单词:oxcarts 相关文章
A new study into the hygiene of supermarkets has found that shopping carts are dirtier than the stores bathrooms. Microbiologist Dr Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona conducted research on the handles of 85 carts in four American states. He r
Pushing Goods in Carts Provides Needed Work for E. Congolese In Eastern Congo, formal jobs are rare and locals say survival is by chance. Self-reliance is a way of life, and is immortalized by a golden statue of a boy pushing a wooden chikudu cart in
a. The men are having a bad game b. The man is looking for his golf ball c. The men are holding golf clubs d. The men are riding in golf carts 图片1
Look at those damn shopping carts, Joe thought. Two of them were parked on his front lawn. Two more were parked behind his car in the driveway. His neighborhood had gone to hell. He lived half a mile from Foodco, a supermarket chain. Nobody should ta
An ass and an ox,fastened to the same yoke,were draging a waggon.While the ox was pulling with all his might he he broke a horn.The ass swore that he had got no help whatever from his weak companion.Exerting himself in the labour,the ox b
Chapter 9 - The rebellious mood of the Boguchrovo peasants Until Prince Andrey settled in Bogucharovo its owners had always been absentees, and its peasants were of quite a different character from those of Bald Hills. They differed from them in spee
Chapter 13 On Saturday, the thirty-first of August, everything in the Rostovs house seemed topsy-turvy. All the doors were open, all the furniture was being carried out or moved about, and the mirrors and pictures had been taken down. There were trun
Lee Clow was preparing a series of colorful magazine ads, 李克旁正在准备一系列彩色的杂志广告, and when he sent Jobs the page proofs he got an outraged phone call in response. 他给乔布斯发了一些排版后的打样,很快便接
Conversation 对话 Good game? 比赛还好吗? Not bad. 还不错。 Bit too hot for me today. 我觉得今天太热了。 Yes, I know. 是啊,我知道。 Kind of hard to concentrate, isn't it? 有点难以定下心来,对吧? Absolutely. 没错。
破擦音[ts] 发音要领: [ts]是浊辅音一一舌位:发音时舌前端抵住上齿龈,气流从缝隙中缓缓冲出;唇形:自然张开;声带:不振动。 技巧提示: [ts]与汉语拼音ci在发音上有相似之处,但发ci时
THIRTY-ONE Levin arrived at his sisters village at noon and left his horse with a friendly old peasant, the husband of his brothers nurse. Wishing to hear particulars of the hay-harvest from this old man, Levin went to speak to him in his apiary. Par