音标:[ˈsetlz] ;
v. 安排( settle的第三人称单数 ); 安放; 安家; (使)安定
n a long wooden bench with a back
v settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground
v bring to an end; settle conclusively
v settle conclusively; come to terms
v take up residence and become established
v come to terms
v go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
v become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style
v become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet
v establish or develop as a residence
v come to rest
v arrange or fix in the desired order
v accept despite lack of complete satisfaction
v end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement
v dispose of; make a financial settlement
v become clear by the sinking of particles
v cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
v sink down or precipitate
v fix firmly
v get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury
v make final; put the last touches on; put into final form
v form a community
v come as if by falling



  1. If you pay for both of us now, we can settle up later.你要是现在先付清咱们两人的帐,事后咱们俩再细算。
  2. An official mission was sent to settle the dispute.一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
  3. The two companies settled out of court.两家公司在法院外了结了争端。
  4. They moved the local people and settle them in another place.他们把当地人迁移到别处定居。
  5. He's of an age when he ought to settle down.他已经到了应该安顿下来的年龄了。
  6. The thunderstorm may settle the weather.这场雷暴过后天气可能反而好些。


  1. A great insect went noisily by and settled near his foot.一只大昆虫在旁边嗡嗡飞过,落在他的脚旁。
  2. Dust has settled everywhere.灰尘落得到处都是。
  3. The road ̄bed settled.路基下沉了。
  4. Cracks appeared in the wall as the foundation settled.墙基下陷,墙上出现裂缝。
  5. Our house has settled several inches since it was built.房子建成以来已经下沉了好几英寸。
  6. Dregs settled at the bottom of the container.渣滓沉淀在容器的底部。
  7. The weather has settled.天气总算稳定了。
  8. The city settled when the rebels left.叛乱分子离开后,这个城市平静下来了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The English settled New England.英国人殖民于新英格兰。
  2. The nurse settled her patient for the night.那位护士使她的病人安静过夜。
  3. Her soft words settled his agitated mind.她温柔的话语使他焦虑的心情平静下来。
  4. I'll read a bit before supper to settle my mind.我在晚餐之前读读书使心情平静。
  5. Have a brandy, it will settle your nerves.喝点白兰地吧,它会使你镇定下来。
  6. A vacation will settle your nerves.休假可镇定你的神经。
  7. Take this new medicine and it will settle your nerves.服这种新药会镇静你的神经。
  8. He took a pill to settle his stomach.他吃了一片药,使他的胃感到舒服一些。
  9. The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.这场大雨也许能使变幻不定的天气稳定下来。
  10. That settled that matter.事情就这样定下来了。
  11. She has decided how she should settle the matter.她已作出决定如何来解决这件事。
  12. And a word from him would settle everything.只要他说一句话,一切问题就解决了。
  13. Countries should settle their disputes by peaceful means.各国应通过和平手段解决他们的争端。
  14. It's time you settled the dispute.该是你们结束争论的时候了。
  15. An apology on his part settled the quarrel.他的道歉使争吵和解了。
  16. We have to settle the gas bill.我们得付煤气费。
  17. Will you settle the bill?你可以把这笔账付了吗?
  18. It's wise to settle one's accounts monthly.设法每月把账目结清是明智的。
  19. He said he would settle scores with them.他说他要去和他们算账。
  20. Stand the bottle upright for a few days to settle the sediment.把瓶子竖着放几天使渣滓沉淀。
  21. Leave the wine on a shelf for a week to settle it.把酒在架子上放一星期以使它澄清。
  22. They settled themselves with their backs to the cliff and let the warm sun bake them through.他们靠着岩石坐了下来,沐浴着温暖的阳光。
  23. 1
  24. Good, that's settled then.好,那就这样定了。
  25. More and more people go along with the idea that pollution should be settled seriously.越来越多的人赞成这样一个观点:我们应该认真地解决污染问题。
  26. That's all settled. It needn't be talked about any more.这都解决了,不用再谈了。
  27. Our plan will be settled tomorrow.我们的计划明天可以定下来。
  28. The date of their departure was finally settled.他们动身的日期终于决定了。
  29. The question has been settled.这问题已经解决了。
  30. The strike went on for over a year before it was finally settled.罢工持续了一年多后终于得到了结。
  31. The account is not yet settled.此账尚未付清。
S+~+to- v
  1. We have settled to go to France for our holidays.我们已决定到法国去度假。
  2. He has settled to go abroad.他已决意出国。
  3. They settled to build a reservoir here.他们决定在这里建一座水库。
  4. Have you settled to attend the meeting tomorrow?你是否已经决定参加明天的会议?
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. Have you settled when to start off?你们决定什么时候出发了吗?
  2. We haven't settled where to go yet.我们还没有决定到哪里去。
  3. We haven't settled where to build the school.我们还没有决定在什么地方修建这所学校。
  1. We have settled that we'll go to Beijing.我们已决定去北京。
  2. The teacher has settled that we are to write a term paper.老师决定要我们写一篇学期论文。
  1. We have settled what we'll discuss at the next meeting.我们已决定下次会议讨论什么内容了。
  2. He has not settled whether we are going with them.他还没有决定我们是否要和他们一道去。
  3. Have they settled where they will spend their holiday?他们已决定去什么地方度假了吗?


settle down (v.+adv.)
    平息; 停息 not be activesettle down

    The contents of the packet may settle down in travelling.


    The ship was settling down by the stern.


    The dust slowly settled down.


    The airship settled down in a field.


    settle down

    These orphans have settled down very happily in their new home.


    My wife will be coming over as soon as I've settled down.


    I hate all this travel.I want to get married and settle down.


    He hoped to settle down in the countryside.


    How long did it take you to settle down in this country?


    She came down last year and settled down in the village.


    He has determined to settle down in the countryside.


    After roaming around nearly half his life, he finally settled down in Canada.


    When you have settled down in the new workshop, you will start working.


    settle sb ⇔ down

    The organization aims to settle newcomers down in the city.


    settle down

    Settle down, children, stop running about .


    The teacher told the class to settle down and begin their study.


    The marriage began in a stormy fashion, but soon settled down.


    When everybody had settled down, the chairman began to speak.


    She was so upset by the news that she couldn't settle down.


    He can't settle down today.There must be something worrying him.


    settle sb/oneself ⇔ down

    Please go upstairs and settle the children down for me, they're restless again and won't sleep.


    You had better settle yourself down and start working.


    settle down to sth

    We settled down to a discussion of English grammar.


    It's terrible,I can't settle down to anything today.


    He has settled down to farming.


    It's time for me to settle down to this work.


    After working abroad for several years,Gill wants to settle down to a permanent job in Britain.


    As soon as he settled down to his new job,Alex got ahead splendidly.


    settle down

    The damaged ship leaned over and slowly settled down on the ocean floor.


    settle down

    When all the excitement had settled down, it was clear that there had been no real cause for anxiety.


    Wait till the police hunt has settled down and then make your escape.


settle for (v.+prep.)
    勉强认可 force sb to do sthsettle for sth/v-ing

    They had to settle for a very modest house with no garage.


    Although he was jumping so well, he failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second.


    Many women refuse to settle for staying at home.


settle in1 (v.+adv.)
    开始出现并可能持续 begin and seem likely to continueRain settled in shortly before midday and lasted all afternoon.临近中午开始下雨,连续下了一下午。
settle in2 (v.+prep.)
    开始在…居住 (cause to) start living in a place用于 be ~ed 结构
settle into (v.+prep.)
    有头绪,上正轨 get used tosettle into sth

    Things soon settled into shape.


settle on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    决定,选定 decide onsettle on〔upon〕 sth/v-ing

    After a long discussion they settled on the site for the power station.


    They settled on setting up a new electric power system.


    Have you settled on the day for departure?


    Have you settled on a time for leaving?


    After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed.


    Can't the members of the committee settle on the details later?


    I don't know what dress she finally settled upon.


    Have you settled on going camping with us?


    Now that the meeting-place has been settled on, can we talk about the agenda?


settle up (v.+adv.)
    结账; 了结某事 pay a debt such as a bill; bring a matter to a conclusionsettle up

    You bought the tickets and I paid for the meal.Shall we settle up now?


    Immediately after settling up, he left the hotel and hurried to the railway station.


    Mr. Wang owed us a balance of about $50, but he telephoned to say that he would come next week and settle up.


    It's time we settled up.


    I'll settle up with them soon.


    settle sth ⇔ up

    He settled up the outstanding bills.


settle with (v.+prep.)
    向…报复 deal with by fightingI will settle with you for that action — it shall not go unpunished.你这种行动绝不能不受惩罚,我是要和你算账的。


用作动词 (v.)
  • settle a claim结清债务
  • settle a conflict调停冲突
  • settle a date确定日期
  • settle a dispute排解纠纷
  • settle a doubt消除疑虑
  • settle a question解决问题
  • settle a waver使犹豫不决的人下决心
  • settle accounts结账,清算,挽回面子
  • settle bill偿清欠款
  • settle differences解决分歧
  • settle difficulties解决困难
  • settle hash征服或使某人归顺
  • settle matter解决事情
  • settle one's affairs(在遗嘱中)安排自己的后事
  • settle one's debt还账
  • settle quarrels解决争议
  • settle state affairs处理国家大事
  • settle the boundary确定边界
  • settle the score挽回面子
  • settle the successor确定继承人
  • settle admirably极好地安排
  • settle amicably友好地安排
  • settle annually每年一次地支付
  • settle artistically富有艺术创造力地安排
  • settle beautifully美妙地安排
  • settle becomingly适当地安排
  • settle carefully小心地安排
  • settle cheerfully兴高采烈地支付
  • settle cleverly巧妙地安排
  • settle clumsily拙劣地安排
  • settle complexly复杂地安排
  • settle confidentially机密地安排
  • settle conscientiously诚心诚意地支付
  • settle contentedly心满意足地解决
  • settle courteously有礼貌地支付
  • settle crudely粗俗地安排
  • settle curiously不寻常地支付
  • settle dramatically不寻常地安排
  • settle delicately灵敏地安排
  • settle efficiently有效地安排
  • settle elaborately详尽地安排
  • settle exorbitantly极其过分地支付
  • settle exquisitely精美地安排
  • settle extemporaneously临时支付
  • settle felicitously恰当地安排
  • settle finally最后地安排
  • settle freely随意支付
  • settle geographically依据地形安排
  • settle grudgingly勉强支付
  • settle handsomely慷慨支付
  • settle harmoniously和谐地安排
  • settle hideously令人惊骇地安排
  • settle ideally完美地安排
  • settle immediately立即安排
  • settle incautiously轻易支付
  • settle incessantly不断支付
  • settle indiscriminately不加区分地支付
  • settle ingeniously巧妙地支付
  • settle irrelevantly不相关地支付
  • settle logically情理之中地支付
  • settle mechanically习惯性地安排
  • settle methodically有条理地安排
  • settle moderately适度地支付
  • settle neatly干净利落地安排
  • settle obviously显而易见地安排
  • settle ostensibly表面上地安排
  • settle painfully痛苦地安排
  • settle peacefully和平解决
  • settle previously事先安排
  • settle privately私下解决
  • settle punctually准时支付
  • settle regularly定期地支付
  • settle reluctantly勉强支付
  • settle satisfactorily满意地安排
  • settle sensibly合理地安排
  • settle systematically有系统地安排
  • settle unconditionally无条件支付
  • settle unhappily不愉快地支付
  • settle unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地支付
  • settle unkindly非善意地支付
  • settle unnecessarily不必要地支付
  • settle unreservedly爽快地支付
  • settle untimely不及时支付
  • settle down定居,安家,过安定的生活; 平静下来,(夜色)降临
  • settle down the excitement让激动情绪平息下来
  • settle the audience down使听众安静下来
  • settle up解决,还清欠款
  • settle up a dispute解决争端
  • settle down to a bachelor life安于独身生活
  • settle down to a new job渐渐习惯于新的工作
  • settle down to dinner坐下来吃饭
  • settle down to studies安下心来学习
  • settle up with the waiter和服务员结账
  • settle out of court庭外解决
  • settle at a small town定居于小城镇
  • settle for勉强接受,愿意
  • settle for such a quiet life忍受这样平静的生活
  • settle for this simple life愿过这种简朴的生活
  • settle in定居在,坐在…里
  • settle in Canada定居加拿大
  • settle in the country在农村落户
  • settle into稳定成为
  • settle into shape有头绪
  • settle into sleep慢慢地进入梦乡
  • settle on停在,决定
  • settle on a place for vacation决定去度假的地方
  • settle on the furniture在家具上积聚
  • settle on the land(鸟等)飞到地上来
  • settle to安心于


  • When you're settling the room after breakfast.

    出自:A. Trollope
  • With great care..settled it into the breastpocket of his shirt.

    出自:J. Agee
  • Mrs. Garland settled her bonnet.

    出自:A. Uttley

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asbestos concrete slab
bactrocera kandiensis drew et hancock
betterment costs
car body
chain cylinder
chill area
common dandelion
correct logon password
Corrigan's pulse
drink hard
dryopteris toyamae
east coast coal port
Ehrlich's hemoglobinemic bodies
eileen farrells
entry velocity
eurotas (evrotas potamos)
fritillary flower
gene linkage map
genus sarcostemmas
gold export point
i like reading
immersion tank
internal cooling grinding
Ipanema, R.
Japanese Committee for Radio Aids to Navigation
lichtenberg's figure
long range order parameter
luninyets (luninets)
mandibular muscles
maximum operation pressure
mechanical square
metric conversion
Mitreola pedicellata
mucilago tragacanthae
Normal brick
on board securities
Oncorhynchus keta
out ot hand
overcutting jib
pebbly sandstone
percentage ratio
Phormidium mucicola
pony roughing stand of rolls
Port Antonio
quantitative defense
reactor cell
receding cornice
reducingreduce tee
reflection rule
renin-angiotensin system (ras)
single-stage suspension
slag tap firing
soak up tax
test of smoothness
to send a cable
Waianae Mountains
whip the devil round the stump
wound heart wood
write-only code