标签:大数据 相关文章
无人驾驶汽车只是大数据时代的开始。由大数据所带来的未来技术和设计将会是什么样子的?Kenneth Cukier的精彩演讲给我们展现了由大数据给机器学习和人类知识带来的翻天覆地的变化。
模仿文本:Now I'll admit I was a little skeptical about this whole big data idea. Mankind has always been very keen on collecting data. What's a library if not a big data repository? So isn't big data just more of the same? The Business Daily ed
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, or OECD is working with teachers and schools to reform education through data. The OECD is over 50 years old, and has 35 member countries, including the United States. Its aim is to support
译界漫谈:大数据时代,不要沦为机器的奴隶 【编者按】日前,中外语言服务人才培养模式国际研讨会暨北京语言大学高翻学院开放周活动在北京语言大学举行。大咖云集,精彩纷呈。 北京外
翻译词汇:大数据相关术语50例(下) 【编者按】当人人感叹自己所处的俨然是一个大数据的时代的时候,大数据的内涵和外延你都了解了吗,这些内涵热词,你值得拥有~~~~ 二十六:CPA(广告
翻译词汇:大数据相关术语50例(上) 【编者按】当人人感叹自己所处的俨然是一个大数据的时代的时候,大数据的内涵和外延你都了解了吗,这些内涵热词,你值得拥有~~~~ 一、大数据 英文:
9月18日,贵州大数据综合试验区建设正式启动,这是国务院本月初印发《促进大数据发展行动纲要》后我国启动的首个区域试点。 请看《中国日报》的报道: China launched its first big data pilot z
A major conference, The 2015 Conference on Big Data Index of Culture and Entertainment Industry, was held on Friday in Beijing, during which awards were given to the most talked about TV series, online dramas, movies and variety shows in China. Stand
Chinese people born in the 1980s are the country's largest online consumers of paper books 54 times that of those born in the 90s. 80后人群已然成为我国图书消费的主力军,消费是90后的54倍。 According to a report by E-commerce r
Air quality in 271 out of 338 prefecture-level or above citiesfailed to meet national standards on the Chinese New Year Eveto 6 am the next morning on Feb 8, primarily because ofpollution caused by firecrackers. 除夕至8日清晨6时期间,在全国
12月16日最大的新闻当属第二届世界互联网大会,the Second World Internet Conference (WIC),在永久举办地浙江乌镇召开。国家主席习近平亲临现场并发表主旨演讲(keynote speech)。小编为大家梳理了习主席
Traffic police departments of Hangzhou and Wenzhou, east China's Zhejiang, on March 9, 2017 published a record of local traffic accidents and violations in recent years. 3月9日,中国浙江省东部的杭州和温州两地的交警部门,公布了
More than half of China's college students said they spent their summer holiday at home rather than on the road, according to a newly released report. 一份新近发布的报告称,我国超半数大学生表示自己的暑假是宅在家里度过的
BBC News You may be familiar with the statistic that 90% of the worlds data was created in the last few years. Indeed, every two years for about the last three decades the amount of data in the world has increased by about 10 times. BBC新闻 你可能
Tsinghua University's Center for Statistical Science has set up a Medical Big Data Center to support the increasing demand for medical big data research and to follow the call for developing big data by the State Council in China. 医疗大数据研究
Topic 1-Big Data Helps University Customize Financial Support to Students After analyzing how all undergraduates use their meal cards in the university cafeteria, Nanjing University of Science Technology has injected cash into the meal cards of 301 s