标签:电脑失忆症 相关文章
语法得分(Grammar) ETS工作人员可以事前通过电脑程序输入写作中不同难度的语法现象及常犯的语法错误事例,因而对于考生的任何一篇文章电脑可以自动识别该习作是否犯了类似的语法错误及其
7. Unleashing Your Creativity 7. 释放你的创造力 I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness---to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn't solve on their own. Com
Larry陪李华去买电脑。今天我们要学两个常用语:do the trick和a grain of salt. LH: Larry, 你觉得我应该买PC还是苹果? LL: Well, I'm not a computer expert, but I think Macs are a lot more user friendly. LH: 我也老听人说
@-party:电脑迷的派对。相当于英文单词at ,是电脑电子邮件地址中必需的一部分,而派对则是party的音译,凡是茶会、酒会、舞会都可称为派对。这个词汇最早可追溯到80年代,当时每年美国西
But by the early 1970s a shift was under way. 但到了20世纪70年代初期,人们的想法开始转变。 Computing went from being dismissed as a tool of bureaucratic control to being embraced as a symbol of individual expression and liberation
Jef Raskin's Baby 杰夫拉斯金的宝贝 Jef Raskin was the type of character who could enthrall Steve Jobsor annoy him. As it turned out, he did both. 杰夫拉斯金是那种能让史蒂夫乔布斯着迷--或者是厌烦的人。事实证明,两
Like a Porsche 像保时捷那样 Jef Raskin's vision for the Macintosh was that it would be like a boxy carry-on suitcase, 杰夫拉斯金设想中的麦金塔电脑就像一只四四方方的手提箱, which would be closed by flipping up the key
Real Artists Ship 真正的艺术家总能完成作品 The high point of the October 1983 Apple sales conference in Hawaii was a skit based on a TV show called The Dating Game. 1983年10月,苹果公司在夏威夷举行销售会议,乔布斯上演
Falling 一落千丈 After the burst of excitement that accompanied the release of Macintosh, 麦金塔电脑刚发布时引发了一阵热潮, its sales began to taper off in the second half of 1984. 但到1984年下半年,其销量就开始急剧
On a beautiful spring day in 1986, 在1986年春天的一个美丽的日子, they met in the publishing house's grand building in the heart of Oxford, 他们在牛津郡中心的出版社大楼见面, where Jobs made an offer of $2,000 plus 74 ce
Flying High 春风得意 The launch of the Macintosh in January 1984 propelled Jobs into an even higher orbit of celebrity, 1984年1月麦金塔电脑的发布使得乔布斯的名气如日中天, as was evident during a trip to Manhattan he took a
When the Macintosh was first being developed, Jobs went up to visit Gates at his office near Seattle. 当苹果开始着手研发麦金塔电脑时,乔布斯前去拜访盖茨。 Microsoft had written some applications for the Apple II, including a
Science and technology 科学技术 Computer passwords 电脑密码 Speak, friend, and enter 说,朋友和进入 Computer passwords need to be memorable and secure. 电脑密码须具备两个特性:易记及难猜。 Most people's are the first