标签:医院和门诊 相关文章
精神科-身心内科Psychosomatic Clinic 精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊Anxiety and Insomnia Clinic 精神科-癌症团体心 治 Group Cancer Therapy 精神科-儿童青少 特别门诊(限18岁以下) Youth Psychiatry 放射线科Radiology 核医
I dont really like hospitals. I have many bad memories of them. Ive stayed in hospital seven times in my life. I guess I must be unlucky. My friends all say Im accident prone. My longest stay in hospital was for three months. That was boring. I had l
射治 室Laser Therapy 电脑断层摄影室CT Scan Unit 电 室Electrotherapy Room 磁振造影扫描室MRI Unit 膀胱功能室Bladder Function Test 膀胱镜室Cystoscopy Room 语言治 Speech Therapy 器官移植Organization Transplantation 医 技
雅思听力场景词汇--医院 雅思听力中最不可少的场景之一就是医院,和小编一起来看看医院相关的场景词汇信息吧! doctors: physician,surgeon,dentist,veterinarian,pediatrician,therapist,general practitioner. treat
实境旅游英语-带着英语去旅行(音频) 第97期:在医院或药房(5) 32.I need to take your temperature. 32.我要量一下你的体温。 33.Lie down and I'll give you a thorough examination. 33.躺下来,我给你做全身检查。 34.
场景特点:关于学生看病和医院相关的场景。 常见套路: (1)常见病症的词汇 (2)常见治疗手段的词汇 (3)治病的常见句型总结 场景词汇: Diagnose, patients illness, painful, technological advance
HARI SREENIVASAN: The growing popularity of critical access hospitals, small hospitals in mostly rural areas, is posing a dilemma for people needing or wanting surgery. For many in those areas, these hospitals may be more convenient, but a Wall Stree
Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up. The sense of humour is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. A Frenchman, for in- stance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same
From the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's 2011 wedding to the 2012 Diamond Jubilee, no royal event would be complete without them. 从2011年威廉和凯特(剑桥公爵和公爵夫人)的婚礼到2012年的钻石庆,没有粉丝们的王室大事
America's hospital industry 美国医疗行业 Taking a scalpel to costs 对医疗费用动动刀 Hospital operators brace themselves for health-care reform 医院负责人正为医保制度改革做准备 EARLIER this month America's hospital bosses
A hospital has been forced to ban Pokemon Go players from the site after a monster hub was found in the AE department. 口袋妖怪玩家在一家医院急诊部创立了妖怪枢纽站,随后医院不得不发布规定,禁止玩家再入内。 R
Doctors at Imperial College hospitals will soon be monitoring the health of patients with an app developed by Google-backed AI firm DeepMind. 帝国学院校医院的医生很快将会用谷歌旗下AI公司DeepMind开发的一款APP,监测病人的健
Bigger and better 整合之潮亦其壮大之势 Americas big hospital groups will continue to gobble up competitors 美国大型医疗集团将继续吞并小号医疗公司 HOSTILE takeovers are never polite. One fight in America, however, has beco
As he struggled with ill health, however, his equilibrium became more and more central to the discipline. 然而,就在他与病痛搏斗时,他的均衡之于这门学科变得越来越核心了。 The share of economics papers citing the Nash e
How you feeling? 你怎么样 Uh, numb. Hey, don't-- don't move. Ok. 很麻。别...别动,好。 I met your doctor. He's a nice guy. He says you're lucky to be alive. 我见过了你的医生,他很不错。他说你还活着,很幸运 Yeah. H
DARKNESS was a word Lyn Lusi was used to. Western journalists instinctively reached for it when they came to her hospital in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Joseph Conrad's heart of darkness. 黑暗,林恩.露丝(Lyn Lusi)早已习惯