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疯狂英语新十大焦点!! 第一焦点 一切以句子为中心!句子就是一切!句子就是财富! “李阳疯狂英语”提倡的英语学习单位是“句子”。句子简单明确
第四焦点 五大发音秘诀 经过长期的总结,李阳老师将复杂的(complicated)语音规则总结成“五大发音秘诀”,使一般人都能迅速掌握(master)。它们是:
中考英语听力五步解题法 初中英语听力题既考查同学们听的能力,又考查同学们阅读、理解、逻辑思维和心理承受力。运用五步解题法练习听力,定能取得很好的效果。 第一步:试听文题,调
Indias lower house of parliament has passed a much awaited anti-rape law. It comes after a huge public outcry over the treatment of women in the country, triggered by the rape and murder of a student in New Delhi. 印度下议院已经通过了一部被
中文和英文的语法有很多不同的地方,今天让我们来看看吧! 中英语法的最大不同就是英语的句子环环相扣,连接紧密,也就是说有更多的连接词。而中文的句子缺乏连接词,仅通过意思使之联
本期内容: Britons are increasingly shunning traditional funerals in favour of more unusual send-offs, which last year included a McDonald's-themed drivethrough event and a service for a magician where the undertakers wore red noses. Two-fifths
讨喜法 Handle Criticism With Tact. 批评要委婉。 While you want to be generous with your praise, be stingy with your criticism. 虽然赞扬时不该吝啬,但批评别人时要注意。 People have delicate egos, and even a slight word of
讨喜法 Avoid Issuing Orders Ask Questions Instead. 避免发号施令用问题来代替。 No one enjoys being bossed around. So what do you do when you need something done? The truth is that you can get the same result from asking a question as y
讨喜法 Ask for advice. 征求意见。 Asking someone for advice is, somewhat surprisingly, a great strategy for getting people to like you. Asking foradvice shows that you value the other individual's opinion and demonstratesrespect. Everyone lik
讨人喜欢的诀窍 Use Verbal Confirmation. 言语确认。 Most psychology books refer to this technique as active listening. Active listening revolves around demonstrating your listening skills by repeating segments of what an individual has sai
省时高效法 Run Errands Counter-Clockwise 逆向思维完成任务 What? You'll see. Now that you have a list of errands to run, organize them in a way that saves the most time. Assuming you're driving, making right turns eliminates a lot of wast
一、顿悟雅思阅读 一门课,任何人都可以把它搞得纷繁复杂,因为这些人自己本身都没有顿悟,都需要别人的超度。但是,能把这样纷乱的世界看穿的人却极少,因为这 需要境界。其实,无数