标签:员工加薪 相关文章
At a time when other companies were trimming benefits as a cost-cutting measure, Schultz, who grew up in a family without any medical coverage, believed that his approach is critical to building a better workforce. 当其他公司把削减福利待遇当
The open Door 敞开的门 Reverend Tom Sonack opened The Open Door about ten years ago. The open Door is a safe place for street people to go to for socializing, free clothes,use of computers, food, support, and many other things. 汤姆桑纳克牧
to be fresh from somewhere 刚从某地来 英文释义 To have recently arrived from somewhere. 例句 Our most recently hired young employees are freshfrom their universities and have lots of enthusiasm.我们最近聘用了一些刚大学毕业、富
The number of people quitting their jobs has been climbing steadily since June 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says, to 2.1 million in March (the latest month available). And where are all those people going, exactly? As you might expect, most q
双语:一位卓越老板的进阶之路 真正的好老板知道怎样才能最有效地激励员工为一个共同目标而奋斗。 Roll up your sleeves. Give your team a reason to believe they can succeed. Celebrate success. These are all standar
Yang Yongfa had waited tables for seven hours. But he instinctively switched on his big smile when another customer walked in. 杨永发(音译)在餐桌旁招待客人已有7个小时的时间了。但是当下一位客人走进来时他仍然下意
第一句:Can I visit your factory? 我能参观你们的工厂吗? You are welcome to visit our factory at anytime. 随时欢迎您来参观我们的工厂。 Now I'm going to take you to our plant. 现在,我要带您到我们的工厂去。
As adults, we are never this honest 作为成年人 我们从不如此直接 And that's not a bad thing 这未必是件坏事 I have borne two children 我也是两个孩子的妈妈 and the last thing I needed were those comments 我最不想听到的
It can be very frustrating when a pizza youve ordered isnt delivered on time. 你点的披萨要是不能按时到,那可真够糟糕的。 That said, given many drivers deliver their food on motorbikes, theres one good excuse for turning up late,
1 Sound Design When it comes to creating a productive office environmentits more than just four walls. According to a Cornell University study, even low-level noise in open-style offices can result in higher levels of stress and lower task motivation
外企员工和老板用英语交流的秘诀 假如你已经在外企中得到了一份非常令人羡慕的工作,但是每次你需要和老板用英语交流就楞在了那里。不要害怕!展现出以下的五种特质并使用相对的短语
Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, has said he will take two months of paternity leave once his daughter is born, according to a report on The Wall Street Journal. 据华尔街日报报道,Facebook的首席执行官马克扎克伯格说
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of everyone at Tip Top Trading, thank you for our award. 女士们,先生们,代表Tip Top Trading的每一位员工,感谢大家对我们的奖励。 Our company is at the forefront of plastic innovation. 我们的
1、Performance (n.) 人业绩、表现 His performance this month has been less than satisfactory. 他这个月的业绩不是很令人满意。 2、Performance Evaluation 定期的员工个人评定 The performance evaluation test is a way of seein
Ever-smaller offices 紧缩的办公室 Pressed suits 正如缩水套装 Feeling a bit cramped? Blame management theory 挤?都是管理学惹的祸 PROJECT gold and Project Nexus sound like plans for bank heists or military assaults. In reality, t
Workers and labour activists have often attacked strict discipline as coercive, unfair and potentially counterproductive. 工人和劳工活动人士一直以来都在批判纪律苛刻,认为这是强迫性、不公平且可能会适得其反的东西
Having cake at work to celebrate colleagues birthdays, engagements or just surviving the week is a danger to health, a senior dentist argues。 一个资深牙医劝告说:在办公室用蛋糕来庆祝同事的生日、订婚或只是庆祝大家
1、The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm。 2、The emplyee posted abroad who speaks the countrys principal language has an opportunity to f
求职者应该避免以下18个话题: 1.先前雇主产权性机密资料。不仅不该露,还会让面试官认为你这个人不值得信任。 2.最近离婚的惊悚细节。即使一切属实,提到这个话题则会显示你这个人不够