音标:[iksˈpresɪŋ] ;
v. 表达( express的现在分词 ); (用符号等)表示; 榨; [express oneself](如在说话、写作或绘画中)表达(自己)的意见
p. pr. & vb. n. of Express



  1. The express is as swift as an arrow.快车似箭一般地飞驶。
  2. We have to change here for an express.我们必须在这里换乘快车。
  3. I sent the letter by express.我这封信寄的是快递。
  4. Important documents will be sent by express.重要文件会以快递寄出。
  1. Matthew left express instructions to keep all doors locked.马修下达了明确的指示,让我们把所有的门都锁上。
  2. Is there an express checkout service?有没有快速退房手续的服务
  3. It is the most direct way to approach the transcendental state and the most subtle way to express spiritual energy in audible form.这是接近超自然状态最直接的方式,也是用声音来表达灵性能量最精微的方法。
  1. The parcel was sent express.这包裹是用快邮寄的.
  1. Many theologies express the same ideas.许多宗教理论表达同一种思想。
  2. I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you again.我借此机会再一次地向大家表示衷心的感谢。
  3. The writer expresses his love for his motherland in his novels.作者在小说中表达出他对祖国的爱。
  4. As soon as I receive payment I will express the book to you.我一收到付款就会将书快递给你。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He expressed his views at the meeting.他在会上发表了自己的观点。
  2. Try to express your idea clearly.尽量把你的想法表达清楚。
  3. He expressed his thanks for the support we had given him.他对我们给予他的支持表示感谢。
  4. A smile expressed her joy at the good news.微笑表示出她对这好消息的欢欣。
  5. The picture expressed the painter's hatred of war.那幅画表达出画家对战争的憎恨。
  6. Her eyes expressed annoyance.她的眼神表示出她的烦恼。
  7. He expressed this subject admirably.他在这个问题上表达得极好。
  8. I don't know if I have expressed myself clearly.我不知道我是否说清楚了我的意思。
  9. Unable to find words to express themselves, they silently grasped our hands.他们想不出话来表达自己的感情,就默默地握着我们的手。
  10. We always expressed ourselves well in debate.我们总是在辩论中畅所欲言。
  11. He expressed himself well in argument.他在辩论中很好地表达了自己的思想。
  12. When you go to the post office tomorrow morning, express this package for me.明天早晨你去邮局的时候,帮我把这个包快寄出去。
  13. We've expressed the package.我们已将包裹以快件寄出了。
  14. 1
  15. A child's feelings are often expressed by crying.孩子的感情常常用哭闹来表达。
  16. It can't be expressed by words.无法用语言表达它。
  17. Ideas must be expressed in the medium of words.思想必须借助词语媒介来表达。
  1. I could hardly express what I felt then.我简直无法表达我当时的感情。
  2. Words cannot express what I felt then.我当时的感觉无法用语言来表达。
  3. A smile expresses what he feels.微笑表示他的感受。
  4. I can't express how happy I am that you have come.我表达不出我对你的到来是多么高兴。
  5. I can hardly express how grateful I am.我无法表达我是多么感激。
  6. I could hardly express how pleased she was to see her parents.我简直没法表达她见到父母是多么得高兴。
  7. I can't express how grateful I am to you.我说不出我是多么感激你。
用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. /wh-clause+to pron./n.
  1. First allow me to express our warmest welcome to you.首先让我向你们表示最热烈的欢迎。
  2. She tried to express her gratitude to me.她竭力向我表达她的感激之情。
  3. He will express his love to her.他将向她表达他的爱。
  4. Let me express my sympathy to you and your family in your great loss.我向你及你全家遭受的重大损失深表同情。
  5. The students expressed their thanks to the teacher.学生们向老师表达了谢意。
  6. They expressed their best wishes to her.他们向她表达了他们的良好祝愿。
  7. We expressed our thanks to those who have helped us.我们向曾经帮助过我们的人表示谢意。
  8. Any member of the club may express his views to the committee.俱乐部的任何成员都可以向委员会表达自己的意见。
  9. I cannot express to you how grateful we are.我简直无法表达我们对你的感激之情。
  10. I will express the parcel to you.我要把包裹作为快递邮件给你寄去。
  1. My friend and I returned to town by the midnight express.我和我的朋友乘午夜的快车回城。
  2. He stepped out of his first-class “sleeper” on the night express from London.他从由伦敦开来的午夜快车的头等卧铺车厢里走出来。
  3. They were on the New York express, bound for Maine.他们在开往缅因州的纽约快车上。
  4. That evening they saw her get on the No.12 special express to Beijing.那天晚上他们看见她上了开往北京的12次特别快车。
  5. We expect an express from him very soon.我们预计他托运的快件很快将到达。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. An express highway is under construction in North China.在华北一条高速公路正在建设中。
  2. Taking an express bus is more expensive.乘高速公共汽车是很贵的。
  3. Express mail service has just begun in this town.在这个小城,特快专递服务已刚刚开始。
  4. The doctor gave express order that the patient was to have no visitors.医生明确指出不许探望病人。
  5. It is an express provision.那是一项明文条款。
  6. She came for the express purpose of seeing you.她特地为看你而来。
  7. He is the express image of his father.他酷似他的父亲。
  1. We travelled express last Sunday.上星期天,我们搭快车出门旅行。
  2. This letter is very important,Please send it express.这封信非常重要,请快递。
  3. He has come here express to visit his old friends.他特意来这儿看望他的老朋友。


express as (v.+prep.)
    表示为 give sth a form as sthexpress sth as sth

    Anger is often expressed as violence.


express from (v.+prep.)
    从…中榨〔挤出〕 press fromexpress sth from sth

    They can express the juice from grapes to make wine.


express in (v.+prep.)
    用…表示〔表达〕 use (sth) put into wordsexpress oneself/sth in sth

    The composer expresses his sorrow in his music.


    Express your thoughts in good English.


    The writer expresses himself in moving language.


    James can express himself in good clear English.


    The children are expressing themselves in play.


    A heartfelt thank was expressed in our letter.


    The distance can be expressed in light years.


by express
    快速的 quickly


用作动词 (v.)
  • express a package to a place把包裹作为快件寄往某地
  • express anger表示生气
  • express annoyance表现烦恼
  • express apples榨苹果
  • express best wishes表达良好的祝愿
  • express deep regret表示十分遗憾
  • express equality代表相等
  • express letter以快递邮寄信
  • express merchandise to sb把货物快运给某人
  • express one's disapproval表示不认可
  • express one's interest in表示对…有兴趣
  • express one's love表达爱意
  • express one's mind表达思想
  • express one's refusal表示拒绝
  • express one's sorrow表达悲哀
  • express one's thought表达思想
  • express one's willingness表达意愿
  • express oneself表达自己的思想
  • express oneself in better French用更好的法语表达自己
  • express sympathy表示同情
  • express the hope for表示对于…的希望
  • express the idea表达想法
  • express the juice榨汁
  • express accurately准确地表达
  • express adequately充分地表达
  • express admirably极好地表达
  • express affably和蔼可亲地表示
  • express angelically天使般地表达
  • express appropriately恰如其分地表达
  • express bitterly苦苦地表达
  • express blandly乏味地表达
  • express bluntly生硬地表达
  • express calmly镇静地表达
  • express carefully谨慎地表达
  • express charmingly迷人地显示
  • express clearly清楚地讲述
  • express clumsily笨拙地表达
  • express coherently清楚地讲述
  • express correctly正确地表达
  • express crudely简单地表达
  • express delicately细致地表达
  • express demurely严肃地表达
  • express effectively有效地表达
  • express eloquently雄辩地表达
  • express felicitously巧妙地表达
  • express ferociously十分强烈地表示
  • express forbiddingly严峻地表示
  • express forcibly有力地表达
  • express frankly坦率地表达
  • express freely自由地表达
  • express fully充分地表达
  • express generally一般地表达
  • express gratefully感激地表示
  • express gravely庄重地表达
  • express grimly严厉地表达
  • express happily高兴地讲述
  • express hardly说不出
  • express independently不适当地表达
  • express indescribably模糊地表达
  • express intelligibly清楚地表达
  • express judicially慎重地表达
  • express knowingly故意地表达
  • express lightly轻率地表达
  • express loftily傲慢地表达
  • express officially正式地表达
  • express paradoxically自相矛盾地表达
  • express privately私下〔秘密〕地表达
  • express portentously自大地表示
  • express positively明确地表达
  • express properly适当地表达
  • express publicly公开地表达
  • express quaintly古怪地表达
  • express radiantly喜悦地表达
  • express readily准备表达
  • express recklessly无礼地表示
  • express repeatedly反复讲
  • express satisfactorily满意地表达
  • express savagely粗鲁地表达
  • express sincerely真诚地表达
  • express soothingly安慰地表示
  • express strongly强烈地表达
  • express sufficiently充分地表达
  • express tersely简洁地表达
  • express vaguely不明确地表达
  • express verbally用语言表达
  • express vigorously朝气蓬勃地表达
  • express as显现出来
  • express by用…表达
  • express from从…榨汁
  • express in用…陈述
  • express in good English用流利的英语表达
  • express out of从…榨汁
  • express to向…表达
用作名词 (n.)
  • limited express〈美〉豪华舒适车费高昂的特别快车
  • aerial express包裹航空快运,航空快运的包裹
  • special express特别快车
  • the night express夜间快车
  • send a package by express寄快运包裹
  • send goods by express快运货物
  • send the parcel by express快运包裹
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • express bus特快公共汽车
  • express company快运公司
  • express highway高速公路
  • express train特别快车
  • express delivery快递
  • express fee快递费
  • express goods快运货
  • express image酷似
  • express letter快信
  • express lift快速电梯〔吊机〕
  • express mail快件
  • express purpose特殊目的
  • express wish明确的愿望


  • Mr. Stanley's answer was express and clear.

    出自:H. Martineau
  • Evelyn Summerall had planned the cocktail party for the express purpose of having them meet.

    出自:E. Caldwell
  • Loggan used long strokes in expressing flesh.

    出自:Horace Walpole

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arundinaria linearis hackel
Ba Ngoc
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bydgoszcz (bromberg)
caster transfer bed
cervicalis ascendens
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conscious uncouplings
contact card
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craniodiaphysial dysplasia
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ferroelectric film
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food chemicals codex
genus Saccharum
give someone a taste of his own medicine
gulley emptier
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ideal system
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mimegralla cedens formosana
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own code
Oxytropis coerulea
para is
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Valvula venae cavae inferioris
write gap skew