音标:[tʃæns. tʃɑ:ns] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 机会, 意外, 可能性
vi. 偶然发生
vt. 冒险
n. a risk involving danger
v. be the case by chance
词型变化:名词复数形式 : chances ; 过去式 : chanced ; 过去分词 : chanced ; 现在分词 : chancing ; 第三人称单数 : chances



  1. That would be a daunting task with little chance of success.那样做的话任务过于艰巨,且成功的可能性微乎其微。
  2. Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight's performance?有可能得到今晚演出的票吗?
  3. Please give me a chance to explain.请给我个机会让我解释一下。
  4. I never miss a chance of playing football.我从不错过踢足球的机会。
  5. We may lose a lot of support, but that's a chance we'll have to take.我们或许会失去很多支持,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。
  6. I met her quite by chance.我遇见她完全是偶然的。
  7. A chance meeting brought the two old friends together again.偶然的相遇使两位老朋友重新聚首。
  1. If it should chance to rain we'll take a taxi home.万一要下雨的话,我们就乘出租车回家。
  2. Perhaps you might chance on the dictionary at some old bookstall.或许你会碰巧在旧书摊上买到这本辞典。
  3. We were very lucky to chance on him in the reading room.我们非常幸运地在阅览室里遇到了他。
  4. It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.这可能有危险, 但我们无论如何要冒一冒险。
  5. We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol.我们不得不冒著可能遇上敌人巡逻兵的危险。


  1. I think you have a splendid chance.我相信你的机会挺好。
  2. A wise man turns chance into good fortune.一个聪明人能把机会变成好运。
  3. We planned we'd take the chance and visit a bit of your factory.我们打算顺便到你们厂去参观一下。
  4. A good knowledge of English will improve their chances of employment.英语好将有助于增加他们的就业机会。
  5. I have not any chance of telling him the inner story.我没有机会跟他讲其中的内幕。
  6. I think I've got a good chance of winning.我认为我很有可能取胜。
  7. I had the chance of visiting Sydney.我曾有机会访问悉尼。
  8. The team's victory consolidated its chance for the championship.该队的获胜增加了夺取冠军的机会。
  9. Here is an excellent chance for you.你有个极好的机会。
  10. His chances for recovery are favorable.他病愈的可能性很大。
  11. Give me time; I haven't had a chance to think about it.给我时间,我一直没有时间去思考这件事。
  12. Their chance to go abroad was lost.他们出国的机会已失去。
  13. He gave me no chance to reply.他没有给我回答的机会。
  14. He got a chance to go to college for further studies.他获得上大学深造的机会。
  15. This is a good chance for me to practise speaking English.这是我练习讲英语的好机会。
  16. The machine has had no proper chance to do its work.那部机器一直没有发挥作用的适当机会。
  17. The man runs the chance of being killed.那男子冒着被杀的危险。
  18. He had the chance of being presented to the chairman in the office.他有幸在办公室被主席召见。
  19. It offers little chance of success.成功的机会很小。
  20. It's wise to widen your chance of appointment.增加你被信任的可能性是明智的。
  21. They rate the president's chances of living through his crisis are fifty-fifty.他们认为,总统渡过危机的可能性是一半对一半。
  22. They would have little chance to survive against our might.在我们的强大力量面前,他们几乎无法继续生存下去。
  23. He has only one chance in fifty to make it a success.他办成这件事的希望只有50%。
  24. There's little chance that the situation will improve.形势好转的可能性很小。
  25. There's a chance that I will see her.我有可能见到她。
  26. The chances are against snow in May.五月不可能下雪。
  27. The chances are two to one against us.可能是二比一,形势对我们不利。
  28. Let's take the chance and buy these goods.让我们碰碰运气,买下这些货物。
  29. The boy had been climbing on the rocks with a couple of chance acquaintance.那个男孩和几个偶然相识的伙伴爬上了那些岩石。
  30. He was a chance acquaintance, someone I'd met on a train journey.他只是我在一次乘火车时萍水相逢的旅伴。
用作不及物动词S+~+to- v
  1. He chanced to save the man.他曾偶然救过这个人。
  2. I chanced to hear the mumbled conversation in the subway.那段含糊不清的话是我恰巧在地铁里听见的。
  3. If it should chance to rain, we'll take a taxi home.万一碰上天下雨,我们就坐出租汽车回家。
  4. She chanced to be in.她碰巧在家。
  5. I chanced to be out when he called me.当他打电话给我的时候,我碰巧出去了。
  6. Should there chance to be a fire tonight, let's use the fire extinguisher.今晚如发生火灾,我们该用灭火器。
用作系动词It ~ed that...
  1. It chanced that someone found the lost ring.可能有人拾到了丢失的戒指。
  2. It chanced that the winter of that year was severe one.碰巧那年冬天特别冷。
  3. It chanced that I was out when he called.他来访时碰巧我不在家。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I wonder if you can get it, but let's chance our arm.我不知道能不能成功,不过让我们碰碰运气吧。
  2. You shouldn't chance all your money at once.你不应该一下子把所有的钱都拿来冒险。
  3. It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.这可能有危险,但我们无论如何要冒一冒险。
  4. Though it's dangerous I'll chance it.虽然很危险,但我要碰一碰运气。
  5. I'll do it and chance the luck.不管三七二十一我都会做的。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. Should we chance getting home before it snows?我们是否碰碰运气在下雪前赶到家?
  2. Father will not chance driving on the icy roads.父亲不愿意冒险在结冰的道路上开车。
  3. We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol.我们不得不冒着可能遇上敌人巡逻兵的危险。


a fifty-fifty chance
    一半的可能性 half possibility
a game of chance
    碰运气的游戏 game dependent on luck
a smart chance of
    大量的,很多的 a great deal; a lot
an off chance
    微小的希望 almost no hope
as chance would have it
    凑巧; 碰巧 by coincidence; as it happens
by any chance
    或许; 可能 perhaps; possibly
by chance
    偶然地,意外地 by accident; accidentally; unintentionally
by some chance
    不知为啥 having no idea for what
cat's〔snowball's〕 chance in hell
    毫无机会,机会渺茫 even the remotest chance of all
chance in a million
    希望渺茫 very remote chance, virtual impossibility
chance meeting〔encounter〕
    偶尔相遇 meeting by chance
chance of a lifetime
    一生难得的机会,千载难逢的机会 an exceptional opportunity
chances are (that...)
    很可能发生的情况 the probability is
chances are even〔against it〕
    胜败各半的机会〔不可能〕 it is equally possible〔unlikely〕
fancy one's chances
    过分自信会成功 be overconfident that one will succeed
fighting〔sporting〕 chance
    成败均有可能的公平机会 fair〔reasonable〕 chance
give a chance
    给(某人)一次机会; 讲点道理吧 let sb have another chancegive sb a chance

    I made a mistake but you should give me a chance.


have as much chance as a snowflake in hell
    毫无希望 no hope at all
leave nothing to chance
    把事情做得四平八稳,不留漏洞 make things well organized
leave things to chance
    顺其自然; 听天由命 trust to luck
long chance
    冒相当大的险; 没有多大把握的事情 take a great risk; be unsure
(no) earthly chance/fat chance
    可能性很小 (not even) the remotest chance
on the chance of
    怀有…的希望; 期望 in the hope; in view of the possibility
on the off chance
    万一,对…抱着微小的希望 in case; in the hope
run a chance of
    冒险 risk
stand a good/fair chance of
    有…的希望 be fairly likely to
take a chance〔chances〕
    冒险 behave riskily
take no chances〔not take chances〕
    不冒险,对…提防一手 not take a risk
take one's chance
    碰运气,听凭命运 take whatever happens to come
the main chance
    发财的机会; 得意的机会 opportunity of making money
chance on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    偶然找到,遇到 happen to meet sb or find sthchance on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    They chanced on a dying wolf.


    You might chance on the thing you need in the store.


    He chanced on the solution to his problem.


    On our vacation we chanced upon an interesting antique store.


    I was looking for the book I wanted, and chanced upon another with the same title.



用作名词 (n.)
  • advance a chance促进可能性
  • await a chance等待机会
  • blast a chance毁灭机会
  • claim the chance要求得到这个机会
  • diminish a chance减少…的机会
  • dispose of a chance安排机会
  • forfeit a chance丧失机会
  • get a chance得到机会
  • grasp a chance抓住机会
  • have a chance有机会
  • have no chance (of)没有(…的)可能
  • hold out a chance提供机会
  • improve the chance of利用…的机会
  • increase chance增加机会
  • invite chance招引机会
  • lessen chance减少机会
  • let the chance go放过机会
  • lose a chance失去机会
  • miss a chance错过机会
  • muff chance错过机会
  • offer chance提供机会
  • reduce chance减少机会
  • risk a chance碰运气,冒险
  • stand a good chance很有可能,很有希望
  • stand no chance没有可能,没有希望
  • take a chance冒险,投机
  • take one's chance碰运气,听凭命运
  • throw away one's chance抛弃机会
  • try one's chance试一试运气
  • wait for a chance等待机会
  • wreck one's chances毁掉时机
  • give sb a chance给某人机会
  • offer sb a chance给某人机会
  • additional chance额外的机会
  • all chance一切机会
  • amazing chance惊人的运气
  • bare chance暴露的机会
  • better chance更好的机会
  • big chance大冒险
  • blind chance毫无希望
  • brilliant chance极好的机会
  • calculable chance可靠的机会
  • capital chance绝好的机会
  • complicated chance复杂的偶然性
  • convenient chance方便的机会
  • desperate chance危急的机会
  • divine chance天赐的机会
  • earthly chance无希望
  • endless chances没完没了的机会
  • equal chance同等的机会
  • even chance百分之五十的可能,一半可能
  • excellent chance极好的机会
  • fair chance一次好机会
  • fat chance微小的机会
  • fatal chance重要机会
  • fighting chance经过努力有可能获得成功的机会
  • fine chance极好的机会
  • fortuitous chance偶然的机会
  • frustrated chance无益的机会
  • full chance十足的运气
  • glamorous chance富有迷惑力的运气
  • golden chance绝好的机会
  • good chance好机会,良机
  • hazardous chance冒险的机会
  • ill chance不佳的运气
  • impossible chance不可能的机会
  • incorruptible chance不易败坏的机会
  • individualized chance适应个别需要的机会
  • ironical chance讽刺的机会
  • last chance最后一次机会
  • little chance很小的可能性
  • lost chance失去的机会
  • lucky chance好运
  • main chance绝妙的机会
  • matrimonial chance婚姻的机会
  • mere chance偶然的机会
  • miraculous chance不可思议的机会
  • only chance唯一的机会
  • opening chance开始的运气
  • opportune chance恰逢其时的机会
  • outside chance不大可能的机会
  • poor chance很少有希望
  • pure chance纯粹的偶然机会
  • reasonable chance合理的机会
  • remote chance很少的机会
  • repeated chance重复的机会
  • robust chance机会充分
  • scant chance机会很小
  • sheer chance纯机会
  • slender chance机会渺茫
  • slight chance机会微小
  • slim chance机会很小
  • small chance很小的希望
  • smart chance巧妙的机会
  • sporting chance成败不定的机会
  • strange chance偶然的机会
  • timely chance及时的运气
  • undue chance不适当的机会
  • unfair chance不公正的机会
  • unfortunate chance不幸的运气
  • unlimited chance无限的机会
  • unlooked-for chance意外的机会
  • unlucky chance不幸运
  • vote-getting chance得票机会
  • beyond a chance没有希望的
  • by chance偶然,碰巧
  • by any chance万一,碰巧
  • by mere chance纯属偶然地
  • by pure chance纯属偶然地
  • by some chance不知为何
  • off chance可能性很小
  • on the chance of怀着…希望,也许可能,希望可能
  • seize on〔upon〕 a chance趁机
  • brood over chance盘算机会
  • owing to chance由于机会
  • leave things to chance听天由命
  • chance against胜过…的机会
  • chance for…的机会
  • chance for success成功的机会
  • chance of a lifetime千载难逢的机会
  • chance of failure失败的危险
  • chance of success成功的机会
用作动词 (v.)
  • chance all one's money把所有的钱都拿来冒险
  • chance one's arm冒险试一试
  • chance on〔upon〕偶然找到,遇到
  • chance on a boy巧遇这男孩
  • chance on a car巧遇小轿车
  • chance on a friend碰巧遇见一位朋友
  • chance on a wallet碰巧见到一个钱包
  • chance on a bicycle巧遇一辆自行车
  • chance on books碰巧见到这些书
  • chance on a purse偶然发现一个皮夹
  • chance on the secret偶然听到这个秘密
  • chance upon a beautiful woman巧遇美人
  • chance upon the dictionary巧遇这种字典


  • The chance of war Is equal, and the slayer oft is slain.

    出自:W. C. Bryant
  • It was pure chance that was now to bring us together.

    出自:W. Plomer
  • Him chaunst to meete..A faithlesse Sarazin.

  • If it so chance that we be separated, let each make for London Bridge.

    出自:M. Twain
  • An occasion chanced to present itself.

    出自:H. James
  • They fell silent, wondering what would chance.

  • My mother chanced to be passing.

    出自:D. Murphy

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迈克尔.杰克逊:One more chance Uh huh, alright This time Im gonna do my best to make it right Can't go on without you by my side Hold on Shelter come and rescue me out of this storm And out of this cold I need someone Oh why oh why why why If yo

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发表于:2019-01-07 / 阅读(182) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

Always knew I have one it takes 我知道我曾经拥有 All I ever had once I had 如果我曾经拥有的能够重来 Ever knew I paid that what can Fade 我曾经付出的可能会褪色。。。 I wanna be back there again 我希望再回到那里

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Lesson 100 Not a chance! 1.Not a chance!行不通啦! 2.Give me a chance,please.请给我一次机会。 3.Take a chance.碰碰运气吧。 4.Let chance decide.凭运气决定吧。 5.It's the chance of a lifetime.这是一生中最难得的机会呀

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澳洲俚语: Buckley's chance 知道澳洲的历史吧?1788年1月26日,由菲利普船长率领的船队押解770名囚犯首抵澳洲,自此,一个新的英国殖民地诞生。对于一个被戏称为由囚犯创造的国家,澳洲俚语很

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今天我们要学的词是second chance。 A second chance第二次机会。The surgery gave him a second chance at life, 手术给了他再生的机会。Do you believe that everyone deserves a second chance? 你认为每个人都应该有改过自新

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accessory spleens
air dry matter
alpinia zerumbets
alternative fuels
application entity address
automatic raster plotter
be fired up
beltrania rhombica
Bernoulli information source
cage guiding
chabyda (chybyda)
composite float
controlled-leakage system
crab claw
cross member clinch nut
delaying state
Diamantina River
dicrurus hottentottus brevirostris
double heterozygote
dual-low-voltage transformer
el khushniye (al khushniyah)
excitation process
Femer Bælt(Fehmarnbelt)
final functional test
frequency demultiplier
gas boriding
hate to part with sth
Holy Innocents' Day
hydrographic information
intensity dip
Kreysig's sign
lasting strength
lavish money on sth
Les Longines
light bulb
Limit of Tax Credit
Litsea nakaii
master batching
media role
message-waiting indicator
mode of blade vibration
Mohr's theory
multiple twin type
my good man
nondimensional ratio
over the horison
parawixia dehaani
pelvic kidney
pivot friction
point of sail
port of departure
primary beam energy
probability and statistics
replication mistake
retinal venous pressure
s. a.
semi truck
social harm
sodium dodecylsulfate
standard packet protocol
test amplifier
through diode
timbered drift
traveler's diarrhea
vent duct