标签:做客 相关文章
56.去同事家做客 常用应急场景 范例一:Come to my new place Are you doing something on Saturday evening? If not, welcome to my new apartment. You moved to a new place? Yes, I have been busy emptying the packing boxes and cleaning up the mats. Right n
unit 62 预约请人做客 dialogue 英语情景对话 A:Would you honor us with a visit? A:能否赏光来敝处做客? B:l'd love to. Thanks. B:非常乐意,谢谢。 A:When will you be convenient? A:你何时方便? B:Any time will suit me.
今天与大家分享的是我被开除了怎么说,当然了,只是为了让大家学到职场英语,希望大家都不会用到以下这些说法哦。 My boss showed me the door yesterday. 老板昨天叫我走人。 They kicked me out. 他们
Wanted,young men to join my book club,this month and every month,it's 50 Shades of Grey. 招募年轻男子加入我们读书俱乐部 本月及今后每个月都读《五十度灰》 Check this one out.For five bucks I will come over to your house a
H: You shot this movie in ice land and in space, correct? T: Yes. H: Did you do any of your dangerous things like you do when you are on vacation? You must be uninsurable. T: Yeah, we did do no fun. H: What did you do? T: Repounding into a volcano. H
Greetings in a Friend's Home When you go into a friend's home, it is polite to greet other people (relatives/roommates) in the house. Say hello and introduce yourself. A conversation may or may not follow. 来到朋友家中,向其他在场的人(比
Science and technology 科学技术 Sociable spiders 社会性蜘蛛 Come into my parlour 欢迎来做客 A strange example of co-operative behaviour in arachnids 一种懂得合作的不寻常的蜘蛛 SPIDERS are known for many things. 蜘蛛为人熟
恩节Phil邀请了朋友Kenneth来家里做客,Claire 以这位朋友没上大学的经历想让Haley引以为戒,没想这位朋友现在创业成了大富翁,Phil怪Claire经常打击他的奇思妙想毁掉他的钱程。Mitchell质疑Camer
Phil邀请前女友Denise来家里做客,Claire 查出Phil曾一脚踩两船,而Alex则骗Luke他是Denise 所生。Jay误把Manny的宠物乌龟Shel弄死,Manny为Shel办了一场追悼会。Mitchell总被老板叫去加班,愤怒之下Mitch
到英国人家中做客应该注意什么?什么样的客人最令主人讨厌?进门先问Wi-Fi密码,永远不知道脱鞋,随意参观主人的卧室,不好意思,这样的行为真的不太受欢迎 Want to be the perfect houseguest
新年做客必备英语客套话 新年了又是呼朋唤友、聚会开心的时候。如果一个说英语的人邀请你去他们家做客,你知道跟他们说些什么吗?我们可以教你使用礼貌英语用语,做一位很棒的客人。
老外家做客须知的礼仪 和老外做生意,尤其在商务礼仪方面攸关重要,对西方的礼仪又会了解多少呢?下文将为您详细解释。 In the Home 1) The Right Time to Arrive When invited to luncheon, dinner, or supper
unit 369 到朋友家做客 dialogue 英语情景对话 A:Good afternoon, Kate. Come in. A:下午好,凯特。快请进。 B:Good afternoon, Mary. B:下午好,玛丽。 A:Welcome to my home. Mom, this is my good friend, Kate. Kate, this is my mom
周末啦!又是呼朋唤友、聚会开心的时候。如果一个说外国人或者说英语的朋友邀请你去他们家做客,你知道跟他们说些什么吗?我们可以教你使用礼貌英语用语,做一位很棒的客人。 I'm so glad yo
Taylor Swift做客Ellen秀好听新单The Story of Us 乡村小天后Taylor Swift做客Ellen现场演唱新单曲The story of us, 白衬衫加上黑领带的学院风打扮,回忆我们曾经上演的故事~欢快的曲调加上她甜美的嗓音尊是