标签:中国医疗队 相关文章
A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China - tuhao - which loosely translated means nouveau riche. There have been more than 100 million references to the word tuhao on social media since early September. 一个新词最近突然在中国爆
New things are happening in China as it moves into the future. This month, National Geographic Channel will report on some interesting stories of change. For a long time, Japan has been in the lead in making eco-2cars. Now, China wants to try, too. I
It needs patience and skill to dig up a complete lotus root. 挖藕要有耐心和技巧才能取出完整的一段藕。 Locate it first and figure out its length, and then clear away the silt around it, bit by bit. 摸清楚整根藕的走势和长度
Over the past day, Zhuoma and her mother walked for 11 hours in the mountain, but earned very little. 刚刚过去的一天,卓玛和妈妈走了11个小时的山路,但是换回的钱很少。 After the rainy season, all the matsutake will be go
A large amount of Chinese, mostly teenagers and less-educated people, believe that Chinas diplomacy is too weak, and they ask the government to be tougher on Chinas adversaries. How is Chinas foreign policy perceived abroad? 大部分中国人,特别
In the Dong language, Dimen means the origin of spring. 地扪在侗语里的意思是泉水之源。 Dimen Village sits at the origin of Qingshui River. 地处清水江源头的地扪村。 It mostly rains throughout a year. 一年中阴雨天居多。
Today, it seems a mission impossible to count up the number of varieties of Chinese food, or to divide the dishes into groups geographically, without raising any objections. 要在数量上统计中国菜的品种,在地域上毫无争议地划分菜
Banyan菩提 Nothing new under heaven 天下之事,古已有之 What philosophers thought when China was the world and how it can help China now 昔日中国一统天下之时,哲学家们的所思所想,及其对今日中国的裨益 WHEN Henr
Myanmar 缅甸 Chinese takeaway kitchen 中国的外卖厨房 Three articles look at Chinas influence in South-East Asia: first;resentment in Myanmar;second, Cambodian rivalries; third, Banyan on the strategic implications 三篇文章都关注了中国
BEIJING (AP) China said Wednesday it was committed to promoting peace and stability in Asia even as it sent an aircraft carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait amid heightened tensions between Beijing and the self-ruled island. 美联社北京消
China is set to be the second-largest country to share UN peacekeeping costs from 2016 to 2018, just behind the US, accounting for 10.3% of the total, according to the Under-Secretary-General for UN Peacekeeping Operations, Herve Ladsous. 联合国负责
Chinas services sector will account for more than half the countrys economic growth by 2017, according to the World Bank, which expects the countrys transition from an industrial powerhouse to a consumption-based economy to be orderly. 按照世界银行
We found that the snack industry in China has been growing at a steady clip of roughly 15% annual growth. It was worth more than 200 billion RMB in 2011, and its forecast to be worth 480 billion by 2018. 我们发现中国的零食产业正在以每年
Global spotlight will be shining on China early this month, as the Asian country is gearing up for the annual Two Sessions to explore the next-step solutions to its own development set to unleash tremendous potential on a global scale. 2016年中国两
Despite Chinas faltering growth, Costa Rica is looking to Beijing to help it plug a growing hole in its public accounts, as it starts talks on the sale of a $1bn bond. 尽管中国经济增长乏力,但哥斯达黎加还是希望中国帮助填补其
BEIJING: China on Saturday asked Taiwan to provide a responsible explanation a day after the Taiwanese navy mistakenly fired a missile that hit a fishing boat killing one person coinciding with the ruling Communist Party of China's 95th anniversary c
China has made progress in its ongoing fight against corruption. On Friday, the Central comission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China briefed the media on cases handled in 2013. Chinas discipline watchdog is biting down on corru
西方人有一个说法:中国的谚语比全世界其他地方加起来还要多。外国人似乎也挺喜欢引用这些谚语来证明自己的观点。听起来感觉还不错嘛,是不是有种万邦来朝、聆听我们教诲的快感? 比
The theme of this year's summit is Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World, with four key priorities. They include enhancing the regional economic integration agenda, fostering small- and medium-sized enterprises' participation in regio
在TED伦敦沙龙会上,经济学家马丁雅克Martin Jacques问:在西方我们对中国和它显著的崛起现象有多少认识?作为《当中国统治世界》的作者,他解释了西方国家常常对中国经济的快速增长力感到