bed sleeping off the effects of the party.


    I have a slight infection, but I think I'll manage to sleep it off.


sleep on (v.+adv.)
    先睡一晚上再对…作出决定 have a night's sleep before making a decision aboutsleep on it

    We asked Judy if she would join our club and she answered that she would sleep on it.


sleep out (v.+adv.)
    以睡眠打发(日子); 睡下考虑(问题) pass (time) or consider (an idea) in sleepsleep out

    The cruel boss told the boy to sleep out.


    sleep out

    It's so hot tonight, can't we sleep out in the garden?


    They planned to sleep out during their journey.


    There were all kinds of reasons why they slept out.


    The inspector went round asking why the men slept out in this weather.


    The children love sleeping out in tents when we go camping.


    sleep out

    Their children are always going to parties and seem to sleep out nearly every night.


    sleep sth ⇔ out

    Sometimes he feels that he would like to sleep out the rest of his days without having to work or think any more.


sleep rough
    将就着睡 sleep without a proper bed
sleep through (v.+prep.)
    在…中酣睡不醒 fail to be woken by a noise, clock, etc.sleep through sth

    I was a small child at the beginning of the war, and soon learned to sleep through heavy bombing.



用作名词 (n.)
  • arouse from sleep从梦中醒来
  • beguile in sleep用睡觉消磨时间
  • break sb's sleep惊醒某人
  • call in sleep梦中唤醒
  • cry oneself to sleep哭着睡着
  • desire sleep想睡觉
  • disturb sleep扰乱睡眠
  • fall into a deep sleep酣睡
  • feign sleep假睡
  • forget sleep and food废寝忘食
  • go to sleep睡着,去睡觉
  • have a sleep睡一觉
  • have sb's sleep out让某人睡个够
  • incline to sleep有睡意,想睡
  • induce sleep诱使入睡,崔眠
  • intensify sleep加深睡意
  • lack sleep缺少睡眠
  • lay sb to sleep使某人入睡
  • lose one's sleep失眠
  • put sb to sleep使某人入睡
  • rouse from sleep唤醒
  • send sb to sleep使某人入睡
  • sleep the final sleep死亡
  • trail into sleep渐入睡眠
  • alcoholic sleep醉死
  • bankrupt sleep失眠
  • beloved sleep可爱的睡眠
  • bestial sleep禽兽似的睡眠
  • big sleep长眠,死
  • broken sleep断断续续的睡眠,时睡时醒
  • comfortable sleep舒服的睡眠
  • common sleep普通的睡眠
  • curtailed sleep睡眠不足
  • dead sleep熟睡
  • deep sleep熟睡,沉睡
  • disturbed sleep被打扰的睡眠
  • downy sleep机警的睡眠
  • dreamless sleep睡眠时不做梦
  • enchanted sleep中了邪似的睡眠
  • enough sleep充分的睡眠
  • eternal sleep长眠,死亡
  • fatal sleep致命的睡眠
  • fevered sleep因发烧而昏睡
  • final sleep长眠,死亡
  • fitful sleep时睡时醒的睡眠
  • good sleep好好地睡了一觉
  • heavy sleep熟睡
  • hypnotic sleep昏睡
  • last sleep长眠,死亡
  • light sleep轻睡
  • long sleep长时间的睡眠
  • miraculous sleep不可思议的睡眠
  • much sleep睡得多
  • quiet sleep安静的睡眠
  • restful sleep安宁的睡眠
  • restless sleep不安宁的睡眠
  • short sleep短时间的睡眠
  • sound sleep熟睡
  • sweet sleep香甜的睡眠
  • good night sleep好觉
  • beauty sleep〈口〉午夜前的酣睡
  • cat sleep打盹
  • winter sleep冬眠
  • arouse sb from sleep把某人从睡梦中唤醒
  • awake from sleep从睡梦中醒来
  • talk in one's sleep说梦话
  • walk in one's sleep梦游
  • eight hours of sleep八小时睡眠
用作动词 (v.)
  • sleep a day睡一整天
  • sleep a sound sleep睡得很沉,睡得很熟
  • sleep a wink睡一会儿
  • sleep a little睡一会儿
  • sleep late睡懒觉
  • sleep little睡得少
  • sleep long长睡
  • sleep well睡得好
  • sleep abundantly睡得充足
  • sleep atrociously睡得很不好
  • sleep badly睡得不好
  • sleep fitfully时醒时睡
  • sleep habitually习惯地睡
  • sleep heavily沉睡
  • sleep hypnotically昏睡
  • sleep peacefully安静地睡
  • sleep profoundly沉睡
  • sleep quickly入睡快
  • sleep quietly睡得平静
  • sleep softly轻睡
  • sleep soundly熟睡
  • sleep sufficiently睡得充足
  • sleep tranquilly安静地睡
  • sleep transiently小睡
  • sleep apart分开睡
  • sleep around乱搞男女关系
  • sleep away以睡眠消除
  • sleep in睡在雇主家
  • sleep off以睡眠消除
  • sleep on继续睡
  • sleep over在别人家过夜
  • sleep at home睡在家里
  • sleep at night夜间睡
  • sleep at sb's post在工作岗位上睡
  • sleep beneath the tree在树下睡觉
  • sleep beyond sb's usual time睡得超过平时起床时间
  • sleep for a long time睡了很长时间
  • sleep in peace安睡
  • sleep in the grave在墓中长眠
  • sleep in the open air睡在露天的地方
  • sleep off a drunk借睡觉醒酒
  • sleep off sb's fatigue借睡眠除去疲劳
  • sleep off sb's headache借睡觉治愈头痛
  • sleep off sb's sadness借睡觉忘掉悲伤
  • sleep off sb's vexation以睡觉消除烦恼
  • sleep on a soft bed睡在软床上
  • sleep out of doors睡在室外
  • sleep round the clock连睡
  • sleep through the heavy bombing在轰炸中熟睡


  • You look tired, are you getting enough sleep?

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • He..went to bed, but did not sleep for a long time.

    出自:G. Gissing
  • I slept..at this..inn at Chedsholme.

    出自:W. F. Harvey
  • Gertrude would sleep late, rising at noon.

    出自:H. Carpenter

5 Keep... ---Top1 Keep quiet! ---Top2 keep in touch! ---Top3 Keep on trying! ---Keep the door open please! ---I can't, there are too many misquitoes.

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aedes (stegomyia) desmotes
aerated weir
aglyphic tooth
an obscure village
aneuploid karyotype
Angora cat
atmosphere shower
bare enough
beta elimination
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
broad on the port quarter
commercial undertakings
conservation of energy theorem
constant life fatigue diagram
cool isostatic compression
corner method
dating forward
dealing it
equivalent samples
extreme bacteria
final drives
foredeck hand
government and municipal accounting
halogen Geiger counter
high resistance alloy
hold sb to
independent clause
investment value
Lewis, Isaac Newton
limit gauging
Local Group of galaxies
lower exit
magnesium hydroxidephosphate
manual scram
megakaryocytic leukemia
motion designers
multiple grinder cutting machine
near thing
Novy Mir
oozlum bird
outward flow
oxford blue
pair distribution function
panniculus (pl.panniculi)
paroophoron cyst
per cent death loss
peripateic typhoid
picture charge pattern
shieled joint
soil (evaporation) pan
St George
Super block
the suez canal
tyre wheel
UV radiation
whispering dome