音标:[stɒp] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 停止, 车站, 逗留, 填塞, 障碍, (风琴的)音栓
vi. 停止, 被塞住
vt. 塞住, 堵塞, 阻止, 击落, 停止, 终止, 断绝
n. the event of something ending
n. the act of stopping something
n. a brief stay in the course of a journey
n. a spot where something halts or pauses
词型变化:过去式 : stopped ; 过去分词 : stopped ; 现在分词 : stopping ; 第三人称单数 : stops ; 名词复数形式 : stops



  1. The train stopped at the station.火车在车站上停了下来。
  2. His heart has stopped.他的心脏停止了跳动。
  3. They would stop the rich from robbing the poor.他们要制止富人掠夺穷人。
  4. I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来。
  5. They stopped to talk when they met on the street.他们在街上相遇时,停下来聊了几句。
  6. I am going to stop over at New York City.我打算在纽约中途停留。
  1. They put a stop to the evils.他们杜绝了这些坏事。
  2. The red light is a warning sign for stop.红灯是警告停止行进的信号。
  3. They had a stop for a few days in New York.他们在纽约逗留了几天。
  4. She is likely to be waiting us at the bus stop.她可能已在车站等着呢。


  1. Has the rain stopped yet?雨停了没有?
  2. What's the time?My watch has stopped.几点了?我的表停了。
  3. His heart has stopped.他的心脏不再跳动了。
  4. He began to speak but suddenly stopped.他开始讲话,但又突然停住了。
  5. We will work for an hour and then stop.我们将工作一小时,然后休息。
  6. Are you stopping to tea?I'm not stopping.你要逗留一会儿喝点茶吗?我不打算逗留了。
S+~+ n -A
  1. They stopped for three days in Chicago.他们在芝加哥逗留了三天。
  2. I'm feeling a little tired; I think I'll stop here a few minutes more.我觉得有点累了,想在这里多呆几分钟。
S+~+to- v
  1. He stopped to take a breath.他停下来小歇。
  2. We stopped to have a little rest.我们停下来休息一会。
  3. The bus stopped to put down passengers.汽车停下来让乘客下车。
  4. He stopped to talk with his friends.他停下来同朋友聊天。
  5. She stopped to lean against a weeping willow.她停下脚步,靠在一棵垂柳上。
  6. He stopped and saw what effect his words had produced.他停下来看看他的讲话产生了什么效果。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He was running so fast that he couldn't stop himself.他跑得太快了,一下子停不下来。
  2. He told the driver to stop the jeep.他要司机把吉普车停下来。
  3. We'll never stop our march.我们将永不停止前进。
  4. The boy stopped the ratholes.这孩子把老鼠洞堵住了。
  5. I am stopping the holes in the wall with cement.我在用水泥堵塞墙上的洞。
  6. She stopped her mouth.她捂住了嘴。
  7. Let him go. Don't stop him.让他走,别拦他。
  8. If you wish to take part in the competition, nobody's stopping you.你想要参加比赛,没有人拦你。
  9. Before we could stop him, he slid out.不等我们阻止他,他就溜了。
  10. I'm sure he'll go, there's nothing to stop him.我肯定他要去的,没法阻止他。
  11. Everyone knows how serious the danger is, and does something to stop it.大家都懂得危险有多么严重,并采取措施制止它。
  12. He stopped my wages.他停发我的工资。
  13. She'll soon come back if we stop her allowance.如果我们不给她津贴,她很快就会回来。
  14. Stop the thief!抓贼!
  15. 1
  16. I was stopped by a stranger and I pointed to him the way to a nearby bus stop.我被一位陌生人挡住了,我指给他到附近的汽车站的路。
  17. Why has our gas been stopped?为什么停了我们的煤气?
  18. Cos,I've been stopped.柯斯,我被解雇了。
S+~+(sb's/sb) v -ing
  1. We could not stop laughing.我们忍不住大笑。
  2. Her heart seemed to stop beating.她的心脏似乎停止跳动。
  3. First stop bleeding.先把血止住。
  4. He stopped considering it.他停止考虑那件事。
  5. Even if we fail, we will not stop trying.即使失败,我们也决不停止试验。
  6. You must stop smoking.It's bad for you.你应戒烟,抽烟对你有害。
  7. What can stop our going if we want to go?如果我们要去,有什么能阻止我们呢?
  8. You must stop her telling them.你必须阻止她把这件事告诉他们。
  9. If I can stop them going there,I'll do it.如果我能阻止他们到那里去,我会这样做。
  10. I wish you'd stop him playing that trumpet.我希望你能让他别吹喇叭了。
  11. What stops you coming?什么事使你来不了?
  12. The rain stopped us going.下雨了,我们没去成。
  13. How can we stop them landing?我们如何才能阻止他们登陆呢?
  14. Nothing is ever going to stop them talking.什么也不能阻止他们说话。
  15. I can't stop myself thinking.我无法使自己不想。
  16. She could not stop the child crying.她止不住孩子的哭声。
  1. Do stop what you're doing.停止你正在做的事。
  1. Her sudden stop startled us.她突然停了下来,这使我们吃了一惊。
  2. The train goes through without a stop.这列火车直驶不停。
  3. We went straight there; we didn't make any stop on the way.我们径直去了那里,途中未作停留。
  4. The bus rolled to a stop.公共汽车停了下来。
  5. That moment's stop cost the U.S. team its lead.这一刹那的停顿使美国队失去了领先的地位。
  6. The strike caused a stop in construction.罢工使建筑工程停顿了。
  7. There is a stop up ahead.正前方有一个停止标志。
  8. We wondered where the next stop would be.我们不知道下一个停留地点是哪里。
  9. Where is the nearest bus stop?最近的汽车站在哪?
  10. Which stop shall I catch the bus at?我将在哪一站赶上汽车?
  11. Turn left at the bus stop.在公共汽车停靠站处向左拐弯。
  12. We'll get off at the next stop.我们在下一站下车。
  13. This train runs from Beijing to Shanghai without stop.这次列车是京沪直达列车。
  14. This train goes from London to Leeds with only two stops.这次列车从伦敦开往利兹,中途仅停靠两个车站。
  15. There is a full stop at the end of a sentence.每句的句尾有一个句点。
  16. When you write a sentence, you must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.当你写一个句子时,句首字母须大写,句末应有句号。
  17. [p] , [t] and [k] are stops. [p] , [t]和 [k] 是闭锁辅音。


stop at( v.+prep. )
    无所不为; 肆无忌惮 not be worried about anythingstop at sth

    The express train does not stop at this station.


    I stopped at the first word I didn't recognize.


    stop at sth

    The long gown stopped at his ankles.


    stop at sth

    Which hotel are you stopping at?


    I stopped for a week at my friend's house.


    stop at sth

    He's stopping at Tom's in town.


    stop at sth

    Don't stop at the face value of the word.


    It didn't stop at the top of the news but illuminated the dark underside of the news.


    stop at nothing

    The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.


    They stopped at nothing to undermine the national liberation movement.


    They will stop at nothing to achieve their aims.


    He would stop at nothing when he wanted something very badly.


stop away from( v.+adv.+prep. )
    不在; 不出席 stay away from; not be presentstop away from sth

    What made you stop away from that lecture?


    He stopped away from the lecture when he found out it wasn't interesting.


    Many of his former supporters disapproved of his latest opinions, and stopped away from the meeting when he came to give a speech.


stop behind ( v.+adv. )
    留下来 remain after meeting; stay behindstop behind

    The audience was invited to stop behind to discuss the play with its author.


    If you stop behind after class,I will repeat the instructions.


stop by1( v.+adv. )
    顺便走访 make a brief callstop by

    I'll stop by on my way home.


    I was in the neighborhood and so I thought I might as well stop by.


    Can you stop by for a moment on your way home?We could have a cup of tea.


    Are you feeling better now, or shall I ask the doctor to stop by on her way home?


    Don't forget to stop by at the gas station.


stop by2( v.+prep. )
    顺便走访 make a brief callstop by sth

    She stopped by my place the other day.


    Please stop by the cleaner's on your way home and collect my coat.


stop down ( v.+adv. )
    缩小光圈 reduce the effective aperture of a lensstop down

    The sun's just come out; you'll have to stop down a bit.


    stop sth ⇔ down

    Shall we stop down the lens?


stop for( v.+prep. )
    等候 awaitstop for sth

    Please stop for dinner, we'd love to have you.


    We had to find somewhere to stop for lunch.


    She invited me to stop for supper but I declined.


    Why don't you stop for the night at my house?


    stop for sb/sth

    We stopped for the post, that is why we are late.


    I'll stop for you at the crossroads.


stop from( v.+prep. )
    阻止某事发生 prevent sth from happeningstop sb/oneself/sth from v-ing

    Stop him from making that noise.


    I hope I'd stop him from bragging.


    Parents should stop their children from telling lies.


    The women tried to stop their husbands from eating too much.


    The heavy rain stopped him from leaving the bookstore.


    Nothing could stop me from going.


    She could scarcely stop herself from crying aloud.


    She had a plan to stop those birds from eating her corn.


    Sadie had her hand over her mouth as if to stop herself from crying out.


    Eyebrows stop sweat from coming down into the eyes.


    The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away.


stop in ( v.+adv. )
    留在家里; 顺便拜访 remain or stay instop in

    Don't stop in just for me.


    I've such a lot of work to do—I'll have to stop in tonight.


    She used to stop in at her mother's on her way home after work in the afternoon.


    I'll stop in and look after the kids.


    I promised Cage that I would stop in to see her today.


stop off( v.+adv. )
    中途停下 stop for a short staystop off

    We all stopped off at a bar.


    stop off for sth

    Let's stop off for a drink.


    I'd like to stop off for a few days while I'm in the North to see something of the country.


    stop off to-v

    On his way home, he stopped off in Paris to visit his friends.


    On the way home I stopped off in London to attend a conference.


stop on( v.+adv. )
    留下继续读书; 留任,留在岗位上 remain at a place of study after others have left; remain in a place or position as at workstop on

    Can you persuade the manager to stop on?


    He decided to stop on for an extra month in the university to make up for the time he spent while his family stayed with him.


stop out( v.+adv. )
    继续罢工 remain on strikeThe union decided to stop out until their demands were met.工会决定继续罢工,直到资方满足他们的要求为止。
stop out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    从…中扣除 deduct sth from sthstop sth out of sth

    You can stop it out of my money.


    The cost will be stopped out of your salary.


stop over( v.+adv. )
    歇宿,中途停留 stay; break a journeystop over

    She usually stops over with him in London.


    Truck convoys often stop over for lunch here.


    Are we allowed to stop over without additional cost?


    We stopped over in Rome before continuing to Athens.


    Is it possible to stop over in Chicago on my way to San Francisco?


    He will stop over at Shanghai for a brief visit on his way home.


    On the first night we stopped over in a small settlement.


    Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of flood.


stop still
    停住不动 remain without moving
stop up( v.+adv. )
    封住 seal upstop up

    Please don't stop up for me,I may be in very late.


    Last night we all stopped up late for listening to the important news.


    stop sth ⇔ up

    A cork should stop it up all right.


    You'll have to stop up those holes before you start painting.


    You'd better stop up the small hole at the bottom of your wash-basin.


    Some tried to stop up the leaks while others tried to steady the rudder.


    They stopped up 120 leaks with 4000 gunny sacks.


    She stopped up her ears to keep the noise out.


    The drain was stopped up with fallen leaves .


    The hole has been stopped up with putty.


    His ears were stopped up with wax.


    My nose is stopped up with the cold.


stop with( v.+prep. )
    与…暂住在一起 live with sb temporarilystop with sb

    While in London I always stop with my sister.


    I want to go and stop with my brother for a couple of days.


bring to a stop
    使停止,使终止 cause sb/sth to haltbring sth to a stop

    The driver brought the bus to a stop.


    The train was brought to a sudden stop.


    Traffic was brought to a complete stop.


come to a (dead, full, etc.) stop
    (突然,完全)停住 stop (abruptly, totally, etc.)
full stop
    完全停止 and that's final
pull out all the stops
    竭尽全力,全力以赴 do everything possible to complete an effect or action
put a stop to
    终止或废止… stop sth from happening any more; abolish sth


用作动词 (v.)
  • stop a bullet中断,挂彩
  • stop a gap修,补,弥补,补空,代理
  • stop a passage堵塞通道
  • stop a wound止住伤口出血
  • stop one's cheque止付
  • stop one's salary停发工资
  • stop one's teeth补牙
  • stop sb's check拒签某人的支票
  • stop sb's complaints制止某人的抱怨
  • stop sb's electricity supply停止给某人供电
  • stop sb's misconduct制止某人的错误行为
  • stop the blood止血
  • stop the bus把公共汽车停下来
  • stop the car把轿车停下来
  • stop the clock让钟停了
  • stop the fight制止打架
  • stop the game使比赛中断
  • stop the gas停止输送气
  • stop the letter扣住信件
  • stop the machine使机器停止运转
  • stop the motor使马达停下来
  • stop the nonsense制止胡言乱语
  • stop the show(观众的热烈掌声)使演出中断
  • stop the supplies断绝供应
  • stop the thief捉贼
  • stop traffic断绝交通
  • stop work让工作停下
  • stop dead突然停止
  • stop halfway半途而废
  • stop indoors呆在家里,不出门
  • stop short突然停住
  • stop abruptly突然停止
  • stop constantly不断停止
  • stop effectually有效地止住
  • stop entirely完全停顿下来
  • stop imperiously专横地断绝
  • stop instantaneously即刻断绝
  • stop instinctively本能地停住
  • stop properly适可而止
  • stop suddenly突然停止
  • stop timorously畏怯地停住
  • stop unreasonably毫无道理地停留
  • stop virtually实质上断绝
  • stop away不在,保持疏远
  • stop behind留在后面,(会后等)留下
  • stop by顺便访问
  • stop down停留在较低的位置,逗留在胃中,缩小光圈
  • stop in顺便访问
  • stop in to see sb顺便去看某人
  • stop off中途下车,中途停留
  • stop on继续停留
  • stop out呆在外面,在外面过夜,继续罢工
  • stop over中途下车,中途停留
  • stop over at a place在某地作短期逗留
  • stop up堵塞,阻碍,不去睡觉
  • stop up until 12 o'clock直到12点才去睡觉
  • stop away from sth不接近某物
  • stop...out of从…扣除
  • stop at a hotel住在旅馆里
  • stop at nothing无所顾忌,什么都做得出
  • stop at one's post坚守岗位
  • stop for为…停下来
  • stop for rest停下来休息
  • stop...from阻止
  • stop sb from smoking阻止某人抽烟
  • stop in bed不起床
  • stop in one's tracks突然停下
  • stop in the town呆在城里
  • stop off不能出席
  • stop under water停在水下
  • stop with a relative逗留在亲戚家
  • stop with the firm继续为这家公司工作
  • stop within继续受…限制
用作名词 (n.)
  • come to a stop结束,告一段落
  • make a stop停一停
  • miss one's stop错过了站头
  • put a stop to使某事物停下来,制止(某事)
  • put a stop to this action禁止这种行动
  • abrupt stop突然的停留
  • brief stop短暂的停留
  • dead stop猝然停下
  • full stop完全停止,句号
  • regular stop定班汽车的停车站
  • smooth stop平稳地停下
  • sudden stop突然的停留
  • bus stop公共汽车站
  • flag stop信号停车站
  • lunch stop(工厂等)停车吃午饭的时间
  • pit stop加油停车,中途停车,中途停车点
  • request stop招手停车站
  • streetcar stop有轨电车停靠站
  • tram stop有轨电车停靠站
  • truck stop卡车停车场
  • wage stop失业补助限额
  • whistle stop(只有火车站发信号才鸣笛停车的)小车站
  • stop drill钻头
  • stop gap权宜之计,补缺者
  • stop key风琴音钮
  • stop lever阻杆
  • stop light红灯,停车灯
  • stop screw停止拧螺钉
  • stop sign道路交叉点设置的停车标志
  • stop watch跑表,记秒表
  • stop work防止钟表发条上得过紧的装置
  • at a stop在停着
  • at the last stop在最后一站
  • before the stop在站前
  • without a stop不停留,不停地,连续
  • stop at Milan停在米兰
  • stop for a time暂时休止
  • stop for lunch停留吃午饭
  • stop from there从那里停住
  • stop in construction建设中的停顿


  • If people only made prudent marriages, what a stop to population there would be!

  • The..carriage stopping the way.


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发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(200) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

Can`t Stop Maroon5 All alone in my room, 独自在我的房间 think of you at a rate that is truly alarming 想你的速度确实令人震惊 I keep looping my memories of you in my head 我不断循环我脑海中关于你的记忆 I pretend that y

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

福克斯台出品的连续剧《Glee》中的单曲《Don't Stop Believin'》是本周Hot 100单曲榜中打榜成绩最好的新单曲。 Don't Stop Believin' Glee Cast Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train go

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(123) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

音乐咖啡厅:Groove Coverage - Never Ever Stop 相关介绍:Groove Coverage 《舞动精灵》是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧,声音相当润滑舒适悦耳。德国柏林举办的一年

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(173) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

听歌学英语:I Can't Stop Loving You I cant stop loving you. Ive made up my mind to live in memories of the lonesome time. I cant stop wanting you. Its useless to say, so Ill just live my life in dreams of yesterday (dreams of yesterday). Those ha

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语

音乐咖啡厅:Darin - Can't Stop Love 相关介绍:盛产童话故事的北欧,当地时间6月19号全球的目光都聚集到瑞典的首都斯德哥尔摩,因为这一天在那里举办了一场公主维多利亚与平民韦斯特林的世纪

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(139) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

摇滚传奇:Kiss - I Can't Stop The Rain Artist:Kiss Song:I Can't Stop The Rain This is New York, yo Night falls on the city Finds me all alone Makes me wonder Should I just go on home And I walk up the stairs To see if you're sill there Would

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

A: Is there a problem, officer? B: Did you not notice that stop sign that you ran through? A: I'm sorry, I didn't even notice it. B: You didn't see it? A: I honestly couldn't see it because of the bushes growing over it. B: That's true. Those bushes

发表于:2019-02-27 / 阅读(135) / 评论(0) 分类 驾车-Driving
a slice of the cake
acceleration atelectasis
analog transmission system
Aron's Pijl test
average acidity
average sample number function
bandknife splitting machine
barrel sheet
basal squamous cell epithelioma
Black L.
body surface
Central Butte
chain address method
chemoreceptive sensilla
cognitive selection
combinatorial group theory
direct entry
double button microphone (or transmitter)
duplex melting
electron gyro-frequency
eucriotettix oculatus
external clamp
finish coat
fixed production platform
floating carrier modulation
gaming boards
gonad capsule
hair-follicle antigens
high-frequency connector
hot object
Jala Jala Pt.
kettle r.
La Fontaine-St-Martin
laying days
light therapeutic
long-term notes and accounts payable
Maranon's sign
maximum rotation speed of rotor
method of bagged sampling
non reciprocity
nonviolent culture
One's fingers are all thumbs
optical voltage sensor
parasagittal plane
peak average ratio (par)
pipeline hydrotransport
product feature approach
real-time data server
rexoid mutant
rockfill drain
routing checks
run with the world
Scorzonera circumflexa
smoke-proof pendant wall
spot hover
Strunian Age
supersilica brick
supplementary feeding
surface of constant mean curvature
tidal stratification
Trisetum tibeticum
twistless roving
unilateral precaution
vacuolar degeneration of odonto-blastic layer
vegetable tanned sole leather
video-display terminal/light-pen system
W Vir variable
with heart afire
work front, workfront