标签:办公邮件 相关文章
The Mail Must Go Through 邮件必须送达 Merlin Moore Taylor 作者:梅林穆尔泰勒 The same bravery and faithfulness that made Gunnar Kasson, Leonard Seppala, and their dogs carry the serum to Nome were in the hearts of the men and horses of
On this day Russell, Majors and Waddell were sending out the first riders of the famous Pony Express. 在这一天,拉塞尔、梅杰斯和瓦德尔派出了第一批著名的快马邮递的骑手。 Up to that time the mails between the east and w
The exact hour of the arrival of the mail from the West was always doubtful. 西方邮件到达的确切之间总是不确定的。 Any one of a hundred things might hinder its progress from the coast. 一百件事里就有一件可能会阻止邮件到
Hope this helps - I like this in an email where you are trying to help the recipient. Hope this helps -在试图帮助收件人的邮件中我喜欢这个。 Looking forward - I use this too. I think its gracious and warm, and shows you are eager to
[00:03.81]fragile :a.易碎的 [00:05.69]mail order :邮政划拨 [00:07.49]mailman :n.邮差 [00:09.21]parcel :n.包裹 [00:10.94]postage :n.邮资 [00:12.84]postmark :v.邮戳 [00:14.83]printed matter :印刷品 [00:16.84]registered letter :挂号信
Communicating in English effectively is essential in today's global economy. 在今日全球化的经济环境下,有效地用英语交流已经变得至关重要。 But conveying your ideas clearly is a skill that needs to be learnt. Too often peo
Ever experienced that moment after you press send and reread your email only to realize you've let some typos sneak in? Avoid that icky feeling from here on out by being hyper aware of some of the most common missteps. Whether you're applying for a j
It's funny the things you forget. 很多你不记得的东西是很搞笑的。 I went to see my mother the other day, and she told me this story that I'd completely forgotten about how, 前几天我去看我老妈,她告诉我了这样一个故事,
So what I did was I scrolled down to the bottom of the email, and I pressed, Unsubscribe. 于是我滑到邮箱的最底部,点击了下取消订阅。 And I thought that'd be the end of it. But a week later, I got another one that said, 我想这样
I'll be honest, then my relationship with Dan deteriorated somewhat, because the next email I got was this: 实话实说,那之后我跟Dan的关系在某种程度上就恶化了,因为我发现下一封邮件是这样写的: Thanks for your em
And so why...I have a little email auto-replier program. 于是我做了一个邮件自动回复程序。 And what I did is I set it up so every time it receives an email from SafeMart, it just pings one back. Right? 我设置好了程序,每一次从
1. Greeting message祝福 Hope you have a good trip back。祝旅途愉快。 How are you?你好吗? How is the project going?项目进行顺利吗? 2. Initiate a meeting发起会议 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with yo
冷邮件:在这个互联网社交年代,学会发COLD EMAIL是个事业、爱情、生活成功的必备技能。 COLD EMAIL(冷邮件)的意思就是,你拿到了一个刚刚在线上或者线下认识的人的邮箱,然后要发邮件给
You might not realise it, but sending even a short email has an impact on the environment. 你可能没有意识到,即使是发送一封小小的邮件也会对环境产生影响。 Scientists estimate that an email adds about four grams (0.14 oun
An Italian company has told staff to refrain from sending any internal emails for a week in an effort to reduce stress levels. 意大利一家公司通知员工在一个星期内不需要发送任何内部邮件,试图以此减轻工作压力。 Ho
THE MAIL MUST GO THROUGH 邮件必达 The Mail Must Go Through! That famous expression stands for the spirit of the men 邮件必达,这个著名的表达代表着员工的精神, who have carried the United States Mail. 他们输送美国邮政。
More than 5,000 prospective University at Buffalo students received emails last week telling them that they were accepted for admission into the university. A few hours later, they were told that the initial email was a mistake. 上周,超过5000名纽