标签:糖果公司 相关文章
1. I have been for over five years in the employ of an exporting company. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2. I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personneldepartment. 本人
It's, in short, how we learn what we know about other people and about the world. 简而言之,那就是我们如何了解到,我们对于其他人的认知,以及我们对于全世界的认知。 But we live in a 100-percent media-saturated so
一、询求样品 1.本公司相信,4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。本公司极为乐意知悉,此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿,请来函告知。 We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on the 18th April have reached
Business 商业 Intellectual property 知识产权 Inventive warfare 发明之战 Battles over patents are becoming fiercer and more expensive 专利之战,愈演愈烈,愈烈价更高 THIS deal is all about patents. 这笔交易归根结蒂就是谋
Business 商业 Physical attractiveness and careers 美貌与职场 Don't hate me because I'm beautiful 漂亮有罪吗? Attractive women should not include a photo with a job application 长得漂亮的女性不应该在投递简历时附上照片
IBM's centenary 百年IBM The test of time 时间的考验 Which of todays technology giants might still be standing tall a century after their founding? 今天的科技巨头,哪一个也能在它成立后仍续领风骚一百年? Jun 9th 2011 |
Asset-management companies in China 中国的资产管理公司 Lipstick on a pig 看上去很美 China is still dealing with the mess left by previous bank bail-outs 中国仍在收拾银行金援留下的烂摊子 Aug 24th 2013 | SHANGHAI |From the
1。 I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company。 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2。 I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel depar
Len Matheson is the owner of a small company thats rapidly expanding. Hes getting advice from Mary Carlyle, a business consultant, on developing a functional organizational structure to better deal with his companys expansion. (Len Matheson是一家发
If youve put in great work at your company, but theres no next rung on the ladder in sight, youre not alone. 如果你在公司里投入了很多,但眼前看不到升职的希望,这种情况不是发生在你一个人身上。 Laura Poisson, a
Uber has said claims it used self-driving technology stolen from Google were demonstrably false. 优步日前宣称,该公司所使用的自驾技术绝不是从谷歌窃取来的。 Waymo - a company spun out of Google - filed a lawsuit in Februar
通知书 新合伙人入伙 我已请多年在我公司担任经理的Y.先生做为我的合伙人。特此奉告。 I inform you that I have taken into partnership with Mr. Y., who has for many years acted as my manager. 公司名称不变业务照旧
It's really relaxing, this style of holiday. On the boat your (phone) signal might not be very good, so it's a different way of living, not looking at your phone every day. It's like a utopia. Very relaxing. This is the first time we've been on a cru