标签:可持续发展 相关文章
Sustainable development is one of the buzz words of the new century. Almost everything we do nowadays we have to think about sustainable development. It is incredibly important. Its a concept at the heart of the Earths survival. Its not rocket scienc
'Catch Shares' Aim for Sustainable Fishing 捕捞份额旨在发展可持续渔业 More than 25 percent of the world's fisheries are overfished, according to the United Nations. Many communities worldwide depend on the ocean for their livelihoods. No
TED同仁、城市规划师米歇尔(Mitchell Joachim)向大家展现他对可持续的、有机的建筑的构想:从植物--等等,还有肉---中成长起来的生态友好的住所。
如果你在餐厅厨房呆过,你一定目睹过许许多多的食物、水和能源都在这被浪费了。主厨亚瑟波茨道森分享了他的个人愿景 -- 大量减少餐厅与超市的资源浪费, 在保证提供美食的同时促进废物
This year's Strategic and Economic Dialogue between China and the United States is set to get underway later on today here in Beijing. This year's agenda has over 60 agenda items, including maritime disputes, cyber security, a bilateral investment tr
KATIE CAMPBELL: When you think of a school, you might imagine something that looks like this. But many students actually spend a lot of time in buildings that look like this, this, and this. STUDENT: Portables are definitely a problem. I have been in
促进非洲的可持续发展 It has been a longstanding policy of the United States to aid developing nations and promote growth there by granting them preferential treatment in bilateral trade. 在双边贸易中通过特惠待遇来援助发展中国
China is now Kenyas biggest source of foreign direct investment and its second-largest importing country and trading partner. China has provided lasting assistance to Kenya, and attached great importance to projects that benefit the Kenyan public. Ke
宜家的蓝色大厦已经开始培育太阳能电池板和风力涡轮机。店面的货架上已经摆上了 LED照明装置和再生棉花制品。为什么呢?因为正如史蒂夫 霍华德说的:可持续发展已经从该做的好事变成了
TEXT: Global powers convene at the Rio +20 U.N. conference to try to determine a sustainable pathway for global development. A draft text prepared by diplomats this week laid out global aspirations, rather than mandatory goals, on issues like food se
China released its national plan for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. 日前,我国在纽约联合国总部发布了《中国落实2030年可持续发展议程国别方案
意大利专家呼吁可持续发展 ROME, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Italy needs to combat soil erosion, industrial and other forms of pollution with urgency, environmental experts warned Wednesday to mark World Environment Day. Soil contamination is the mo
Former Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti said China's emphasis on coordination between growth and environmental protection under its new five-year plan will help achieve a greener economy and contribute to global development. I think coordination i
Villain or victim? If policymakers get it wrong, the answer could be both. 是元凶还是受害者?如果政策制定者应对不当,答案可能两者皆是。 Cities in the 21st century are the engines of economic growth and provide employment
热词精选:澜湄合作机制 阳春三月,春暖花开,国内外大事接踵而至:两会,博鳌论坛,人机大战,疫苗桩桩件件扣人心弦。一起重温三月大事记。 6. 澜湄合作机制 Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechan
如果你在餐厅厨房呆过,你一定目睹过许许多多的食物、水和能源都在这被浪费了。主厨亚瑟波茨道森分享了他的个人愿景 -- 大量减少餐厅与超市的资源浪费, 在保证提供美食的同时促进废物