标签:听力词汇 相关文章
Lesson 5 Pigeon He has just bought twelve pigeons. The pigeon is a beautiful and genteel bird. In the past ,pigeons were used to send important messages. message Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. Would you mind gi
Lesson 001 New Word and expressions 1. excuse Excuse me. Excuse me. Is this your pen? Excuse. What time is it? 2. me Give me that book. Please tell me more. 3. yes Yes, it is. - Are you a student? - Yes, I am. - Can I have a cup of tea? - Yes, of cou
I really like doing vocabulary activities. I think they are a great way for us to learn vocabulary. My teacher always gives us vocab activities that are like games. They are great fun and Im sure that helps us remember the words and phrases. He makes
技巧:从四六级考试到托福考试的区别 英语四级和六级考试只在难度上有区分,除了四级有选词填空,而六级换成了深度阅读以外,题型上大体相同。四六级全部采用满分710分的制度,考试时长
1. overdose /ˈəʊvəˈdəʊs/ -- quantity of medicine beyond what is to be taken at one time or in a given period; too big a dose Do not take more of the medicine than the doctor ordered; an overdose may be dangerous. 服药不要超过医生所指示
1. quadrilateral /ˌkwɔdrəˈltərəl/ -- plane figure having four sides and four angles A square is a quadrilateral. 正方形是四边形的一种。 2. collateral /kəˈltərəl/ -- situated at the side; accompanying; parallel; additional; supple
1. appendix /əˈpendiks/ -- (literally, something hung on) matter added to the end of a book or document A school edition of a novel usually has an appendix containing explanatory notes. 用作教科书的小说通常有个附录,其中含有说明性
demagogue /ˈdeməgɒg/ No responsible leader, only a demagogue, would tell the people that, if elected, he will solve all their problems. -- political leader who stirs up people for personal advantage; rabble-rouser ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
1. protagonist /prəˈtgənɪst/ -- the leading(first) character in a play, novel or story Brutus is the protagonist in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony is the antagonist. 布鲁特斯在威廉莎士比亚的《尤利乌斯凯撒》中是
kleptomania /ˌkleptə'meɪnɪə/ The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania. -- insane impulse to steal ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ n. 盗窃癖 那个因逛街
1. underbrush /ˈʌndəbrʌʃ/ -- shrubs, bushes, etc., growing beneath large trees in a forest; undergrowth On its way through the dense jungle, the patrol had to be constantly wary of enemy soldiers concealed in the underbrush. 在穿过浓密丛林的
1. bicentennial /ˈbaisenˈtenjəl/ -- two hundredth anniversary The bicentennial of George Washington's birth was celebrated in 1932. 乔治华盛顿200周年生日纪念于1932年举行。 2. semicircle /ˈsemɪˌsɜ:kəl/ -- half of a circle At th
1. insurgent /[ɪnˈsɜ:dʒənt/ -- 1. one who rises in revolt against established authority; rebel 2. rebellious The king promised to pardon any insurgent who would lay down his arms. 国王答应宽恕任何愿意放下武器的叛乱者。 General
高三,雅思8分,单项听力8.5阅读8口语7.5写作7.5,考完了以后还跑去牛伊斯特教了一个月备考的小朋友们。。。整个备考过程耗时两个半个月。 然后个人觉得密集周期不宜超过两个月【前提是
1. procrustean /prəʊˈkrʌstɪən/ -- cruel or inflexible in enforcing conformity Procrustes 是一个强盗,抓到受害者后会拉长他们的身体或砍掉腿以适合他床铺的长度。普洛克路斯忒斯(Procrustes)是希腊神话中
1. mercurial /məˈkjʊəri:əl/ -- 1. quick; vivacious 2. changeable 3. crafty 4. eloquent Mercury是众神的使者,也是商业、魔法、辩才之神,另外还是旅行者、歹徒、小偷的守护神。它的名字代表一个行星即水星
1. Lucullan /lu:ˈkʌlən/ -- sumptuous; luxurious Lucullus是一位举办豪华宴会的罗马人。卢基乌斯李锡尼卢库鲁斯(Lucius Licinius Lucullus),罗马将军、执政官。凭借着自己从东方缴获的大量财富,他过着
一招 复习方式需改变 要与自身兴趣相结合 很多考生往往在复习过程中,开始几天积极性高、主动性强、劲头十足,抱着厚厚的词汇书按复习计划每天坚持背单词、做习题,可是时间久了就难
十大关系代词替换 一. And 并列关系 (and) in addition // and // similarly // likewise // as well as // besides // furthermore // also // moreover // too// not only ... but // even // besides this/that 二.Sequence 顺序 (then) 出现的时候