音标:[lә:n] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 学习;认识到;得知
v. gain knowledge or skills
v. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
v. be a student of a certain subject
词型变化:过去分词 : learned ; 现在分词 : learning ; 过去式 : learned ; 第三人称单数 : learns ; 名词复数形式 : learns



  1. Write out this word ten times so that you learn how to spell it.把这个字抄写十遍就能记住怎麽拼写了。
  2. It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。
  3. I'm trying to learn English.我正在尽力学英语。
  4. I learned this news from the newspaper.我从报纸上得知这个消息。


  1. Live and learn.活到老,学到老。
  2. It is easy to learn.这很容易学。
  3. It is never too late to learn.学习永远不会太迟。
  4. Children learn faster than adults.孩子比成人学得快。
  5. You must learn before you can get any skill or knowledge.你一定要先学习,才能掌握技能或知识。
  6. They never learn, never give up.他们从不吸取教训,绝不投降。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Generally, children learn foreign languages very easily.一般说来,小孩学习外语很容易。
  2. They also learned acupuncture.他们还学习针灸。
  3. I had to learn a trade at the age of seven.我7岁时就不得不去学一门手艺。
  4. He studied hard and finally learned the lesson.他努力学习,终于掌握了这一课。
  5. I haven't quite learnt the song yet.我还没有学会这首歌。
  6. Have you learnt your lessons?你的功课学会了吗?
  7. How many English words have you learned?你学了多少英语单词?
  8. I have learned a lot of things.我学会了许多东西。
  9. The child has learned quite a few Tang poems.这孩子学会了很多首唐诗。
  10. Can you learn 50 words a day?你一天能记住50个单词吗?
  11. He found it very difficult to learn the lines of the play.他感到很难记住该剧的台词。
  12. I also learned the strength of the collective.我还认识到了集体的力量。
  13. They were at last to learn the particulars of the earthquake.最后,他们了解到了地震的详细情况。
  14. She has learned the truth at last.她最后知道了事实真相。
  15. What would he think if he learned the truth?他要是知道了真实情况,会怎么想呢?
  16. Gradually he learned the habits of these insects.他逐步了解了这些昆虫的习性。
  17. They were greatly surprised to learn the news.听到这个消息,他们都很吃惊。
  18. How had he learned that secret?他怎么得知这个秘密的?
S+~+to- v
  1. I advise you to learn to swim.我劝你学习游泳。
  2. You must learn to keep your balance in skating.在溜冰时你得学会保持平衡。
  3. You must learn to wait on yourself now.你现在应该学会自己照顾自己了。
  4. Franklin had a deep conviction that we must learn to understand and get on with our neighbours in this hemisphere.富兰克林深信,我们一定会了解本半球的邻居,并学会同他们友好相处。
  5. As a teacher, she should learn to set an example with her own conduct.作为一名教师,她应该懂得以身作则。
  6. She is learning to speak American English.她在学说美式英语。
  7. He's learning to drive a car.他在学开车。
  8. He began to learn to read and write at the age of five.他5岁就开始学习读书、写字。
  9. It took me more than a year to learn to draw a horse in five minutes.我花了一年多的时间学会用5分钟画一匹马。
  10. In the past two hundred years man has learned to use steam and electricity.在过去的200年间,人类学会了利用蒸汽和电力。
  11. They have learned to scorn difficulties.他们学会了藐视困难。
  12. He had learned to perform a number of difficult technical feats on the violin.他学会了不少小提琴高难度的演奏技巧。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. I'm learning how to repair motors.我正在学习怎样修理发动机。
  2. He is learning how to write a composition.他在学习怎样写作文。
  3. He is learning how to play the piano.他正在学习弹钢琴。
  4. A baby learns how to walk and then how to run.幼儿先学走,后学跑。
  5. You ought to learn how to be patient.你要学会耐心。
  6. Within two weeks' time, she learned how to pronounce the English letters.两个星期内她学会了英语字母的发音。
  7. He has learned how to run the car.他学会了开车。
  8. Have you learned how to ride a bicycle?你已经学会骑自行车了吗?
  9. She has learned how to install this electric equipment.她已学会了安装这种电器设备。
  10. You must learn when to speak and when to keep silent.你必须学会什么时候讲话,什么时候沉默。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. I'll learn you to come to my orchard and steal apples.我要给你一个教训,看你下一次还敢来我的苹果园偷吃苹果。
  2. This will learn you to keep out of mischief.这将使你得到教训,不敢再捣蛋。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. I learnt reading and writing at school.我在学校学会了读和写。
  2. He learned swimming in his childhood.他在童年时学会了游泳。
  1. Do you learn that Jack has come back?你可知道杰克已经回来了吗?
  2. I was surprised to learn that he had failed the examination.听说他这次考试不及格。我感到很惊讶。
  3. I learnt that she was once a governess.我听说她做过家庭教师。
  4. We just learned that he was ill.我们刚听说他生病了。
  5. He learned that another member had been arrested.他听说另一个成员被捕了。
  6. I have learned that Mr. Smith will take part in our discussion.听说史密斯先生要参加我们的讨论。
  7. I have learnt that he will go to the U.S. for further studies.我听说他要到美国去深造。
  8. You will soon learn that dishonesty does not pay.你很快就会懂得,不老实是要吃亏的。
  9. You must learn that you cannot treat people like servants.你必须明白,你不能像对待仆人一样对待人家。
  10. When he learned that his son always received “excellent” in all subjects, he was very pleased.当他得知儿子在校各门功课都是优时,他非常高兴。
  11. We learned that this method was not perfect and required to be improved.我们认识到这一方法并不完善,尚需改进。
  1. We can learn what we did not know.我们能学会我们原来不懂的东西。
  2. I'm going to learn whatever my tutor wishes.我将学习我的导师希望我学的东西。
  3. We've not yet learnt whether he arrived safely.我们尚未获悉他是否安全抵达。
It is/was ~ed+that-clause
  1. It was learned that the great fire was caused by the carelessness of a housewife.据悉那次火灾是由于一位主妇不慎而引起的。
用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. +wh-to- v
  1. He learned me how to play chess.他教我如何下棋。
  2. I'll learn you how to disobey my orders!我要给你一点厉害看看不服从我的命令会怎么样!
S+~+ n./pron. +wh-clause
  1. I did learn him what he should do and what he shouldn't.我认真地教训了他一顿,要他知道应该做什么和不应该做什么。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. They learned her gone.他们得知她怀孕了。


learn about( v.+prep. )
    得知有关…的消息 come to hear about;gain information about sth/sblearn about sth

    I have come here to learn about the factory's production.


    By reading newspapers you can learn about new development in science, art, literature and technology.


    learn sth about sth

    It's no use learning facts about a subject if you don't understand it.


    learn about sb/sth

    He learned about the matter before he came.


    I learned about his death only this morning.


    How did you learn about our product?


    We only learned about your intended visit yesterday.


    Your own parents should not have to learn about your wedding from a newspaper report!


learn by( v.+prep. )
    从…学到 learn sth from sthlearn by sth

    Wise men learn by other men's mistake;fools by their own.


    learn sth by sb/sth

    Learn wisdom by the folly of others.


learn from( v.+prep. )
    向…学习;从…获得〔吸取〕 gain knowledge from;come to know sth from sblearn from sb/sth

    We should learn from Lei Feng.


    A man who does not learn from others can't hope to achieve much.


    Modern man can learn from the mistake of his ancestors.


    We all learn from our mistakes.


    Although Lu Hsun lived half a century ago, there is much that we can learn from his works today.


    Why don't you learn from my mistakes?


    If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us!


    learn sth from sb/sth

    She learned everything from me.


    He had learned the song from his mother as a child.


    She learned English from an English teacher.


    From him I learned that a good politician is marked to great extent by his sense of timing.


    From her letter I learned that her elder son is now in the army.


    I have learned from bitter experience that it does not pay to be too hopeful.


    I learned from his roommate that he had been in hospital for over a week.


    I've learned something from your eyes.


    Much can be learned from a good teacher.


learn of( v.+prep. )
    听说… come to hear about;gain information about sth/sblearn of sth

    I am sorry to learn of his illness.


    I've just learned of his arrival.


    She only learnt of her son's marriage long after the event.


    He had learned of his father's death in Australia.


    When I came back, the wounded soldiers had been removed,I could not learn of their condition.


learn off( v.+adv. )
    记熟,背熟,记住 learn from memory, so as to be able to repeat them exactlylearn sth ⇔ off

    Can you learn off the part by the end of the week?


    The actor has learned off his lines.


learn up( v.+adv. )
    学会 study;learn sth such as information thoroughlylearn sth ⇔ up

    She has learned up as much French as she could for the trip.



用作动词 (v.)
  • learn a foreign language学习一门外语
  • learn a new game学习新游戏
  • learn a trade学手艺
  • learn English学英语
  • learn lessons接受教训
  • learn new skill学会一种新的技能
  • learn painting学画画
  • learn piano学弹钢琴
  • learn sb's marriage得知某人的婚事
  • learn sb's name听说过某人的名字
  • learn science学习科学
  • learn the truth了解真相
  • learn wisdom学习有益的东西
  • learn words学单词
  • learn fast学得快
  • learn soon很快地学会
  • learn well学得好
  • learn aptly易于学习
  • learn brilliantly英明地学习
  • learn instinctively本能地学习
  • learn invariably始终如一地学习
  • learn normally正规地学习
  • learn precociously过早地学习
  • learn quickly学得快
  • learn rapidly学得快
  • learn scientifically科学地学习
  • learn slowly慢慢地学习
  • learn thoroughly全面地学习
  • learn off牢记
  • learn up尽量详尽地学习
  • learn about学会
  • learn about sb's illness得知某人生病
  • learn by experience从经验中学习
  • learn by heart记住
  • learn the poem by heart背颂诗
  • learn from从…学〔得知,了解〕
  • learn from experience从经验中学习
  • learn from sb's mistakes从某人的错误中受到教益
  • learn in practice在实践中学习
  • learn of学习,得知,了解
  • learn of the result得知结果
  • learn through struggle在斗争中学习


  • Lena could first..learn how to do things.

    出自:G. Stein
  • We learnt by bitter experience.

    出自:B. Montgomery
  • Oh Jo, you're only a kid. Why don't you learn from my mistakes?

    出自:S. Delaney
  • She had learned a lot and was very wise and provident now.

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
  • From my clumsy fall I learned to be more cautious.

    出自:D. Wigoder

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a culture vulture
a vicious cycle
active soil formers
age for making a valid will
alloy transfer efficiency
artistic styles
beat the devil's tattoo
beneath sb to do sth
benthodesmus tenuis
bicipital artery
binnacle door
biomedical dosimetry
bond table
capitan mts.
cowboy coffee
cross-lap joint
cutter tooth number
diplacusis binauralis
drum cam
early onset
empirical sociology
fault collecting indicator
fine clay slurry
foreign humanitarian assistance
Fox Creek
go into a tailspin
green ink clause credit
horizontal rotating table
hydrazine compound
irrelevant to
keep a secret
kick at
land proprietor
lee port
little bleedingheart
local transit
long-term power system planning
mathematical structure
mizen chain
mode select coupler
money and valuables
negotiation of contract terms
neon spark test
on line isotope separator
ossipyte (ossipite)
photoacoustic effect
primary hepatoma
primary magnesium
public health service's sanitary requirement
receding tide
return pass
rotating platinum microelectrode
sample content
scientific methods of work principle
sgare chain
spiro compounds
Stellaria L.
subparta ileus
tab curtain
talked into
tambour thread
Tennyson, L.
tubercula labiale
turbidimeter method
UF foamed plastics
ultra-high-carbon steel
well drift
Welsh Black