n. 思想;主意(mind的复数)
n that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason
n recall or remembrance
n an opinion formed by judging something
n an important intellectual
n attention
n your intention; what you intend to do
n knowledge and intellectual ability
v be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by
v be concerned with or about something or somebody
v be in charge of or deal with
v pay close attention to; give heed to
v be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to
v keep in mind



  1. He is ninety years old,but his mind is sharp.他虽然90岁了,但头脑还很灵活。
  2. Her death had an unbalancing effect on Joe's mind.她一死,乔在精神上打击很大。
  3. I tried to fix the date in my mind.我试着把那个日期牢记在心。
  4. Despite what she says, I won't change my mind.不管她怎么说,我都不会改变我的想法的。
  5. He changed his mind when he heard all the facts.他得知事实后改变了看法。
  6. He focused his mind on his new plan.他集中心思在新计划上。
  7. Try and focus your mind on your lessons.试着把你的注意力集中在功课上。
  8. Noise outside distracted her mind from her studies.门外的噪音使她心神不宁, 无法集中注意力学习。
  9. He is one of the greatest minds of the age.他是当代最有才智的人之一。
  10. You should keep in mind what I have said.我刚才说过的你要记住。
  11. I can't think where I've left my umbrella; my mind's a complete blank!我想不起来把伞丢在哪儿了,一点印象都没有!
  12. She was in a cheerful frame of mind.她心情愉快。
  13. He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.今天上午他心情恶劣。
  14. He unbent his mind by reading detective stories.他以读侦探小说来使他的心情松弛。
  15. I lose my mind just standing next to her.站在她旁边我就意乱情迷。
  16. He was not the only prisoner to lose his mind.他不是唯一一个失去理智的囚犯。
  1. Mind the dog! It may be fierce.留神那条狗! 可能很凶。
  2. Only, mind you, good mowing requires some little skill.不过,你要注意,割草要割得好,也需要一点技巧。
  3. Mind your own business!管好你自己的事!
  4. Would you mind if I smoke here?我在这吸烟,你介意吗?
  5. I don't mind the children's comings and goings.我并不介意孩子们进进出出。
  6. My mother is minding the shop.我母亲在照应店铺。


  1. An idea suddenly occurred to my mind.我突然想起一个主意。
  2. It occurred to my mind.我当时想到了这件事。
  3. The truth must have dawned upon his mind by this time.现在,他想必已经开始明白真相了。
  4. His mind ran on his own trouble.他脑子里想着自己的烦恼。
  5. Fear paralyzed my mind.恐惧使我的头脑发呆。
  6. The problem is exercising our mind.这个问题使我们伤脑筋。
  7. Fear evacuated their mind of reason.恐惧使他们丧失了理智。
  8. I had enough presence of mind not to mention my intention.我镇定自若,没有说起我的意图。
  9. This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.这个困难促使我开动脑筋去寻找答案。
  10. A sound mind in a sound body.有健全之身,才有健全心理。
  11. I saw that his mind was elsewhere then.我看得出他当时心不在焉。
  12. Concentrate your mind on study.Don't look around.专心学习,别东张西望的。
  13. The news that her child was safe eased her mind.孩子平安的消息使她放心了。
  14. Give your whole mind to the question.把你的全部心思都用在这个问题上。
  15. He focused his mind on his lessons.他把心思集中在功课上。
  16. Lack of sleep had fogged her mind.缺乏睡眠使她头昏脑胀。
  17. It's difficult to fix my mind on what I am doing.我很难把精力集中在我做的事情上。
  18. I want you to clear your mind of everything that happened before the fire.我要你把火灾前发生的一切统统忘掉。
  19. His whole mind, his whole being, was centered in revolution.他的整个身心都放在革命上。
  20. His mind was bound up in that question.他专心地研究那个问题。
  21. He bent his mind to his studies.他专心于学习。
  22. He applies his mind to the difficulty.他专心思考这个问题。
  23. The thought flashed through my mind that he could be lying.他可能在说谎的想法从我的脑海中一闪而过。
  24. Her mind dwelt on the sad events.她忘不了不幸的往事。
  25. Their minds were constantly colliding in endless arguments.他们在思想上经常产生矛盾,不断发生争论。
  26. Reading good books elevates your minds.阅读好书能增进你们的心灵修养。
  27. These reasons operated on the mind of the hearer.这些道理在听者思想上产生了作用。
  28. Pornographic literature and art corrupt the minds of young people.色情文艺腐蚀年轻人的心灵。
  29. You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。
  30. She cultivated her mind by reading many books.她博览群书,修身养性。
  31. An enquiring mind quickly catches on to a new idea.好探求的人很快就可以理解一个新的见解。
  32. The best minds in the country are trying to find a way out of its difficulties.这个国家最聪明的人都在尽力寻找使国家摆脱困境的方法。
  1. Mind!Don't go too near the edge of the cliff.当心!不要走到悬崖边上。
  2. Mind!There is a bus coming!当心!车来了!
  3. Mind! or I'll run you down with my bicycle.小心!要不我的自行车就压着你了。
  4. Mind now! not a word to anyone about it.注意!对谁也别提这事。
  5. I'm telling you this in confidence, mind.注意,我给你说的都是机密的话(不要对别人讲)。
  6. You must try not to mind when he criticizes your work.当他对你的工作提出批评时,请不要介意。
  7. I'm sure she won't really mind.我肯定她不会真正介意的。
  8. The students here did not mind particularly.这儿的学生们都不特别在乎。
  9. They don't seem to mind a bit.他们似乎一点都不在意。
  10. I don't mind at all.我一点也不介意。
  11. Must the teacher make the children mind?老师一定要叫孩子们服从吗?
  12. The teacher would assign his pupils extra homework if they didn't mind.如果小学生们不听话,那个老师就会给他们多布置作业。
  13. The dog minds well.这条狗很驯服。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Mind the train!当心火车!
  2. Mind your hand,Xiao Yu, that's hot.当心手,小余,烫着哩。
  3. Mind the wet paint.当心,油漆未干。
  4. Xiao Lin promised to mind the baby while we go out.小林答应我们出去时帮我们看孩子。
  5. She asked her daughter to stay at home and mind the baby.她叫女儿呆在家里照看孩子。
  6. My sister minds a neighbour's child for a small fee.我妹妹替邻居照看小孩,得一点报酬。
  7. Just go about your work and don't mind him.你还是干你的工作,不要理会他。
  8. The shepherd is minding his sheep.牧羊人在放羊。
  9. There was nobody left to mind the club.没有剩下人来管俱乐部的事了。
  10. My son can mind the store for me while I'm out of town.我不在城里的时候,我儿子能替我照料店铺。
  11. She does not hold a grudge against anyone. Please don't mind her too much.她对谁都没有恶意,请你对她不要太介意。
  12. He didn't seem to mind any kind of hardship.他好像对什么苦都不在乎。
  13. I don't mind a joke, but this is going too far.说笑话我不在乎,但这也太过分了。
  14. I don't mind the cold.这样冷的天气我不在乎。
  15. His aunt could not make the child mind her.那孩子的姑妈没办法使他听她的话。
  16. You must mind your husband.你必须服从你的丈夫。
  17. You should mind your teacher's words.你应当听老师的话。
  18. We should mind the rules.我们应当服从规定。
  19. Good drivers are always careful to mind the speed limit.好司机总是认真遵守车速限制。
  20. He always minds his work.他总是专心于工作。
  21. He said he minded the man well.他说他清楚地记得那个人。
  22. 1
  23. She went out and left the children to be minded by their aunt.她外出时把孩子们交给他们的姨妈照看。
S+~+to- v
  1. He's a shrewd guy.You'd better mind not to fall a victim to him.他是个机灵的家伙,你可得当心,别干那种他偷驴你拔撅的事。
S+~+(sb/sth/sb's) v -ing
  1. Would you mind opening the window?请你把窗子打开好吗?
  2. Would you mind giving me a glass of water and some aspirin?劳驾给我一杯水和一点阿司匹林好吗?
  3. Would you mind waiting a minute? — Not at all.你等我一下行吗? —— 可以。
  4. Would your friends mind speaking a little more softly?让你的朋友们说话稍轻一点行吗?
  5. I think I've grasped your main proposals, but would you mind running through them once again?我认为我明白了你的主要意思,不过你可以再叙述一遍吗?
  6. Sorry, would you mind repeating that point?I seem to have lost the drift of the argument.对不起,请你重复一下你那个论点,在辩论中我似乎没有搞清楚。
  7. I wonder whether you would mind doing me a favour? — No, indeed.不知道你能不能帮我一个忙?——那没问题。
  8. I wonder if you mind looking at my throat for a minute. —Of course not.劳驾看看我的嗓子好吗? —— 当然可以。
  9. I shouldn't mind living in a house like that.我倒想住在那样一栋房子里。
  10. Would you mind calling back some time tomorrow?请你明天给我回电话好吗?
  11. I don't mind listening to advice that I've asked for, but I refuse to be preached at.我不介意听取我要求得到的忠告,但就是不乐意听人说教。
  12. I don't mind being polite to that woman, but I draw the line at inviting her into my home.我并不介意对那女人以礼相待,但不能做到邀请她到我家里来。
  13. I'm sure she wouldn't mind your going with us.我肯定她不会反对你和我们一起去的。
  14. I don't mind Liu Hong speaking ill behind my back.刘红在背后说我的坏话,我并不在乎。
  15. Will you mind the children going to the show with us?孩子们跟我们去看演出,你没意见吧?
  16. I don't mind him coming in late if he doesn't wake me up.他回来得晚些倒没什么,只要不把我弄醒就行了。
  17. You don't mind it standing here for the present, do you?把它暂时放在这儿,你没有意见吧?
  18. They didn't mind the news becoming public.公开这消息他们并不在意。
  19. I mind reading this book.我记得读过这本书。
  1. Mind that you don't forget to tell him.记住,别忘了告诉他。
  2. Mind you read the examination questions very carefully before you begin to answer them.注意,你答题以前首先要仔细阅读试题。
  3. If he minded that she left him by himself in the evening, he never mentioned it.他反对她晚上把他自己留在家里,但是他从来不提这事。
  1. We shall have to mind what we say.我们说话得小心。
  2. Now mind what I tell you, don't go near the pond.注意我的话:别到水池边上去。
  3. You mustn't mind what Xiao Zhang says, she doesn't mean it.小张说的话你不要在意,她并不是这个意思。
  4. I don't mind what you do.你做什么我都不在乎。
  5. I don't mind who he is.不管他是谁我都不在乎。
  6. I don't mind whether they agree or not.他们同意不同意我都不在乎。
  7. Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a keepsake?我拿走一张画作纪念,你有意见吗?
  8. You must not mind if they are strict with you.他们要是对你严格,你可不要在意。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron.+n./adj.
  1. —Do you mind the window open?—Yes,I do mind; it's too much cold.——让窗户开着好吗?——别开着,太冷了。


be in twenty minds
    犹豫不决地 hesitatingly
be of sb's mind
    同意,意见相同 agree to
bear in mind
    记住,考虑 remember to consider, take account ofbear sth in mind

    I'll bear your advice in my mind.


    This should always be borne in mind.


    Yet there is an other point to be borne in mind.


    bear in mind that-clause

    He didn't do the job very well, but you must bear in mind that he was ill at the time.


    As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.


    Please bear in mind that they are our enemy.


    He has born in mind that you hurt him.


    You must bear in mind that some of those plants are poisonous.


bring to mind
    想起 rememberbring sth to mind

    I can't seem to bring to mind the name of the place where we last met.


    I know it happened, but I can't bring it to mind.


call to mind
    (使)记起,(使)想起 (cause to) remembercall sth to mind

    Sorry,I just can't call his name to mind at the moment.


    Now you mention it,I call the fact to mind.


change one's mind
    改变了主意 change the idea
come across one's mind
    忽然想到 think sth in heart suddenly
cross one's mind
    突然有个想法 come across an idea in heart suddenly
dismiss from one's mind
    试图忘记某事或某人 try to forget sth/sbdismiss sb/sth from one's mind

    She tried to dismiss him from her mind.


    The doctor urged the patient to dismiss all worries from her mind and take a good rest.


erase from sb's mind
    从(记忆等)中忘掉,抹掉… remove sth, usually bad from one's thoughtserase sth from sb's mind

    The blow on his head erased the details of the accident from his mind.


    Even the lapse of many years will never erase the memory of that experience from my mind.


    Try to erase all thoughts from your mind, so that you will feel at peace.


    Nothing can erase the memory of that terrible day from her mind.


escape sb's mind
    被忘记 be forgotten
float into〔through〕 one's mind
    慢慢产生(想法) pass lazily into or through one's mind
have a mind of one's own
    有自己的主见 have one's own thoughts
in (one's) mind
    在心里 in heart
keep in mind
    记住 bear in mindkeep sth in mind

    I will keep your advice in mind.


    Keep the people in mind and place your hopes on them.


make up one's mind
    决定,下决心 decide; determine
open one's mind
    对…吐露心意〔真情〕 make known one's ideas〔feelings〕
out of (one's) mind
    精神不正常 be mad
pay mind to
    注意 give one's attention to; be attentive to
peace of mind
    心灵的平静 don't want some terrible sth in heart
poison sb's mind(s)
    影响…的思想 influence sb's point of view
pollute sb's minds
    腐蚀…的心灵 affect one's formal thoughts
scare out of mind
    吓得魂不附体 make sb greatly afraid, especially through shockscare sb out of one's mind

    You scared me out of my mind, coming up behind me suddenly like that.


    He was scared out of his mind, giving his first public performance.


search one's mind
    绞尽脑汁 think sth very hard
spill one's mind
    说出心里话 say sth that he or she wants to speak
spring up in sb's mind
    产生了疑团 begin not to believe
stamp upon the minds of
    铭刻在心 engrave in sb's heartstamp sth upon the minds of sb

    His words are still stamped upon the minds of people.


never mind
    没关系 have no connections or relationsnever mind

    After reading a book, it is only natural that you don't understand it all. Never mind. Put it aside and start another one.


    “Sorry to have kept you waiting.”“Never mind.”


    “Granny, quickly!”“Never mind, my boy, it won't take long.”


    Never mind. Please don't go for it. I shan't want it.


    Never mind, next time I'm sure you can do better.


    Never mind! I can do this by myself.


    I'm sorry I've spilt some tea on the table-cloth. —Never mind, it will wash out.

    对不起,我把茶洒在桌布上了。 —— 没关系,洗得掉的。

    never mind sb/sth

    But never mind that; it doesn't matter.

    可别介意; 没有关系的。

    Never mind him, he is not serious.


    never mind wh-clause

    Never mind who told me, that's of no importance.


    Never mind what others said; we want your opinion.


    Never mind what the price is; if it is what we need, we'll buy it.


mind one's P's and Q's
    言行谨慎; 仔细 pay close attention to; be polite or careful in one's behaviour
mind you
    听着,你要知道,请注意take this fact into account


用作名词 (n.)
  • apply one's mind to专心于…
  • bear in mind记在心里
  • bend one's mind on专心致志于
  • bring to mind想起
  • broaden one's mind开阔心怀
  • call to mind想起
  • change one's mind改变主意
  • clear one's mind清醒头脑
  • come to sb's mind使某人想起
  • concentrate one's mind集中精力
  • distract sb's mind分散某人的思想
  • ease one's mind使安心
  • enlighten the public mind启发群众的思想
  • focus one's mind集中精力
  • free one's mind解放思想
  • give one's mind专心于
  • keep in mind记在心上
  • know one's own mind有自己的打算
  • lose one's mind失去理智
  • make up one's mind拿定主意,下定决心
  • open one's mind透露心里话
  • read sb's mind看透某人的心事
  • set one's mind决心
  • speak one's mind out说出自己的想法
  • stimulate one's mind刺激头脑
  • take one's mind off sth不去想某事
  • tell sb one's mind把自己的心思告诉某人
  • absent mind精力不集中,心不在焉
  • cavalier mind傲慢的想法
  • clear mind清醒的头脑
  • commendable mind可取的想法
  • conciliatory mind和缓想法
  • correct mind正确的想法
  • curious mind好奇心
  • defiant mind对抗的想法
  • equivocal mind模棱两可的想法
  • forward-looking mind向前看的想法
  • friendly mind友好的想法
  • good mind正确的想法
  • hands-off mind不参与的想法
  • hardened mind坚定不移的想法
  • hostile mind敌对的想法
  • inflexible mind不可改变的想法
  • ironical mind讽刺的想法
  • irreverent mind不尊敬的想法
  • keen mind敏锐的头脑
  • listening mind倾听的想法
  • modest mind谦虚的想法
  • narrow mind心胸狭窄
  • negative mind消极的想法
  • objective mind客观的想法
  • open mind坦率
  • optimistic mind乐观的想法
  • passive mind消极的想法
  • patronizing mind屈尊俯就的想法
  • pessimistic mind悲观的想法
  • positive mind积极的想法
  • public mind公众意见
  • quick mind伶俐的头脑
  • quiet mind宁静的心境
  • realistic mind现实的想法
  • religious mind虔诚的想法
  • resolute mind坚决的想法
  • reverent mind恭敬的想法
  • same mind相同的想法
  • scientific mind科学的头脑
  • serious mind严肃的想法
  • sharp mind敏锐的头脑
  • stiff mind强硬的想法
  • threatening mind威胁的想法
  • twisted mind扭曲的观点
  • unbalanced mind思想不平衡
  • vacant mind空虚的头脑
  • weak minds意志薄弱
  • in two mind犹豫不决,三心二意
  • of sb's mind与某人意见相同
  • on one's mind有心事
  • to sb's mind依某人之见
用作动词 (v.)
  • mind dog小心狗
  • mind one's father and mother听父母的话
  • mind one's hand当心手
  • mind one's sheep放羊
  • mind one's teacher's words听老师的话
  • mind one's work专心于工作
  • mind public opinion在乎公众的舆论
  • mind the baby照看孩子
  • mind the club管俱乐部
  • mind the ditch小心有沟
  • mind the rules服从规定
  • mind the speed limit遵守速度限制
  • mind the store照料店铺
  • mind the train当心火车
  • mind your own business少管闲事
  • mind characteristically具有特色地照顾
  • mind discreetly小心地照顾
  • mind exclusively全身心地照顾
  • mind heartlessly无意照顾
  • mind magnificently精心地照顾
  • mind reluctantly不情愿地照顾
  • mind superficially表面上地照顾
  • mind whole-heartedly全心全意地照顾
  • mind out当心,注意


  • Hard to hold the difference in mind.

    出自:Austin Clarke
  • Poets must flick in and out of mind As if we had no other kind Of knowing.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • Out of sight, out of mind.

  • There's not a bonie bird that sings, But minds me o' my Jean.

    出自:R. Burns
  • They mind us of the time When we made bricks in Egypt.


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Let s Start From Here giving up, why should I we've come to far to forget we're beautiful, we just got lost somewhere along the way so much was missing when you went away Let's start from here, lose the past change our minds, we don't need a

发表于:2019-02-02 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

1.下面这些都是表示数量的代词,用法大体上可以归纳如下: 很多,许多没多少,很少(否定)有一些,有几个(肯定) 用于可数名词manyfewa few 用于不可数名词muchlittlea little 这些词作定语时

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(162) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇

英国新晋男子偶像团体 The Wanted(Tom, Max, Nathan, Jay and Siva)。该团体组建于2009年,他们希望把自己标榜成特立独行的流行,即在通常的流行中加入摇滚、和独立乐队音乐的元素。 May our hearts be f

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 英乐时空

(1)等值翻译 a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟 within a stone's throw 一步之遥 kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 (2)不等值翻译 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 on second thoughts 再三考虑 by ones and twos 两两地,零零落落

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(87) / 评论(0) 分类 英语笔译

有些问题难以解决,但是很多数字短语会有所帮助。今天,酷酷少儿英语就来说说关于数字2的短语。数字2在英文中是two。 1、put two and two together 根据事实推理 例句:If we put two and two together,

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(90) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

(1)等值翻译 a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟 within a stone's throw 一步之遥 kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 (2)不等值翻译 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 on second thoughts 再三考虑 by ones and twos 两两地,零

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(100) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口译

Today, more than ever before, education is playing an important role in the teaching of children. The school has become a vital part of every community, drawing children from every walk of life. The children are eager to take advantage of its opportu

发表于:2019-02-16 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

爱喝咖啡的人耳根子比较软 Eighty percent of adults in the US and the UK are moderate users of the caffeine. 80%的美国人和英国人都在一定程度上是咖啡因的使用者。 Of all the effects it has on our mindsenhanced attentio

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(93) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

读经典书的重要性 The importance of reading classics as many people say, reading classics plays a significant role to one's growing. because all of the classics are the positive results of wisdom. we can learn much knowledge and become more in

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(116) / 评论(0) 分类 四六级写作指导

01 Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 【相关例句】 Believe it or not, Im going to America tomorrow! 信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。 02 Don't let me down! 别让我失望! 【相关例句】 Don't let me down.Keep your

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

01 Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 【相关例句】 Believe it or not, Im going to America tomorrow! 信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。 02 Don't let me down! 别让我失望! 【相关例句】 Don't let me down.Keep your

发表于:2019-02-20 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

Nothing suffocates you more than the passing of everyday human events Isolation is the oxygen mask you make your children breath into survive But I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist But I'm not a slave to world that doesn't give a shit And wh

发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(86) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

破擦音[dz] 发音要领: [dz]是清辅音一一舌位:发音时舌前端抵住上齿龈,气流从缝隙中缓缓冲出;唇形:自然张开;声带:振动。 技巧提示: [dz]的发音与汉字资的音相近,发[dz]时可参考资发

发表于:2019-02-28 / 阅读(284) / 评论(0) 分类 英语国际音标

So If you ever want something You call, you call And I'll come running to fight And I'll be at your door And there's nothing worth running for When your mind is made up When your mind is made up There's no point trying to change it When your mind is

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(134) / 评论(0) 分类 影视英文歌曲

LESSON 24 THE PET BIRD 第二十四课 宠物鸟 Jane had a bird that she kept in a cage. 简有一只养在笼子里的鸟。 It was so tame that it would come to be fed from her hand. 它如此的驯良,以至于会来到她的手上吃食。 Now

发表于:2019-03-05 / 阅读(148) / 评论(0) 分类 英国语文第一册
a fair treat
alkaline spring
aquilegia vulgaris l.
assembled conductor
attenuation cross-section
attitude accessibility
bacterial phases
binnacle hood
boat clubs
busbar group
cage hunting
calculuss of variations
Canadian Shield
cloud cap
constant-current coulometry
convergent factor
crowning of head
curd tension meter
Delphinium beesianum
discrimination network
drag bunts
early-strength admixture
educational managerialics
epidermolysis bullosa
exciter set
experience goods
extra district student
extruded article
flatus enema
foam mark
form snapshot
freedom ride
general mortgage bond
ground-level release
heavy lift vessel
high tension switchgear
horizontal reciprocatin table surface grinder
input/output program status word location
laced with
loss on disposal
magnetic bubble computer
metal crawler
meter pricing
minnow net machine
mode index number
multitubuler boiler
netting twine
not care a straw
out of his head
peakload unit
porcelain tendre
power line carrier technology
pre eminence
pterella fasciata
reflective blind
research and technology
sausage sizzle
shake the plum tree
shoe shiner
soy(bean) oil meal
squatter's title
star electromotive force
strip-type magnetron
survey route
synthetic quartzcrystal
tangent of loss angle
thermogenic substance metabolism
transfer of resources
transparent film bag
wan ch'iu y?eh