音标:['æpitait] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级;
n. 食欲, 欲望, 爱好
[医] 食欲
n. a feeling of craving something
词型变化:名词复数形式 : appetites



  1. She is suffering from lack of appetite.她食欲不振。
  2. The long walk has given me a good appetite.走了长路使我食欲大振。
  3. Mary has no appetite for hard work.玛丽不想干艰苦的工作。
  4. I have to make an effort to work up an appetite for reading.我得努力使自己产生天天想读书的愿望。
  5. His power appetite was hindered by his bad health.不良的健康状况抑制了他的权力欲。


  1. My appetite fell off.我的食欲减退了。
  2. It'll whet the appetite.它会增强食欲。
  3. I've lost my appetite.我没有了食欲。
  4. The baby has a good appetite.这个婴儿食欲很好。
  5. The gin killed my appetite.杜松子酒使我食欲大减。
  6. The children all have healthy appetites.孩子们的胃口都很好。
  7. My two sons have enormous appetite.我两个儿子的食欲惊人。
  8. The long walk gave her a good appetite.长途步行让她胃口大开。
  9. He tried to moderate his appetite because he wants to loose weight.他尽力节食,想减轻体重。
  10. He had a notorious sexual appetite.他的性欲是臭名昭著的。
  11. A man must decide either to curb his appetites or surrender to them.一个人必须决定,或抑制其欲念,或向其欲念屈服。
  12. Exercise gave me an appetite.运动促进我的食欲。
  13. All that work on the bicycle has given me an appetite.修自行车费了那么多力气以后我胃口大增。
  14. This restaurant catered to large appetites and modest purses.这家饭馆向胃口很大但囊中羞涩的人供餐。
  15. Sudden decrease in appetite is sometimes a sign of illness.食欲突然减退有时是生病的征兆。
  16. He hasn't got much of an appetite.她胃口不大。
  17. He is a giant of vast appetite.他是个饭量过人的大汉。
  18. He was a person of gross sexual appetites.他是一个性欲旺盛的人。
  19. Classic music is to her appetite.她喜欢古典音乐。
  20. He ate with the appetite of a wolf.他狼吞虎咽。
  21. He ate slowly, without appetite.他没有食欲,吃得很慢。
~+ prep. -phrase
  1. Her appetite for gossip is absolutely indecent.她爱搬弄是非,极不道德。
  2. Exercises will increase your appetite for food.锻炼身体会增进食欲。
  3. Our son is a football player and has a big appetite for meat.我们的儿子是个橄榄球运动员,吃起肉来胃口很大。
  4. I have no appetite for a big fight.我无意大吵大闹。
  5. They had no appetite for the fight.他们毫无斗志。
  6. She has a great appetite for knowledge.她有强烈的求知欲。
  7. At the moment he had no appetite for work.眼下他不想工作。
  8. He has such a big appetite for reading that you never see him without a book.他是那么酷爱读书,你总是可以看到他手不释卷。
  9. He indulged his appetite to excess.他纵欲无度。


spoil one's appetite
    坏了胃口,影响食欲 make sb want to eat less at a meal
work up an appetite
    增强食欲do sth that makes you hungry


用作名词 (n.)
  • appease the appetite of a baby满足婴儿的食欲
  • arouse an appetite for引起对…的欲望
  • arouse sb's appetite for music引起某人对音乐的兴趣
  • create an appetite for对…产生欲望
  • curb sb's appetite控制某人的食欲
  • depress the appetite倒胃口
  • diminish the appetite for减少对…的欲望
  • excite the appetite增进食欲
  • feel an appetite有饥饿感
  • force one's appetites勉强吃,硬吃
  • give the appetite促进食欲
  • have a bad appetite没有食欲
  • have a delicate appetite食欲不佳
  • have an appetite有某种嗜好
  • improve the appetite增进食欲
  • kill appetite破坏食欲
  • lack appetite缺乏食欲
  • limit the appetite for限制对…的欲望
  • lose one's appetite食欲减退
  • moderate one's appetite节食
  • pick up appetite激起食欲
  • promote appetite增进食欲
  • provoke an appetite引起食欲
  • provoke sb's appetite for music引起某人对音乐的兴趣
  • quicken one's appetite刺激食欲
  • satisfy one's appetite满足食欲
  • sharpen one's appetite刺激食欲
  • spoil the appetite影响食欲
  • stimulate the appetite促进食欲
  • take away sb's appetite使某人失去食欲
  • whet the appetite吊胃口
  • work up an appetite引起欲望
  • bad appetite胃口不好
  • beastly appetite兽欲
  • carnal appetite性欲
  • eager appetite急切的欲望
  • enormous appetite极大的胃口
  • fleshly appetite肉欲
  • good appetite好胃口
  • great appetite食量大;渴求
  • healthy appetite好胃口
  • insatiable appetite贪得无厌的胃口
  • jaded appetite食欲不振
  • large appetite胃口很大
  • lusty appetite情欲
  • obscene appetite淫欲
  • poor appetite胃口不好
  • ravenous appetite大胃口
  • sexual appetite性欲
  • strong appetite强烈的欲望
  • unmanageable appetite无法抑制的欲望
  • voracious appetite强烈的欲望
  • wolfish appetite狼吞虎咽的胃口
  • for sb's appetite投其所好,合某人的胃口
  • lack of appetite食欲不振
  • loss of appetite食欲不振
  • to sb's appetite合某人的胃口
  • man with a small appetite饭量小的人
  • appetite for对…的欲望,爱好
  • appetite for dinner对晚餐的食欲
  • appetite for food食欲
  • appetite for knowledge求知欲
  • appetite for power权力欲


  • The most violent Appetites in all Creatures are Lust and Hunger.

  • I can't explain till I've had something to eat. You idle rich don't realize it, but working gives one an appetite.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  • He gained back some of the weight he lost, but his appetite remained only fair.

    出自:J. Hersey
  • She picked without appetite at her small salad.

    出自:J. Heller
  • Suji's sexual appetite is formidable.

    出自:R. Grayson

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