音标:['stʌdi] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 学习, 研究, 学科, 论文, 求学, 书房, 试作
vt. 学习, 读书, 研究, 考虑, 计划
vi. 学习, 思索
n. applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
n. a state of deep mental absorption
n. a room used for reading and writing and studying
n. someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play)
词型变化:名词复数形式 : studies ; 现在分词 : studying ; 过去分词 : studied ; 过去式 : studied ; 第三人称单数 : studies



  1. This reference book is very useful to our study.这本参考书对我们的研究很有用。
  2. He persisted in the study of law.他坚持学习法律。
  3. His years of study were useful in his job.他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
  4. Physiology is the study of how living things work.生理学是研究生物功能的学科。
  5. She secludes herself in her study to work.她把自己关在书房里埋头研究。
  6. She stood there in a brown study.她站在那里沉思默想。
  7. Harry was a confounded slow study.哈里是一个记忆力差透了的人。
  8. He is a quick study.他很快就能背诵出台词。
  1. Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life.科学家们正在研究火星的照片,寻求生命的迹象。
  2. I like to study in the library.我喜欢在图书馆学习。
  3. She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard.她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。
  4. He studied himself in the mirror.他对着镜子端详自己。
  5. He always studied to avoid disagreeable topics.他总是努力避免不愉快的话题。


  1. You can study by yourself.你可以自学。
  2. He's studying at home now; he has left school.现在他在家里自学,他不上学了。
  3. He went to Oxford to study.他到牛津大学去学习了。
  4. Severe criticisms from his teacher prompted him to study hard.老师的严厉批评促使他用功学习。
  5. More men will be sent to study abroad.将派遣更多的人出国学习。
  6. He often studied late into the night.他常常学习到深夜。
  7. The child will not study unless you stand over him.除非你监督这男孩,否则他是不会学习的。
S+~+to- v
  1. He was studying to be a doctor.他在读医科。
  2. We will study to avoid making mistakes.我们要力图不犯错误。
  3. You'll have to keep studying hard to stay ahead of the others.你得继续刻苦学习,才能领先于其他人。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He is studying German.他在学习德语。
  2. I'm thinking of studying engineering by mail.我在想通过函授学工程学。
  3. Helen studied her spelling lesson for half an hour.海伦花了半个小时学习拼写课程。
  4. For a year he studied English with a foreign teacher.他跟一位外国老师学了一年英语。
  5. We must study their experience in running factories.我们必须研究他们管理工厂的经验。
  6. The committee will study the tax plan thoroughly.委员会将仔细研究这项税收计划。
  7. I studied him pretty closely at one time.有一次我相当仔细地看了看他。
  8. He looked at her hard, studying her face.他目不转睛地盯着她,端详着她的脸。
  9. He was studying the map.当时他在仔细察看地图。
  10. He studied the picture, which had been taken in the summer time.他仔细看这照片,这是夏天照的。
  11. I will study the matter and give you my opinion .我将认真考虑一下这个问题,然后将我的意见告诉你。
  12. This school studies the needs of all the children in it.这所学校认真考虑所有学童的需要。
  13. 1
  14. The works of Picasso are studied by many people in the world.毕加索的作品在世界上有许多人在研究。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. They are studying what to do next Sunday.他们在研究下星期日做什么。
  2. He studied how to finish the work in the shortest possible time.他研究了怎样才能在最短的时间里完成这项工作。
  1. I must study why he killed himself.我必须研究一下他为什么自杀。
用作宾补动词S+~+ oneself + adj.
  1. They study themselves a little silly.他们觉得自己有点傻。
  1. My brother is fond of study.我兄弟喜欢学习。
  2. He went out after an hour's study.他学习了一小时后才出去的。
  3. His enthusiasm for study struck his teacher favorably.他勤奋学习的热情给老师留下了良好的印象。
  4. The teacher told the class to settle down and begin their study.老师要求学生安静下来开始学习。
  5. Facts show that correct study methods are very important.事实证明,正确的学习方法是十分重要的。
  6. There are no rooms specifically set aside for quiet study.没有专门安排供安静学习之用的房间。
  7. I shall not end my studies when I leave school.我离校后不会停止学习。
  8. At last he persuaded his father to allow him to begin his studies at Harvard.他终于说服父亲允许他在哈佛大学就读。
  9. He made great progress in his studies.他在学业上取得了很大的进步。
  10. How are your medical studies progressing?你的医学学业进展如何?
  11. She was returning from her music studies in Vienna.她即将结束在维也纳的音乐深造归来。
  12. The matter is under study.此事正在研究之中。
  13. My studies will bear good fruit.我的研究会结出丰硕成果。
  14. His studies covered a wide field.他的研究涉及的范围很广。
  15. He followed up his linguistic studies till he died.他毕生孜孜不倦地从事语言学研究。
  16. During his imprisonment of three years he applied himself to serious studies.在3年监禁期间,他致力于认真的研究。
  17. He made a study of Shakespeare's plays.他研究莎士比亚戏剧。
  18. He made a study of economics.他研究经济学。
  19. Professor White makes a special study of English.怀特教授专门研究英语。
  20. The city prepared a study on the slum problem.该市编写了一份关于贫民窟问题的报告。
  21. The committee made a thorough study of the causes of civil disorders.委员会彻底调查了平民骚乱的原因。
  22. The government has ordered a feasibility study in connection with the proposed new airport.政府已命令对提议建造的新机场进行可行性研究。
  23. I read your study of farming with interest.我饶有兴趣地阅读了你的关于耕作的论文。
  24. Biology is the study of living things.生物学是研究生物的学科。
  25. She took up the study of Latin with him.她跟他学习拉丁文。
  26. He was busy in his study.他在书房里用功。
  27. You will find him in his study.你可以在他书房里找到他。
  28. The old man sat reading in his study.那位老人坐在书房里看书。
  29. The Chinese pictures hang now in my study.那些中国画现挂在我的书房里。
  30. Show the guest into the study.请把客人带到书房里去。
  31. He is a study in contradictions.他是个颇有争议的人。
  32. The guest is vigorous while the host is a study in poor health.客人精力充沛,而主人健康不佳,这一点引起人们的关注。


study for (v.+prep.)
    为准备(考试等)而努力学习 work hard at learning (from sth such as a book) in preparation for (sth such as an examination)study for sth

    We study for knowledge, not for marks.


    It's difficult to study for a law degree in evening classes while working during the day.


    He is studying for the bar.


    study sth for sth

    Please be quiet,I have to study this book for a test tomorrow.


study out (v.+adv.)
    为…订出计划,设计,拟定 make a plan for, devise, plotWe studied out a plan for increasing production.我们拟出了一个增产计划。
study under (v.+prep.)
    在(某人)指导下学习 have sb as one's teacher, usually at a high levelstudy under sb

    Jane will be lucky to study under such a famous singer.


study up (v.+adv.)
    为考试等而钻研 get up for an examination, etc.study sth ⇔ up

    I knew very well about the matter because I'd studied it up in a book.


    study up on sb/sth

    We should study up on the map before we set out.


    I'll get a little closer, and study up on him.


    study up

    He's studying up now.


in a brown study
    沉思,默想,出神 in deep thought; in a reverie


用作动词 (v.)
  • study a map仔细查阅地图
  • study economics学经济学
  • study engineering学工程学
  • study English学英语
  • study French学法语
  • study medicine学医
  • study painting学画画
  • study philosophy学哲学
  • study Shakespeare研究莎士比亚的作品
  • study the menu细阅菜单
  • study the needs of the people研究人民的需要
  • study the next move考虑下一步行动
  • study the problem研究这个问题
  • study the programme细阅节目单
  • study the social matters研究社会问题
  • study the structure of the bridge研究桥的结构
  • study abroad出国学习
  • study carefully仔细地研究
  • study closely仔细地研究
  • study curiously好奇地打量
  • study deeply深入钻研
  • study diligently勤奋学习
  • study earnestly认真学习
  • study extensively广泛地研究
  • study hard努力学习
  • study laboriously刻苦学习
  • study minutely详细地研究
  • study privately自学
  • study silently默默地研究
  • study systematically系统地学习
  • study theoretically理论上研究
  • study thoroughly彻底地研究
  • study out研究出,苦思后解决
  • study out a mystery解开奥秘
  • study out a new system研究出一套新的体系
  • study out a plan拟出一计划
  • study out a puzzle解开一个谜
  • study up为某种目的而专门阅读,查阅,钻研
  • study up on对…进行仔细研究
  • study at school上学
  • study by mail通过函授学习
  • study by oneself自学
  • study for a degree攻读学位
  • study from〔under,with〕 sb跟某人学习
  • study in college在大学学习
  • study into a matter调查某事
  • study into a subject钻研问题
  • study under a well-known professor在著名教授指导下学习〔研究〕
  • study without a teacher自学
用作名词 (n.)
  • begin one's study开始学习
  • carry on one's study进行学习
  • complete study完成学业
  • conduct a study of进行…的研究
  • continue one's study继续学习
  • deserve further study需要进一步研究
  • devote oneself to the study致力于研究
  • do a study进行研究
  • drop one's medical study放弃学医
  • engage in study从事研究
  • finish one's study完成学业
  • focus one's study on集中精力研究…
  • further the study of进一步研究…
  • give up one's study放弃研究〔学业〕
  • make a study of研究…
  • neglect one's study忽视研究
  • promote the study of促进…的研究
  • prosecute further study从事进一步研究,深造
  • receive study得到研究
  • require study需要研究
  • stimulate the study of促进对…的研究
  • take up a study开始研究〔学习〕
  • undertake a study of对…进行研究
  • advanced study高级的研究
  • analytical study分析性研究
  • candid study公正的研究
  • careful study细心的研究
  • classical study古代文化的研究
  • comparative study比较性研究
  • complicated study复杂的研究
  • comprehensive study全面的研究
  • curious study好奇的审视
  • daily study每日的学习
  • daring study大胆的研究
  • deep study深入研究〔学习〕
  • diligent study勤奋学习
  • delightful study愉快学习
  • desperate study拼命的学习
  • detailed study详细的研究
  • economic study经济研究
  • extensive study广泛的调查
  • fossil study化石研究
  • further study进一步研究,深造
  • graduate study研究生学习
  • historical study历史研究
  • immediate study直接的调查
  • independent study独立学习
  • intensive study精深的调查
  • intimate study私人调查
  • judicial study司法研究
  • mathematical study数学研究
  • modern study近代研究
  • passionate study热情的学习
  • patient study耐心的研究
  • philosophical study哲学上的研究
  • practical study实际调查
  • proper study适当的调查
  • rational study合理的调查
  • rigorous study严密的研究
  • scientific study科学的研究
  • special study专门研究
  • systematic study系统的研究
  • time-and-motion study操作和工时的研究
  • case study个案研究,案例研究
  • feasibility study可行性研究
  • language study语言研究
  • nature study(小学课程中的)自然课
  • word study词的研究
  • after study学习以后
  • at one's study从事学习
  • by hard study通过刻苦学习
  • in a brown study在沉思中
  • under study在研究中
  • works under study研究中的作品
  • study for an artist艺术家应研究的问题
  • study in the evolution of man对人类进化的研究
  • study of classical literature古典文学研究
  • study of this phenomenon对这种现象进行研究


  • The Man, who, stretch'd in Isis' calm retreat, To books and study gives sev'n years complete.

  • Attempts to broaden the syllabus by including the study of atheism.

  • To Athens flies; Intensely studies with the Learn'd and Wise.

    出自:P. Francis

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A-frame loader
absorption spectroelec-trochemistry
agglomeration of industry
allamanda catharticas
aluminum oxygen-silicon polymer
bascionic sensilla
be a slave to
be wanting
blown my own trumpet
bottom round
bump cutter machine
callistus i
cellular automaton
cerebriform tongue
chahar kent
control concurrence
convergent position
crooked joint alignment
dynamic feedback matrix
dynamited silk
film identification
fluouine cell
genus Thalictrum
getting lost
horse vault
instantaneous unavailability
make the
multivaritate sample
Nam Lake
nominate ... to
Old Style calendar
outboard screw
paranthostomella decaspermi
pre-recorded cassette
private house
privilege of note issue
procedure summary
R meter
rear strut
regiones olfactoria tunicae mucosae
rehabilitation scheme
rollermill throughput
semi-simple linear transformation
single skew notch
spiral-fin fuel element
splay out
steel bar straight thread rolling machine
the drop
thermal over-current relay
two-way reinforced concrete slab
Ulu Langat
variable-speed winch
varnished sleeve
warble hole
wireless music player