n. 报酬(pay的复数);(法)国家
n something that remunerates
v give money, usually in exchange for goods or services
v convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow
v cancel or discharge a debt
v bring in
v do or give something to somebody in return
v dedicate
v be worth it
v render
v bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action
v make a compensation for
v discharge or settle



  1. I'd like to pay with my credit card.我想用信用卡支付。
  2. My firm pays well.我公司工酬优厚。
  3. Let me pay for dinner.晚饭让我来付。
  4. You've got to be able to make your business pay well.你得设法使你的生意赢利。
  5. It would probably pay you to hire an accountant.聘一位会计师或许对你有好处。
  6. They will pay for their arrogance!他们会为自大付出代价!
  7. He'll have to pay for what he has done.他将为自己所做的一切付出代价。
  1. He doesn't like that job, but the pay is good.他不喜欢那工作,但薪水很高。
  2. The workers in our pay work very hard.我们雇用的员工工作很努力。
  1. This is a pay telephone.这是缴费电话。
  2. There is a pay streak here.这里有开采价值的矿层。


  1. This job pays well.这份工作报酬不错。
  2. How much did you pay?你付了多少钱?
  3. The shop will give a discount of ten percent as long as you don't want credit but pay in cash.要是你不赊账而立刻付钱,商店可以打9折。
  4. He says that sheep farming doesn't pay.他说养羊不赚钱。
  5. The shop closed because it didn't pay.该店因不挣钱而关闭。
It ~s+to- v
  1. It pays to advertise.登广告很有用。
  2. It pays to follow his advice.听他的忠告是值得的。
  3. It always pays to give your paper one final check.写了文章最后检查一遍总是有好处的。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I haven't paid my tailor yet.我还没付钱给裁缝。
  2. Have you paid the milkman this month?你这个月付款给送牛奶的人了吗?
  3. Our trade union paid my train fare.我的火车费由工会支付。
  4. The patients pay only a tiny registration fee and the cost of meals while in the hospital.病人住医院只缴少许挂号费和伙食费。
  5. That's a beautiful leather jacket, but I can't afford to pay that much.那件皮夹克很漂亮,但是我付不起那么多钱。
  6. He ought to pay his share.他应该付他那一份。
  7. He ought to pay the rent.他应该付房租。
  8. He has paid his taxes.他已付清税金。
  9. The bank pays interest of 9% on savings.这家银行支付9%的存款利息。
  10. Have you paid what you owe him yet?你把欠他的钱还了吗?
  11. The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.老师提醒那个学生要注意拼法。
  12. You must pay attention to what you are doing. You should not let your thoughts wander.做什么事情都必须专心致志,不能分神。
  13. If you had paid attention to what he said, you could have avoided repeating such a bad mistake.如果你当初认真听了他说的话,本来可以避免重犯如此严重的错误。
  14. The smallest detail has never been paid attention to.最微小的细节从未得到注意。
  15. It was obvious that the matter had never been paid attention to.显然,这件事从来没有得到过重视。
  16. Pay attention to me, children,I shall not repeat these instructions.孩子们,注意听我讲这些要求,我只讲一遍。
  17. You will have to pay more attention to your work if you wish to get a rise.如果你想要加薪,就必须更加用心地工作。
  18. She was careless, and didn't pay slightest attention to the detail.她很马虎,对细节毫不在意。
  19. She wasted many materials owing to mismanagement, so now she must pay the piper.由于管理不善,她浪费了大量物资,所以现在她必须承担后果。
  20. He who pays the piper calls the song.谁花钱谁就点歌。
  21. A considerate leader should always pay respects to his employees' wishes.一位通情达理的领导应当考虑下属的愿望。
  22. Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln.老百姓点着火把,站在铁路两旁,向林肯的遗体告别。
  23. Mr. Macheod has paid tribute to Dr. Bandas' desire that the tension should be lowered.麦克劳德先生对班达斯博士希望缓解紧张局势的建议表示赞同。
  24. He fought against the robber and protected the public property.We must pay tribute to his great courage.他与抢劫犯搏斗,保护了公共财产,我们应当对他的大无畏精神表示敬佩。
  25. Many overseas Chinese donated money to last year's flood victims.I want to take this opportunity to pay a public tribute to them.许多华侨为我们去年的水灾解囊捐助,我想借此机会公开向他们表示敬佩。
  26. Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.许多被征服的国家必须向古罗马的统治者纳贡。
  27. We had to offer our new cook a large salary, but he was a capable man, and paid his way.我们得付给新厨师一大笔钱,不过这也值得,他是个能干的人。
  28. He paid his way by acting as a guide.他当导游能挣钱。
  29. The big truck paid its way from the start.那辆大卡车一开始就赚钱。
  30. The corner shop is convenient if you forget to get something in town, although you pay through the nose for anything you buy there.如果你在镇上忘了买什么,在这个拐角商店里可非常方便地买到,然而价格要贵得多。
  31. I wouldn't climb to the top of that ladder, even if you paid me.无论如何我也不愿爬到那个梯子的顶端。
  32. 1
  33. I am not well paid here.我在这里赚钱不多。
  34. We are paid by day.我们按日计酬。
  35. She complained about her husband's job and how poorly it was paid.她埋怨丈夫的工作,并报怨报酬是多么的低。
  36. No attention was paid to his remark.没有人理会他的评论。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. We refused to pay them their wages.我们拒绝付给他们工资。
  2. I'll pay you a visit next week.下周我来拜访你。
  3. He paid China a friendly visit from March 16 to 23.从3月16日至23日,他对中国进行了友好访问。
  4. Every time I went back to my hometown I would pay the middle school teachers my visit.每次回到故乡,我都去拜访我的中学老师。
  5. 1
  6. You are paid your portion not later than a week.不会晚于一周你就可以得到你那一部分报酬。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. I've come to pay my respects to you.我特来拜访您。
  2. She stopped paying her dues to the union.她不再向工会缴纳会费了。
  3. He was named Minister for Information and would pay a visit to Canada this summer.他被任命为新闻部长,今年夏天要去访问加拿大。
  4. It is a tradition in China that on big occasions the young generation should pay a visit to the old.每逢大节日晚辈要看望长辈,这是中国的传统。
  5. I'm looking forward to paying a call to you next week.我期待着下星期去拜访你。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. You may pay me to type the proper forms.我打印表格,你可以把钱付给我。
S+~+ n./pron. + adv.
  1. He paid the money back promptly.他立即还了钱。
  2. Soon after he left school, he paid all his debt off.他毕业后不久便还清了全部债务。
  1. His pay goes up every year.他的工资每年都有增加。
  2. The workers declared for the offer of increased pay and holidays.工人们拥护提高工资、延长假期的提议。
  3. The workers banded together against the employers' position on their pay.工人们联合起来,反对雇主在工资问题上所持的立场。
  4. He got an increase in pay.他加了薪。
  5. The workers went on strike for higher pay.工人举行罢工,要求增加工资。
  6. The machinists wanted more pay for running new machines.机械师们以操作新机器为理由要求增加工资。
  7. The monthly pay was eighty dollars, for officer and man alike.工资每月80美元,官兵一样。
  8. My heart aches for you!你的薪水仅增加了20%,太可怜了!
  9. The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay raise.工会不惜牺牲自己的权利以换取微薄的加薪。


pay back (v.+adv.)
    报复take revenge on
pay down (v.+adv.)
    即时支付,付定金,先付部分款give partial payment at the time of purchase and agree to pay the rest installmentspay sth ⇔ down

    How much did you have to pay down on the car?


pay for (v.+prep.)
    替某人付款 give money to sb for sbpay for sth

    How much did you pay for the book?


    I haven't paid yet for this suit.


    You pay for it at the time you order it.


    I pay weekly for my board and lodging.


    We got to the hotel, and I paid for the taxi.


    pay sb/sth for sth

    I have to pay 150 yuan for the sewing machine.


    He was promptly paid for it.


    pay for sth

    Let me pay for the broken window.


    pay for sth

    You'll have to pay for your crime.


    He paid dearly for his mistake.


    He paid for his negligence by losing his job.


    Loss of health is too high a price to pay for success in your studies.


    pay for sb

    I'll pay for her, and you'll pay yourself.


pay in (v.+adv.)
    把钱(支票)存入银行make a deposit with a bank or pay cheque into the bankpay sth ⇔ in

    Subscriptions to these magazines can be paid in at the post office.


pay into (v.+prep.)
    把钱(支票)存入银行make a deposit with a bank or pay cheque into the bankpay sth into sth

    Please pay this sum into my wife's account.


    His monthly salary is paid into the bank by his employer.


pay off (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉取得成功succeedpay off

    The gamble paid off.


    The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon.


    His patience and hard work finally paid off with a gold medal.


    It has been rather costly to install the machine, but it should pay off in the long run.


    pay sth ⇔ off

    It's a good feeling to pay off the house after all these years.


    Once we have paid off the store, we shall not owe money to any one.


    All his debt was paid off with cash.


    pay sb ⇔ off

    They are usually paid off at weekends.


    pay sb ⇔ off

    When the building was completed, he paid off the labourers.


    The hired hands were paid off at the end of the harvest season.


    It is expected that another twenty of their employees will be paid off before long.


    pay sb ⇔ off

    The shop owner paid off the robbers so that they didn't wreck his shop.


    We had to pay off the man who got us the contract, with 15% of the profit.


    pay off

    Did your daring plan pay off?


pay out (v.+adv.)
    惩罚,报复punish; revengepay out

    When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.


    pay sth ⇔ out

    When you move into a house you really have to start paying out money.


    The bank pays out interest on its savings accounts every six months.


    pay sth ⇔ out

    John was paid out for the trick he played on James.


pay up (v.+adv.)
    全部还清,付清pay in fullpay up

    My goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up.


    pay sth ⇔ up

    Every club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season.


in the pay of
    受…雇用 employed by sb secretly


用作动词 (v.)
  • pay a bill付账
  • pay a deposit付押金
  • pay a price付出代价
  • pay a visit访问
  • pay an account付账
  • pay cash付现款
  • pay debt还债
  • pay dues缴纳会费
  • pay duties付关税
  • pay homage向…致敬
  • pay interest付利息
  • pay money付款
  • pay one's membership dues缴纳会费
  • pay one's tailor付款给裁缝
  • pay sb's wages付某人工资
  • pay the doctor酬谢医生
  • pay the fee缴会费
  • pay the penalty缴纳罚金,受罚
  • pay the rent付房租
  • pay the taxes付税金
  • pay the train fare支付火车票费用
  • pay adequately充分地给予
  • pay annoyingly愤怒地给予
  • pay annually每年一次地给予
  • pay cheerfully兴高采烈地给予
  • pay conscientiously诚心诚意地给予
  • pay courteously有礼貌地给予
  • pay curiously不寻常地给予
  • pay deliberately有意地给予
  • pay eagerly热心地给予
  • pay exorbitantly极其过分地给予
  • pay extemporaneously临时给予
  • pay fairly公平地给予
  • pay freely随意给予
  • pay grudgingly勉强给予
  • pay handsomely付钱慷慨,给钱很多
  • pay heavily重重给予
  • pay highly付钱慷慨,给钱很多
  • pay incautiously轻易给予
  • pay incessantly不断给予
  • pay indiscriminately不加区分地给予
  • pay ingeniously巧妙地给予
  • pay irrelevantly不相关地给予
  • pay logically情理之中地给予
  • pay moderately适度地给予
  • pay morally有道德地给予
  • pay punctually准时给予
  • pay regularly定期地给予
  • pay reluctantly勉强给予
  • pay roundly严厉地给予
  • pay selectively有选择地给予
  • pay seriously严肃地给予
  • pay unanimously一致给予
  • pay unconditionally无条件给予
  • pay unhappily不愉快地给予
  • pay unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地给予
  • pay unkindly非善意地给予
  • pay unnecessarily不必要地给予
  • pay unreservedly爽快地给予
  • pay untimely过早地给予
  • pay away付掉
  • pay back偿还,报答,向…报复
  • pay back debt付清欠债
  • pay down用现金支付,当场支付
  • pay down debt即时付清欠债
  • pay off付清,偿清
  • pay off loan还清贷款
  • pay sb off without notice未事先通知就解雇某人
  • pay out付出,对(某人)进行报复
  • pay up全部付清
  • pay up debt付清欠债
  • pay at rate按利率支付
  • pay by check用支票支付
  • pay by installments分期付款
  • pay by year拿年薪
  • pay for articles付货款
  • pay for book付书款
  • pay for education支付某人的教育费用
  • pay in advance预付
  • pay in cash以现款支付
  • pay in full全部付清
  • pay in instalments分期付款
  • pay in kind以实物支付
  • pay in money付现款
  • pay into存入…(账户)
  • pay into pension fund把钱交入退休基金
  • pay on delivery货到付款
用作名词 (n.)
  • accept pay接受薪水
  • advance pay预支薪水
  • affect pay影响工资
  • attach pay扣发薪金
  • attain pay取得薪金
  • back pay欠薪
  • boost pay提高工资
  • collect pay领工资
  • cut down pay削减工资,降低工资
  • deduct pay扣发工资
  • distribute pay分发工资
  • dock sb's pay扣(减)某人的工资
  • draw pay支领薪水
  • earn a pay挣工资
  • freeze pay冻结工资
  • get pay得到工资
  • increase pay增加薪水
  • live on pay靠薪金收入生活
  • make pay挣工资
  • negotiate pay协商薪金的数目
  • offer pay提供薪水
  • pay out the pay发薪水
  • pull down pay拿薪水
  • pull in pay拿薪水
  • raise pay加薪
  • receive pay支领薪水
  • reduce pay减少工资
  • refuse pay拒收工资
  • seek higher pay想得到更高的工资
  • stop pay停发工资
  • take pay领工资
  • adequate pay足够的工资
  • annual pay年薪
  • average pay平均工资
  • bad pay低微的工资
  • basic pay基本工资
  • daily pay日薪,日工资
  • decent pay相当不错的工资
  • double pay双倍的工资
  • fair pay相当金额的工资
  • fixed pay固定工资
  • floating pay浮动工资
  • good pay高薪
  • high pay高薪
  • living pay能维持普通家庭生活的工资,最低生活工资
  • low pay低薪,低工资
  • lucrative pay容易赚的工资
  • maximum pay法定最高限度工资
  • meager pay微薄的工资
  • minimum pay法定最低限度工资
  • net pay净得工资
  • nominal pay名义工资
  • poor pay微薄的工资
  • real pay实际工资
  • reasonable pay合理的工资
  • regular pay固定工资
  • sick pay病假津贴
  • subsistent pay维持最低生活的工资
  • take-home pay实得的工资(指扣除税金等的余额)
  • weekly pay周薪,周工资
  • board pay伙食工资
  • overtime pay加班费
  • severance pay遣散费
  • starvation pay不够伙食开销的工资
  • strike pay罢工津贴
  • pay freeze工资冻结
  • pay scale工资等级
  • pay system工资制度
  • at pay付款
  • for pay为了报酬
  • in pay of豢养下的,…御用下的,被…收买的
  • on pay领薪
  • under pay由谁付酬
  • with pay带薪
  • without pay无酬的,名誉的
  • pay for用于…的酬金


  • With statutory incomes controls abolished, both consultants and GPs were getting restive about their pay.

    出自:B. Castle
  • Jones certainly earned his pay.

    出自:Jazz Blues
  • She must have been receiving wages from some source for he paid her none.

    出自:G. Greene
  • 'Have them on me,' she said, when we tried to pay her.

    出自:B. Trapido
  • A three-year contract that will pay him $16.25 million.

    出自:Sporting News

The patient says, Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea. The doctor says, Take the spoon out of the mug before you drink. mug = cup The patient says, Doctor, you've got to help me. Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever pays any attent

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[00:02.60]EnglishExpress [00:32.23]The patient says, [00:33.48]Doctor, youve got to help me. [00:35.06]Nobody ever listens to me. [00:37.56]No one ever pays any attention to [00:39.17]what I have to say. [00:41.01]The doctor says, Next, please. [00:4

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[00:32.23]The patient says, [00:33.48]Doctor, youve got to help me. [00:35.06]Nobody ever listens to me. [00:37.56]No one ever pays any attention to [00:39.17]what I have to say. [00:41.01]The doctor says, Next, please. [00:47.81]patient [00:48.88]病人

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One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costs only $ 100.After he signs up and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him out the back door into the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his fee

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(105) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味英语

JOHANNESBURG, July 18 (Xinhua) -- World leaders, civilians and celebrities alike took time off their busy schedules on Saturday to pay tribute to the father of the South African nation on his 91st birthday, the South African Press Association reporte

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(118) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

pay off (某行动)取得成功;带来好结果 If an action pays off, it is successful or profitable after a period of time. 如果一项活动有回报,那么一段时间后,它就会成功或盈利。 Sandra was determined to become a do

发表于:2019-02-12 / 阅读(98) / 评论(0) 分类 跟艾米莉一起学口语

1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象 2.诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实 It Pays to Be Honest Nowadays people are troubled with mass of dishonest behaviors in society. Teachers get annoyed when they catch students cheating on exams;

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 四六级写作指导

She said, I might get a job offer in Beijing. It pays really well. But I'll have to be there for five years. What do you want to dogo there with me, or stay here in Manhattan? Her husband said, Oh, I'll definitely stay here. Five years of that pollut

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(86) / 评论(0) 分类 英文短篇故事(纽约)

The mechanic was very busy when I took my car in for repairs, so I settled down in the waiting room with a book I'd brought along. The mechanic was in and out answering calls, and at one point he stopped and looked at me . Would you do me a favor and

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味英语

Tort reform 侵权法改革 Closing the lottery 不能再靠碰运气 The debate over tort reform generates exaggerated claims, but also a few good ideas 改革催生了大量索赔,但也带来一些好观念 IN HIS floundering campaign for presid

发表于:2019-02-24 / 阅读(147) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人综合

A Cheap Meal 一顿便宜的饭 A man went into a restaurant and sat down at one of the tables. 一个男人走近一家餐厅在一张桌前坐下来。 A waiter went up to him and gave him the menu. 一个服务员走过来,把菜单地给了他。

发表于:2019-03-10 / 阅读(153) / 评论(0) 分类 双语有声阅读
atmospheric humidity
Avery, John
bad trade
big in japan
braking vane
camp (cyclic adenosine monophosphate)
capillary support
central tendency measurement
character corelator
cyclical model
deliver into
disease of thoracic wall
down comer annulus
drag someone through the mud
ectropothecium intorquatum
emergency key
eubalaena glacialis
faute de mieux
hollow font
HVDC (high voltage direct current)
in bad part
indispensable enzyme
isotopic vital effect
longitudinal length modes
lonicera similis hemsl.
Machadinho, R.
masonry arch
mechanical-input transducer
military-industrial complex
multicommodity network problem
normal combustion velocity
on the right side
oxide trapped charge
paratoluenesulfonic acid ammonium salt
photographic memory
planar osculating angle
prompt check
registering voltmeter
reverse gear assembly
runway heading
SAP Planned Delivery Time
sheath-circuit eddy
sneezing gas
sodium ironoxalate
standard-processing techinque
staphylostreptococcic disease
starch cooking
steam schooner
stream-discharge record
teratoma of liver
thermal infrared sensing
unsavo(u)ry mess
upholstered furniture
vector variables
vehicle structural mechanics
water-supply installation