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2014年全球经济会好转 The global economy may be entering a new phase as the year draws to a close. New data suggest some of the uncertainty that has characterized much of 2013 appears to be lifting as a new year begins, though economists are c
奥巴马、罗姆尼外交政策差别不大 As voters in the United States prepare to cast ballots in the presidential election on November 6, people around the globe wonder how the outcome could shape the world. 美国全国各地的选民11月6日星
尼日利亚著名报纸办公室被炸 Bomb attacks targeted the Abuja and Kaduna offices of one of Nigerias most prominent newspapers Thursday, killing seven people and injuring many others. Another bombing late Thursday in Kaduna hit a residential
网上直播葬礼 把距离拉近或拉远? These days a lot of people say they live on the Web - checking sports scores, reading online newspapers, downloading music and videos, and so forth. 现在有很多人说他们在网上过日子,他们上
研究报告:人类少吃肉对环境有好处 A new study says one of the best ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions is to eat less meat. In fact, the study says meat consumption in the developed should be cut by 50 percent per person by 2050. 一份
美国大选将影响全球经济 Even as Europe grapples with a debt crisis that threatens the whole region, and China attempts to put the brakes on a slowing economy - the U.S. election is commanding headlines around the world. Global citizens want
美国天然气前景乐观 美国天然气产量剧增,不仅降低了燃料价格,还促使很多项目改用天然气来代替污染严重得多的石油,不少公司开始使用天然气作为运输燃料。 While many Americans want to red
中美对话强调贸易问题 Trade issues topped the opening on Wednesday of strategic and economic talks between the United States and China. U.S. business leaders say the high-level talks are an opportunity for U.S. officials to push for lower tr
美国就业情况改善 The U.S. economy exceeded expectations again, adding 195,000 jobs in June. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said companies also hired more workers in April and May than originally reported - meaning the economy has now added mo
服装加工业工人处境堪忧 The death toll from last week's collapse of a building housing garment factories in Bangladesh now stands at more than 600 and is expected to go higher. The disaster brings attention to the overall problems in garmen
埃及人不信任美国的干预 U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain are in Egypt, joining efforts by top U.S. diplomat William Burns to broker an end to the standoff between Egypts military-backed government and supporters of ousted Presid
零距离接触自由女神 New York expects more than 50 million visitors in 2014, according to the citys tourism department. Many of them flock to famous sites such as the Statue of Liberty, a copper-and-iron colossus given to the United States by
油价下跌影响美国石油开采 With the price of oil now less than $80 a barrel, motorists throughout the United States are benefiting from gas prices below $3 a gallon. However, the decreasing price of gas has a downside for the hydraulic frac
联合国纪念国际人权日 On this years International Human Rights Day, on December 10, the United Nations will mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Vienna Declaration, committing states to the promotion and protection of human rights
克里:不实现以巴和平中东无宁日 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reports that there has been some progress made in talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, but told reporters in Jordan that many issues still must be resolved. He
伊朗核会谈将在日内瓦举行 Iran's foreign minister will meet in Geneva next week with officials from the so called P5+1: the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany. This latest round of negotiations over Iran's nuclear p
空间商业应用前景光明 Space - the final frontier. Once the purview of cash-rich governments, launching rockets into space has become increasingly commonplace as demand for communications satellites and space-based imaging services grow. Toda
乌东激战考验乌克兰 Government security forces faced fierce resistance Monday from pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, while officials in Kyiv say the military is steadily gaining control of the region. Some observers question whether
新科技:没有电的地方也可灯火通明 This year's Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to inventors of the light emitting diode, commonly known by the acronym LED, now being used around the world. However, according to the International Ene
埃博拉生与死:利比里亚医院为产妇重开 JFK Hospital, one of Liberias largest and oldest medical facilities, had to close temporarily in July, following the deaths of two leading doctors from Ebola. It is now getting back on its feet,