标签:并追求完美 相关文章
苏格兰摇滚乐队Biffy Clyro,被认为是混合了Nirvana和Weezer精髓,仍旧是摇滚诗人一般的存在。单曲Many Of Horror被誉为完美的摇滚唱词。 You say you love me boy I know you lie I trust you all the same I don't know
And that reminds me -- humor. 这不禁让我想起--幽默感。 Scrappers know that humor gets you through the tough times, and laughter helps you change your perspective. 拳击手知道,幽默能够帮你度过最艰难的时刻,嘲笑你的人
A 计划:一本英文小说 假期中坚持看完一本英文小说。当然一定要根据自己的水平挑选合适的书刊。比如基础稍差的同学就去书店挑选一本自己感兴趣的有中文对照版本的英文小说,而英文好
Come on.Umm...Look, it's Frog. 快来...看,是青蛙。 Try to behave.Frog! 安静点,青蛙! Someone calling me? 有人在叫我吗? It's me, Little Bear. 是我,小熊。 Hello, Little Bear. 你好,小熊。 Nice day.Glorious,a perfect
1.Stop Stressing So Much 1.不要总是按压你的皮肤 High levels of stress is as bad for your skin as being out in the sun without sufficient sun protection. Stress not only causes hormonal changes in both men and women, it may also affect your
And the way we deal with that is we displace them we put them into a golden world, an imagined world,an age of heroes, the world to come. 而我们处理它的方式就是将其替换掉我们将其放入到流金岁月,幻想的世界中,即将到
很多同学发音不标准,导致口语分数过低,降低了雅思总成绩,那么如何才能够流利纯正的发音呢? 1. Listen to yourself. 如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。试着把你说的话录下来
董宇张(Dong Woo Jang)课余爱好不同凡想。15岁的Jang在此演讲中讲述了身处首尔钢筋水泥是如何激励他做了一把完美的弓。请观赏他展示他亲手做的手工箭的魅力。
Six-Step Process to Conducting a Year-End Review of Your Career 六步写好年终个人工作总结 The end of the year is often a time of many events -- wrapping up business for the year while also wrapping holiday presents. This article presents s
OK, if I have a day off, if it's summer time, I would probably sleep in about two hours late because I love sleeping, and then I would go shopping, especially shoe shopping and after that I would probably meet some friends and go to the beach, if I w
An Interview Strategy: Telling Stories 面试策略之一:讲故事 A Job Interview Is Not an Interrogation 工作面试并非是审问 If you read many books on job interviews, you'll notice that some feed you lists of interview questions that you
大学英语四级考前40天完美策略 两个主要侧重点阅读和作文 所谓得阅读者得天下,阅读是同学们复习的重中之重。另外,作文每次得分都很低,同学们也要高度重视,争取一举击溃之。 读的要
One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they
讲解文本: soul mate 灵魂伴侣 Steve is not just a friend. He is my soul mate Steve不仅仅是我的朋友,他更是我的灵魂伴侣。 Mike is still looking for his perfect woman, his soul mate. Mike仍然在寻找一个完美的女人,
讲解文本: hit the spot 让人心满意足,正合要求,恰到好处 I had a cheeseburger that really hit the spot. 我吃了个芝士汉堡,超级好吃超满足! -How do you like the cake? 这个蛋糕怎么样? -Perfect. It really h
现行的考试由四部分组成,听力、阅读、综合和写作。 听力部分: 听力是很多同学头疼的一块,我发现很多同学四六级差一点但没过都是卡在听力上的。很多人认为听力很难,因此平时就放弃