These were our ancestors who may have already been using stones as tools more than 150,000 years ago. 这是我们的祖先,他们也许在15万年前就已经开始用石头当工具了。 They were very different from the Neanderthal people who a

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It would never have occurred to the Romans to do what Alexander the Great had done. 罗马人从未有过类似于亚历山大大帝那样的想法。 They had no wish to turn the lands they conquered into a single, vast empire in which everyone was

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His father once bought a beautiful stallion that no one could tame. 有一次他父亲买了一匹特别漂亮的公马,谁也驯服不了这匹马,His name was Bucephalus. Whenever anyone tried to mount him they were thrown off. 这匹马叫布克

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But at the time I am going to talk about, around 2,500 years ago,我要讲述的那个时期里,大约在公元前2500年,all this was yet to come, though China was already a vast and ancient kingdom. 这一切还全都没有,虽然当时的中国

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You may know how the story goes on: how there was a famine throughout the land, and how Joseph's brothers traveled to Egypt to buy corn. 你知道,这故事后来如何继续,一场大饥荒如何肆虐全国以及约瑟的兄长们如何进入富庶

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But that isn't all the Bible has to say about ancient Babylon. 但是这不是《圣经》所讲述的有关巴比伦的唯一的一件事。 Do you know the story of the Tower of Babel, 你知道得巴别塔的故事吗? when the people of a great

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You may have already guessed who these strange and powerless herdsmen were. 也许你已经猜到了,这个奇怪的、弱小的游牧民族是谁。 They were the Jews. 他们就是犹太人。 And the songs of their deeds, which were the deeds of

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And finally, after long, cruel and bloody battles, they succeeded. 经过长期残忍的流血战斗,他们终于成功了。 So now they had their own small kingdom, with its capital: Jerusalem. 就这样,他们有了一个自己的小小的国家

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Speaking of labyrinths, have you ever heard the story of the evil Minotaur, half man, half bull, 说到迷宫,你听说过凶恶的人身牛首怪物的传说吗?他一半是人一半是公牛, who lived in a labyrinth and made the Greeks send

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下载MP3到电脑 批量下载MP3和LRC到手机 英中对照 中英对照 英文在前 中文在前 只看英文 只看中文 He read Homer over and over again, and longed to see all the beautiful places described by the poet. 此人反复阅读荷马

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The ancient temples were shut down, and King Akhenaton and his wife moved into a new palace. 古老的庙宇被关闭,阿肯纳顿和他的妻子一道迁进一座新宫殿。 Since he was utterly opposed to tradition, and in favor of fine new idea

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The script is called cuneiform, meaning wedge-shaped. 人们称它为cuneiform,意思是楔形文字。 Books made of papyrus were unknown to the Mesopotamians. 人们在美索不达米亚不曾发现过莎草纸书。 They inscribed these signs in

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All other peoples prayed to many godsyou remember Isis and Osiris, Baal and Astarte. 所有其他的民族全都向许多的神祈祷你还记得伊西斯和俄西里斯,巴尔和阿斯塔耳忒吧。 But these herdsmen only prayed to one god, thei

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For both the Babylonians and the Assyrians worshipped the sun and the moon, and also the stars. 因为巴比伦尼亚人和亚述人都把太阳、月亮和星星当作他们的神祈祷, On clear, warm nights, throughout the year and over centurie

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Now then, think what a job it must have been to decipher all that Egyptian writing when people became interested in hieroglyphs again, 200 years ago. 那么现在想一想,当人们在200年前重新对象形文字产生兴趣,要读懂所有的古

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Next to these brightly colored paintings you often see lots of tiny pictures of all sorts of things, 在这一排排彩色画像的旁边,你往往会看到许多画着各种各样的东西的小画像, such as owls and little people, flags, flow

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But the mummies of other kings and those of many ancient Egyptians have been found undisturbed in their tombs. 但是人们却发现别的国王的以及许多古代埃及人的木乃伊仍还在他们的墓穴里。 A tomb was intended to be a dwell

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Glory be to thee, oh Nile! 赞美你啊,尼罗河! You rise out of the earth and come to nourish Egypt! 你来自大地,来到这儿,给埃及输送营养! You water the plains and have the power to feed all cattle. 你灌溉田野,喂养全部

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Now let's take a last look at these people dressed in skins, 现在让我们一起最后再看一看这些身上穿着动物毛皮的原始人, as they paddle their boats made of hollowed-out tree trunks towards their villages of huts on stilts, br

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Because forests were dangerous places in those days, home to large numbers of wild animals such as wolves and bears, 因为当时的森林是非常危险的地方,住着许多野兽,如狼和熊, people in several places (and this is often the

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