音标:[lɒk] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 锁, 刹车, 水闸, 一缕头发
vt. 锁, 锁上, 拘禁, 隐藏, (用锁等)拴住, 刹住
vi. 锁住, (齿轮等)啮合, (船)过闸
n. a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed
n. a strand or cluster of hair
n. a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun
n. enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
词型变化:过去分词 : locked ; 名词复数形式 : locks ; 过去式 : locked ; 现在分词 : locking ; 第三人称单数 : locks



  1. He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
  2. Water went rushing through the lock gates.水流经水闸时十分湍急。
  3. He keeps a lock of her hair.他保存着她的一绺头发。
  1. The ship was locked in the ice through the winter.整个冬天船只被冻在冰层里。
  2. Be sure to lock your bicycle.自行车务必上锁。
  3. You should lock the jewels (up) in a safe.你应当把珠宝首饰锁起妥藏在保险箱内。
  4. She locked her child in her arms.她把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。
  5. The ship locked into the canal.船过闸驶入运河。


  1. The safe locks easily.这保险柜容易锁。
  2. This trunk won't lock.这个皮箱锁不上。
  3. This suitcase won't lock because it is too full.这个箱子锁不上,因为装得太满了。
  4. I can't control the car, the wheels have locked.我无法操纵这辆汽车,车轮给卡死了。
  5. The wheel locked when he braked and the car skidded.他刹车后轮子就不转动了,车还是滑行了一段。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Be sure to lock the warehouse when you leave.你离开仓库时,请一定把它锁上。
  2. Race locked the door and took the key with him.雷斯锁上了门,并带走了钥匙。
  3. He locked the rear wheel of the bike to prevent it from being stolen.他把自行车后轮锁上,以防被盗。
  4. The students locked arms and sang the school song.学生们挽着手臂,唱起校歌。
  5. We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has been stolen.我们应该避免亡羊补牢。
  6. 1
  7. The door was locked and we were unable to enter.门是锁住的,我们进不去。
  8. He pulled the door, but the door was locked.他拉了拉门,但门是锁着的。
  9. One of the bedrooms was locked and a low moan came from it.有一间寝室的门锁着,里面传出了微弱的呻吟声。
  10. He had overlooked the fact that the back door was not locked.他忽略了后门没有锁这一事实。
  11. Her jaws were tightly locked.她牙关紧闭。
其他v -ed as o-Compl.
  1. I have a secret safely locked in my breast.我将秘密隐藏在心底。
  1. This lock is damaged.This door will never open!这把锁坏了,门开不开了!
  2. Something has gone wrong with the lock;it won't work.这把锁有毛病,锁不上了。
  3. He found the thieves were forcing the lock of the jewel case.他发现窃贼在撬珠宝盒上的锁。
  4. He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock.当钥匙断在锁中时,他发了火。
  5. I can't force the key into this lock, it won't work.我不能把钥匙插进锁里,这把钥匙开不了这把锁。
  6. She has a lock but she bought another one as an additional insurance against thieves.她有一把锁,但她又买了一把作为防范盗贼的另外一个保险措施。
  7. Each drawer was fitted with a lock.每个抽屉上都安装了一把锁。
  8. In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer with another.做思想工作时,必须学会“一把钥匙开一把锁”,因为适用于一个人的方法不一定适用于另一个人。
  9. After the burglary she had all the locks changed.在遭到盗窃以后,她把所有的锁都换了。
  10. The ship passed through a lock in a canal.轮船通过了运河上的船闸。
  11. The lock keeper closed the lock gates.水闸管理员关上了闸门。
  12. She keeps a lock of his hair.她保留着他的一缕头发。
  13. He gazed in the mirror at his greying locks.他凝视着镜中自己日渐花白的头发,感慨岁月不待人。


lock away (v.+adv.)
    把(某物)锁起来 keep sth safe under lock and keylock sth ⇔ away

    She locked her memories of him away in her heart.


    This is too valuable to be left lying about, lock it away somewhere.


    The prisoner is securely locked away.


    Don't worry, the dangerous criminals have all been locked away.


lock in1 (v.+adv.)
    使固定 become fixed, unable to move
lock in2 (v.+prep.)
    把…锁在…内 keep sb/sth safe under lock and keylock sb/oneself/sth in sth

    Tom has locked himself in his room and refuses to speak to any member of the family.


    Although the jewels were locked in a strong box, the thieves stole them without any difficulty.


lock out (v.+adv.)
    关在外边,不准(某人)进入… prevent sb, oneself, or sth from entering a room or building, with a lock and keylock sb/oneself ⇔ out

    The management has locked the men out.


    I locked myself out by mistake.


    The men were locked out in response to their refusal to operate the new machines.


lock up (v.+adv.)
    将(某人或某物)锁住〔关押〕 keep sth safe under lock and key;prevent sb from escaping;put sb in prison or a hospitallock sb/sth ⇔ up

    Will you lock up the house, please?


    He locked up the jewels in a box.


    I always lock up my money in a strong box.


    People usually lock up the house before they go to bed at night.


    I can't imagine how the rain got in, because we had locked up all the windows tightly.


    They have locked up all their capital in that enterprise.


    They have locked the prisoners up in their cell.


    She's crazy;she ought to be locked up.


    He's been locked up for receiving stolen goods.


    When he became violent, the drunk was taken to the police station and locked up for the night.


    The idea is locked up in his brains.We know nothing.


    All my money has been locked up in property for the last ten years.


    The idea of being locked up in jail filled her with horror.


lock, stock and barrel
    完全,全部 completely
under lock and key
    锁藏于建筑物〔集装箱、房间〕之中 in a locked building〔container,room〕


用作动词 (v.)
  • lock arms挽臂
  • lock bicycle锁自行车
  • lock box锁门
  • lock drawer锁上抽屉
  • lock gate锁门
  • lock automatically自动地锁
  • lock briefly简洁地锁
  • lock carefully仔细地锁
  • lock cautiously小心地锁
  • lock discreetly慎重地锁
  • lock half-heartedly马虎地锁
  • lock hastily仓促地锁
  • lock mechanically机械地锁
  • lock modestly谨慎地锁
  • lock nervously紧张地锁
  • lock prudently谨慎地锁
  • lock quickly迅速地锁
  • lock speedily快速地锁
  • lock staunchly可靠地锁
  • lock suspiciously不放心地锁
  • lock away把…锁起来
  • lock away the records把记录锁藏起来
  • lock in将…锁在里面,把…包围起来
  • lock out将…锁在外面
  • lock up将…锁住,把(某人)关押起来
  • lock from从…锁…
  • lock into把…锁在
  • lock onto接牢,紧连
  • lock with用…锁
用作名词 (n.)
  • break a lock开锁
  • change a lock换锁头
  • design a lock设计锁
  • fit a lock安锁
  • fix a lock安锁
  • force a lock用力把锁撬开
  • open a lock把锁打开
  • pick a lock(用非钥匙之物)撬锁
  • put lock装锁
  • set lock设置锁
  • test lock检测锁
  • broken lock破锁头
  • crude lock未加工的锁
  • double lock(将钥匙转动两次的)双重锁
  • shattering lock破损的锁
  • solid lock牢固的锁头
  • bushy lock浓密的头发
  • careless lock乱蓬蓬的头发
  • curly lock鬈发
  • dangling lock摇晃的头发
  • dense lock浓密的头发
  • disheveled lock散乱的头发
  • dripping lock湿淋淋的头发
  • fearful lock吓人的头发
  • flat lock扁平的头发
  • floating lock漂动的头发
  • flowing lock光滑的头发
  • glossy lock光滑的头发
  • golden lock金发式的头发
  • hoary lock灰白的头发
  • massy lock长而浓密的头发
  • obstinate lock粗硬的头发
  • raven lock乌油油的头发
  • scanty lock稀少的头发
  • shining lock光亮的头发
  • shorn lock修剪过的头发
  • silken lock柔软光滑的头发
  • snaky lock弯曲的头发
  • sparse lock稀疏的头发
  • stiff lock硬挺挺的头发
  • thin lock稀疏的头发
  • tumbled lock杂乱的头发
  • unruly lock难梳理的头发
  • whitened lock变白了的头发
  • arm lock夹臂
  • head lock夹头
  • safety lock保险锁
  • spring lock弹簧锁
  • time lock定时锁
  • in the lock在锁中
  • on the lock锁着的
  • under lock and key监禁
  • lock on the door门锁
  • lock to a door门锁


  • He wore his hair so long that his auburn locks almost touched his shoulders.

    出自:D. Carnegie
  • Long black locks streamed down her forehead.

    出自:J. Cary
  • Though this..hair was turning from grey to white, Mrs. Arbuthnot snipped off two locks.

    出自:E. Longford
  • He had new locks put on the doors.

    出自:D. L. Sayers
  • Her second diary..had..a lock, making it safer for private thoughts.

    出自:S. Quinn
  • The reformers locked up the church and departed with the keys.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • Then he closed, locked, bolted and chained the door.

    出自:G. Greene

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8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate
a quantity of
abt system railway
audio tapes
audio video speech recognition
augmentation system
aurora tubes
bilge tank
blue dun
called bond
Camachigama, L.
caved in
chimeric protein
clear anchorage
climb very steep slopes
cluster number
common control switching system
controlled speed axle generator
cowardy custard
current number
drill and practice
dropping that
Duranol dyes
electromagnetic coupling asynchronous motor
essential gene
eulerian derivative
existential operator
foot mark
granite fruit bowl
Grunbaum-Widal test
heavy-duty detergent
height of row
instrument face plate
interpretive translation program
kangaroo paws
light weight case
mark reader
materiel maintenance
military fever
ordered Abelian group
out-of-service time
pallet feed
plumed thistles
probability of escape per absorption
reuuber matrix
self religion
spatial pattern
support vector
surveying altimeter
tell on
total oxides of nitrogen
transmission line corridor
travel(l)ing trader
two-dimensional optical radar
uniform vorticity
West Stonesdale
wire annealing
Xinyi District