音标:[.ɒpә'tju:niti] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 机会, 时机
n. a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances
词型变化:名词复数形式 : opportunities



  1. You must grasp this opportunity.你必须抓住机会。
  2. We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.现在,我们应乘机反攻。
  3. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。
  4. The opportunity has not yet arrived.时机尚未成熟。
  5. He was waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.他在伺机报复。


  1. An opportunity like that doesn't often come my way.这样的机会可不常落在我头上。
  2. Don't hold back! This opportunity is too good to miss!别犹豫了!机不可失啊!
  3. Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant.需要和机会可以使胆小鬼变得勇敢。
  4. According to some people, great opportunity and great danger are two sides of the same coin.在有些人看来,好机会也就意味着大风险,这不过是同一事物的两面罢了。
  5. The opportunity won't come again so make the most of it now.机不可失,时不再来,一定要充分利用这次机会。
  6. Should the opportunity arise,I'd love to go to China.如果有机会,我很想去中国。
  7. When the opportunity came, I seized it with both hands.当机会来临时,我双手抓住了它。
  8. When the opportunity presented itself, both made passes at her.等机会出现时,两人都设法和她调情。
  9. Once an opportunity slips away, it has gone for good and ever.机会一旦错过,永远不会再来。
  10. I will do it as soon as opportunity offers.时机一到我就要做这件事。
  11. The company aimed to expand as and when opportunity offered.这个公司的目标是适时扩充业务。
  12. The opportunity could not be recreated.这机会无法重新创造。
  13. The opportunity was lost to him.他失去了那个机会。
  14. I am willing to assist whenever there is an opportunity.有机会我愿随时帮你。
  15. There aren't many opportunities in a small town like Levenford.在利文福德这样的小城市,就业的机会是不多的。
  1. This was the once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity.这是一个千载难逢的机会。
  2. This will be your opportunity.这将是你的机会。
  3. It's an opportunity in a million, and we shouldn't waste it.这个机会千载难逢,我们万万不可浪费。
  4. This could be just the opportunity he's been looking for.这可能就是他一直期待的机会。
  5. This is a great opportunity.We can't afford to hang back.这是个绝好的机会。我们可不能再犹豫了。
  1. I consider myself highly privileged to have this opportunity.能有这样的机会,我认为自己非常幸运。
  2. He considered himself lucky to have had the opportunity.能得到那次机会,他觉得自己很幸运。
  3. Children are fond of cutting up whenever they have a good opportunity.孩子们一有机会就喜欢闹着玩。
  4. Computers offer many new opportunities.电脑提供了许多新的机会。
  5. You should go and see this film if you get the opportunity.如果有机会你应该去看这部影片。
  6. He is unwilling to give up the opportunity.他不愿意放弃这个机会。
  7. Given the opportunity she might well have become an outstanding artist.若给予发展的机会,她很可能会成为一名杰出的艺术家。
  8. They came to find new homes and new opportunities in this “New World”.他们来到这个“新世界”找寻新家和新的发展机会。
  9. The chief difficulty lies in finding a good opportunity.主要困难在于寻找一个好时机。
  10. Don't throw this opportunity out of the window.别让这个机会跑了。
  11. She's throwing away a great opportunity.她这样就要错过一个大好机会。
  12. If you hesitate too long, you will miss the opportunity.如果你老是犹豫不决,那就会错失良机。
  13. Through his own stupidity, he missed an excellent opportunity.由于自己的愚蠢,他失去了一次绝佳的机会。
  14. We mustn't let slip such an opportunity.这样的机会我们不能错过。
  15. Don't let the opportunity slip.别错过机会。
  16. It would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip;it's a chance of a lifetime.坐失这个良机,那真是太傻了,这是一生中难得的机会。
  17. I wouldn't let a wonderful opportunity like this slip through my fingers if I were you.如果我是你,我不会让这么一个大好机会从手里溜走的。
  18. You will be afforded an opportunity.你将会有一次机会。
  19. You cannot deny this opportunity to me.你不能拒绝给我这个机会。
  20. On the whole an infant's desire to learn is so strong that parents need only provide opportunity.总的说来,幼儿学习的愿望是很强烈的,父母亲只需提供机会就行了。
  21. He regretted the lost opportunity.他为失去的机会而感到惋惜。
  22. She was alert to seizing an opportunity.她机敏地抓住一个机遇。
  23. She promptly seized the opportunity his absence gave her.她立即抓住了因他不在场给她创造的机会。
  24. You shouldn't sniff at this opportunity,you may not get another like it.你不应该小看这个机会,你未必再得到同样的机会了。
  25. She uses every opportunity.她利用每一个机会。
  26. He's waiting his opportunity.他在等待机会。
  27. The press followed the president round the hospital, waiting for a photo opportunity.记者们跟随总统参观医院,等待拍照的机会。
  28. I can't stand aside and let you waste an opportunity like that.我不能不管不问,让你把机会那样浪费掉。
  29. Watch for your opportunity, and you will succeed.等待机会吧,你会成功的。
  30. Many person would have jumped at such an opportunity as this.许多人都会迫不及待地抓住这样的机会。
  31. It's a pity that Mike passed up such a good opportunity.迈克错过了这么好的一个机会,真是可惜。
  1. He has been on the outlook for an opportunity.他一直耐心地等待机会。
  2. He quickly availed himself of the opportunity.他迅速利用那次机会。
  3. I failed to avail myself of this opportunity.我没有利用这次机会。
  4. She was making full use of her opportunity.她充分利用她的机会。
~+ prep -phrase~+for sth/ v -ing
  1. The company afford an opportunity for that promising man.公司为那个有为的人创造机会。
  2. The theory assumes the existence of a ‘meritocracy’—that there is equal opportunity for all.这一理论假定“英才管理”的存在,即人人机会均等。
  3. Mealtimes were an opportunity for conversation.吃饭的时候是一个谈话的机会。
  4. The job will offer you excelent opportunity for promotion.这个工作将给你极好的晋升机会。
  5. Games provide an excellent opportunity for the use of grammar structures and vocabulary.游戏为语法结构和词汇的应用提供了很好的练习机会。
  6. After the lecture there will be an opportunity for informal discussion.讲座之后还有机会进行非正式的讨论。
  7. Jack asks to be given another opportunity for the exam.杰克要求再给他一次考试的机会。
  8. The new system leaves less opportunity for personal advancement.新制度给与个人较少的升迁机会。
  9. The quiz was a good opportunity for the exhibition of his knowledge.这次测验是他显示知识的好机会。
  10. The weekend is a good opportunity for shopping.周末是买东西的好时机。
  11. I have no opportunity for going abroad.我没有出国的机会。
  12. I have little opportunity for going abroad.我没有多少出国的机会。
  13. Sabina had no opportunities for making friends of her own.萨比娜没有机会交朋友。
  14. Edward Coke had an opportunity for escaping from the prison.爱德华·科可有了逃出监狱的时机。
~+of v -ing
  1. He sought opportunities of doing her little service.他寻找机会为她尽一点力。
  2. They welcomed the opportunity of joining a colony.他们很高兴有机会到殖民地去。
  3. You have little opportunity of meeting fresh faces.你看到新面孔的机会很少。
  4. I took the opportunity of visiting Jane while I was in Washington.我趁着我人在华盛顿时去看珍。
  5. He grabbed at an opportunity of going abroad.他抓住一个出国的机会。
  6. He had as yet no opportunity of relating the incident to them.他一直还没有机会把这件事讲给他们听。
  7. I love the country, but I have less opportunity of seeing it.我热爱乡村,但我几乎没有机会见到它。
  8. Tomorrow's meeting will afford us the opportunity of discussing some important questions.明天的会议将给我们提供讨论重要问题的机会。
~+to- v
  1. The ladies now have an opportunity to air their indignation.女士们现在有机会表明她们的义愤。
  2. Many people are opposed to the new law,but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.许多人对新的法令是不赞成的,但却没有机会表达他们的反对意见。
  3. When we were finally alone, I took the opportunity to ask him a few personal questions.当我们终于单独在一起时,我利用这机会问了他一些个人问题。
  4. I didn't have the opportunity to be alone.我没有机会一个人呆着。
  5. It has little opportunity to capture moisture from the air.它很少有机会吸收空气中的水分。
  6. This gives him an opportunity to change his mind without loss of face.这给他提供了一个既改变主意又不丟面子的机会。
  7. It's too good an opportunity to chuck away.这是个好机会,不能错过。
  8. How she wished for an opportunity to come and visit our Great Wall.她多么希望能有机会来看看我们的长城。
  9. May I take this opportunity to congratulate Ruth on her promotion.让我借此机会对露丝的晋升表示祝贺。
  10. We would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.我们谨此向受害人家属表达我们衷心的慰唁。
  11. We were glad to have this opportunity to cooperate with you.我们很高兴有机会能与你们合作。
  12. This autumn the President had a major opportunity to deliver on his pledge.今年秋天总统有一次履行他诺言的重要机会。
  13. They were also given the opportunity to do some operations.他们也有机会亲自去操作。
  14. We shall have opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.我们明天有机会交换看法。
  15. He asked that he be given an opportunity to explain his case.他要求给他一个机会解释他的案情。
  16. I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to express my gratitude to you.我愿借此机会向您表示感谢。
  17. I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation of your help.对于你的帮助,我趁这个机会向你表示由衷的感谢。
  18. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to you.我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。
  19. It would give him an opportunity to get his thoughts down on paper.这会给他机会让他把自己的想法写下来。
  20. I have had not opportunity to give him your message.我还没有机会把你的口信捎给他。
  21. I shall be pleased to have opportunity to go abroad.有出国的机会我将很快活。
  22. You must make capital of every opportunity to learn new things.你必须利用一切机会学习新事物。
  23. The office party was a good opportunity for everyone to let their hair down.办公室举行的聚会是大家放松一下的好机会。
  24. We need to give them a reasonable opportunity to look at the display.我们需要为它们提供一个合理的时机来看展览。
  25. I missed a golden opportunity to make a lot of money.我失去了一个赚大钱的极好机会。
  26. The conference will afford you an opportunity to meet many foreign scholars.这次会议将给你提供结识许多外国学者的机会。
  27. They will have the opportunity to participate actively in the decision-making process.他们将有机会积极地参与決策制订的过程。
  28. The ceasefire has created a window of opportunity to rescue the peace process.停火为挽救和平进程敞开了一扇机会之门。
  29. The government took the opportunity to restate its basic policies.政府趁机重申其基本政策。
  30. We afford foreign tourists an opportunity to see our rural life.我们向外国旅游者提供参观我们农村生活的机会。
  31. John expects to have an opportunity to set out his plan at the next meeting.约翰希望在下次会议上有机会说明他的计划。
  32. He is looking for an opportunity to shoot at goal.他在寻找机会射门。
  33. He has a very expensive wristwatch and he misses no opportunity to show it off.他有一只昂贵的手表,他总是不放过任何机会来炫耀。
  34. He availed himself of the opportunity to speak to her.他乘机与她攀谈。
  35. We were delighted at the opportunity to spend some time in that country.我们非常高兴能有机会到那个国家去度过一段时间。
  36. This only gave them opportunity to squeeze profits.这只能为他们提供机会榨取利润。
  37. This is an opportunity to stand back and think about what you have achieved.这是一个客观思考自己成绩的机会。
  38. We didn't get much opportunity to swim.我们没有太多的机会游泳。
  39. We'll have plenty of opportunity to talk later.我们以后会有很多机会谈话。
  40. Now I had the opportunity to test myself.现在,我正好有了一个考验自己的机会。
  41. I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to thank you all.我想借此机会感谢大家。
  42. He thought that the police were playing cat and mouse with him, just waiting for an opportunity to trap him.他觉得警方在与他玩猫捉老鼠的游戏,只是在伺机诱捕他。
  43. The job gives her the opportunity to travel abroad.这份工作给她提供了出国旅行的机会。
  44. He lost no opportunity to vent his anger on those around him.他绝不错过任何机会拿周围的人出气。
  45. I took the opportunity to visit my brother.我利用这个机会来看望我的弟弟。
  46. We must give the men who have committed errors ample opportunity to wake up.我们必须给犯错误的人充分的机会,让他们醒悟。
  47. Students should take every opportunity to widen their experience.学生应利用一切机会来拓展自己的经验。
  48. She pounced on the opportunity to work with them.有机会同他们一起工作她乐不可支。


at the first opportunity


用作名词 (n.)
  • opportunity arise时机一到
  • opportunity arrive时机成熟
  • opportunity come机会来了
  • opportunity go机会失去了
  • opportunity occur机会来了
  • opportunity offer机会来了
  • opportunity pass away机会错过了
  • opportunity present itself机会来了
  • opportunity slip away机会来了
  • accept opportunity接受机会
  • afford opportunity提供机会
  • avail oneself of opportunity把握机会
  • await opportunity等待时机
  • choose opportunity选择时机
  • create opportunity创造机会
  • dally away opportunity放过机会,延误时机
  • find opportunity找到机会
  • furnish opportunity提供机会
  • get opportunity得到机会
  • give opportunity提供机会
  • grasp opportunity抓住机会
  • grab opportunity抓住机会
  • have opportunity有机会
  • lose opportunity失掉机会
  • miss opportunity错过机会
  • offer (sb) opportunity提供机会
  • open up opportunity提供机会
  • pass up opportunity放弃机会
  • provide opportunity提供机会
  • seize opportunity抓住机会
  • take opportunity抓住时机,不失时机
  • take up opportunity把握机会
  • throw away opportunity丢掉机会
  • utilize opportunity利用机会
  • use opportunity利用机会
  • wait opportunity等待机会
  • waste opportunity错过机会
  • watch for opportunity等候机会
  • abundant opportunity充分的机会
  • ample opportunity足够的机会
  • available opportunity可得到的机会
  • best opportunity最好的机会
  • better opportunity更好的机会
  • capital opportunity绝好的机会
  • commercial opportunity商机
  • considerable opportunity值得重视的机会
  • convenient opportunity合适的机会
  • economic opportunity经济上的机会
  • educational opportunity教育机会
  • enviable opportunity令人羡慕的机会
  • equal opportunities均等的机会
  • every opportunity每个机会
  • excellent opportunity良机
  • exciting opportunity令人兴奋的机会
  • favourable opportunity有利的机会
  • fit opportunity合适的机会
  • glorious opportunity绝好的机会
  • golden opportunity绝好的机会,千载难逢的机会
  • good opportunity好机会
  • grand opportunity绝好的机会
  • great opportunity重大机遇
  • historic opportunity具有历史意义的时机
  • ideal opportunity完美的时机
  • limited opportunity有限的机会
  • little opportunity很少的机会
  • lost opportunity失去的机会
  • marvellous opportunity难得的机会
  • missed opportunity错过的机会
  • much opportunity大量的机会
  • new opportunity新的机会
  • not much opportunity不多的机会
  • once-in-a-lifetime opportunity可一不可再的机会
  • perfect opportunity完美的时机
  • plenty of opportunity大量机会
  • precious of opportunity宝贵的机会
  • rare opportunity难得的时机
  • reasonable opportunity合理的时机
  • splendid opportunity绝好的机会
  • suitable opportunity合适的机会
  • tremendous opportunity绝好的机会
  • unique opportunity前所未有的机会
  • unparalleled opportunity无与伦比的机会
  • unprecedented opportunity空前的机会
  • unrivalled opportunity无可比拟的机会
  • valuable opportunity宝贵的机会
  • wasted opportunity浪费了的机会
  • welcome opportunity令人欣喜的机会
  • wonderful opportunity绝妙的机会
  • business opportunity商机
  • career opportunity职业发展的机会
  • employment opportunity就业机会
  • investment opportunity投资机会
  • job opportunity工作机会
  • market opportunity市场机会
  • photo opportunity(为要人或名人)拍照的机会
  • sales opportunity销售机会
  • training opportunity培训机会
  • at available opportunity可得到的机会
  • at earliest opportunity最早的机会
  • at every opportunity每一个机会
  • at first opportunity一有机会
  • equality of opportunity机会均等
  • take advantage of opportunity利用机会
  • window of opportunity机会之门
  • opportunity for …的机会
  • opportunity for experiment实验的机会
  • opportunity of …的机会
  • opportunity of a lifetime千载难逢的机会


  • Equality of opportunity implies free scope for natural talent.

    出自:W. K. Hancock
  • I had plenty of opportunity to meet..interesting men and women.

    出自:E. Roosevelt
  • The chance of visiting Bethlehem..was too great an opportunity to be missed.

    出自:G. Borrow
  • Texas was the land of opportunity.

    出自:L. McMurtry
  • Opportunity never knocks twice at any man's door.


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发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

Folake Oyedepo attends Fayetteville State University where she is teaching the Yoruba language to American students while learning more about the culture and history in America. Marsha James | Washington, DC 06 April 2010 Fulbright Scholar Folake Oye

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(73) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2010年(四)月

BOSTON, the United States, April 9 (Xinhua) -- China's clean energy market offers huge business opportunities, experts said at the Harvard China Forum here Saturday. In a panel discussion on clean energy, experts who have been keeping a close eye on

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(95) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki moon now warns that a very small window of opportunity for talks between the Syrian government and the opposition may soon close. Ban was referring to an offer of dialogue by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem days a

发表于:2019-02-14 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 英闻天下

释义: take the opportunity 抓住机会 与前面的句型有点差异,take the opportunity 表示得到的机会,尤其在表达借机做某事的时候经常会用到 I'll take the opportunity to ... 例句: I'm happy I'm able to give you

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 老外最常用的英文短语

Lesson 10 Part 1 The Man and the Opportunity 第十课 第一部分 人与机遇 The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life is full of them. 缺乏机遇总是意志薄弱、优柔寡断者的借口

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 双语有声阅读

讲解文本: golden opportunity 绝佳机会,黄金机会 This is a golden opportunity. Just go for it. 这次是黄金机会啊,行动吧! Don't waste such a golden opportunity. 不要浪费这样的黄金机会。 疯狂练习吧!

发表于:2019-03-06 / 阅读(146) / 评论(0) 分类 愉悦口语
69kg per metre rail
a lock
airborne light-optical-fibre technology
antemortem thrombus
assets and liabilities
attenuation coeffcient
briefless barrister
centreless lapping machine
circuit noise meter
class Anthoceropsida
computerized mail
contour milling machine
contravariant base vector
creep properties
DC power supply panel
Debeli, Rt
debugging monitor
diazine fast orange
distinctive flag
East-West engines
elevation coverage
filtering stock
gamoda-misaki (kamata saki )
general control area
gonomery (halcker 1895)
housing window lining
ida tarbells
idealized stratified bed
interdental groove
interpolating method of linkage mechanism synthesis
inverted file
laboratory filter
Leonard system
long life tube
pieris formosa don
positive-part stein-rule estimator
random draft
regular tetrahedral orientation
remote print
russian iron
self perpetuate
semi-evergreen deciduous seasonal forest
sheaf of ideal
shop assembling
short-flashing light
spray cooler
starting logic sequence
supply over demand
symmetric negative sequence current
tetrahedral defect
toll case
Torreya jackii
total lunar eclipse
trap-door one-way function
tripalmitin glycerol tripalmitate
verruca necrogenica
voted through
water-cooled compressor
wave number vector
zog i