标签:语法详解 相关文章
Fatty acids - long straight chains of carbon and hydrogen ending with an acid group at one end. Saturated fatty acids have no capacity to absorb more hydrogen atoms. Animal fats are mostly of this typ
Inflammation - is a whole complex of events which occur in sequence, in response to injury. Tissue damaged by bacteria, chemicals, heat, trauma etc, release histamine and bradykinin and serotonin whic
Dermatan sulphate - a glycosaminoglycan found in skin, tendon, blood vessel and heart valves. Desmosomes -one of the types of cell junctions by which cells join or communicate with each other. Desmoso
Apatites- a family of calcium phosphate salts which are found in hard tissues like bone, teeth and shells. Apoptosis - death of a cell which is programmed by a set of specific genes. Apoptosis of chon
Basal lamina - a term used to describe the different layers which make up the basement membrane. These different layers of the basement membrane, the lamina lucida and lamina densa are only visible wi
Template - an outline form which can be used to make many identical copies without being used itself. Metal templates can be used placed over a piece of clothing material, which is then cut according
ical - in a local area. e.g application of medication to the affected part only. Trabecula-bone -a description of the radiographic appearance of spongy bone. Radiographs provide an unusual opportunity
Vaccine - a planned exposure to an antigen in order that memory B lymphocytes can retain a memory for it. In practice the organism carrying the antigen is either killed or modified so that it does not
Nerve growth factor- a cytokine that promotes the growth and repair of sensory nerves and maintenance of sympathetic nerves. Neural crest cells - cells derived from the ectoderm layer in the embryo. T
Occlusal wear - loss of enamel on the biting surface of the teeth due to the abrasive action of chewing natural unprocessed food. Odontoblast process - the extension of the cy lasm of an odontoblast w
Osmotic pressure - Water tends to move towards dense concentrations of ions. Sugar solutions on the surface of exposed dentine cause water to be drawn out of the dentinal tubules causing which distort
pH - a measure of how acid or alkali a solution is. As the pH gets lower, the solution is more acid. At a pH of 7 the solution is neither acid nor alkali. pH is the inverse of the logarithm of the con
Polymers-large molecules made up of many joined units of a more simple molecule. Examples are polysaccharides and polypeptides. Polypeptides; -chains of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. They are n
Quadrate - one of the bones which together with the articular bones and the dentary, made/make up a reptile's jaw. In mammals the quadrate bone is incorporated into the middle ear as the incus. Ramus
Sesamoid bone - a small bone which appears at the age of thirteen, adjacent to the carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb and is of use in determining the skeletal age of a child. Sharpey's fibres. - are
Planktonic - a form of life style in which an organisms floats freely in a fluid without significant attachment or association with other living forms. Plaque is a film of bacteria in a matrix of sali
Accounts Payable : Sales: Accounts Payable divided by Annual Sales, measuring the speed with which a company pays vendors relative to sales. Numbers higher than typical industry ratios suggest that th
Accounts Receivable: A short-term asset, usually representing a credit for a completed sale. Cash: Money on hand in checking, savings or redeemable certificate accounts. Current Assets: The sum of a f
Each year on 7 April, we observe World Health Day to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization in 1948. This year's theme, Good health adds life to years, conveys an important message: promoting good health throughout life