单词:rhine-ruhr 相关文章
2-15-A The environment on our planet is a closed system: nothing new is ever added. Nature recycles its resources. Today, the Earth is in trouble. Factories pour dirty water into our rivers. Many fish die and the water becomes unhealthy for people to
They marched as far as Athens, which they sacked. They also marched on Constantinople. 西哥特人向雅典进军并掠夺它,他们兵临君士坦丁堡城下, Finally, under the leadership of their king, Alaric, they turned towards Italy where
Lesson 38 第38章 Wars and Fairy-Tales 战争和童话故事 Though Italian is the language of music, the people of Germany are quite as musical as the Italians. 尽管意大利语是音乐的语言,德国这个民族像意大利人一样喜爱音乐
Loving France 法兰西之恋 Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises 踏进法国的领土,一种神圣的感觉会油然而生。 which attracts you to know more about this country. 这种感觉会吸引着你更多的去了解这个国
Goods flowed down this riverway from France and Switzerland on their way to the sea for transshipment all over Europe. Nobles along the way collected tolls, but big profits could still be made by whol
Loving France法兰西之恋 Landing in France, amazing feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country. France, approximately hexagonal in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bound
Fake Tanks, Ghost Army Helped Defeat Germans During WW ll Elaborate ruse In March 1945, after months of bitter fighting, the Germans had retreated behind the Rhine River, their natural frontier, to mount their final defense. For the Germans, the view
Loving France 法兰西之恋 Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country. France, approximately hexagonal in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bou
They built a wall, known as the Limes, along the length of the frontier from the Rhine to the Danube. 在从莱茵河到多瑙河的边境建造了一道城墙, This wall, made of palisades with watchtowers and ditches, was intended to protect the
A soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers, There was lack of womans nursing, there was dearth of womans tears; 一位德国军团士兵,在阿尔及尔战场上濒临死亡,那里缺医少药,缺少医护照料,他的血快要流尽了。
And when he died, and left us to divide his scanty hoard, I let them take whateer they would, but kept my fathers sword; 父亲死后,当全家处理父亲那点微薄的遗产时,我让兄弟们随意拿取他们想要的东西,只给自己留下
I dreamed I stood with her, and saw the yellow sunlight shine On the vine-clad hills of Bingen,fair Bingen on the Rhine. 我梦想与她牵手伫立,一起漫步在满山葡萄藤缠绕的山巅,眺望宾根的金色日出,莱茵河畔宏伟的宾
这是美国俄亥俄州、辛辛那提市的两个来自不同区的朋友组成的乐队。乐队的名字源于这两位朋友,为了打破各自所身处片区之间的各种迴异的信念,而命名为Over the rhine,意思是如彩虹那般搭
Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country. France, approximately hexagonal in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bounded on the southeast by Monac