标签:世界杯! 相关文章
看世界杯的时候,经常看到FIFA的字样在眼前飞舞。FIFA 指的是国际足球联合会,简称国际足联。这个机构的英文全称是International Federation of Association Football。不过FIFA的缩写是从法语来的,全名
Fuleco, the mascot of this year's game, was actually manufactured by Kayford Holdings Ltd, a Chinese company based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. The company is the official licensee of 'FIFA 2014 Brazil World Cup' for plush mascot, mascot 3D figuri
巴西世界杯揭幕战巴西对克罗地亚的比赛中,巴西队的马塞洛打进了本届世界杯的首粒进球,不过,这并没有让巴西队得分,因为他不小心把球带进了自家球门,上演了乌龙球。 Defender Marcel
As Brazil geared up for the World Cup, 230 miles above Earth, astronauts had their own microgravity kick-about. 巴西世界杯开幕之际,宇航员们在几乎没有重力的230英里高空踢起了足球。 U.S. astronauts Reid Wiseman and Steve
For some American fans, the World Cup is the be-all and end-all of international soccer. There is no close second. 对有些美国球迷来说,世界杯(World Cup)是首屈一指的国际足球赛事。其他赛事都远远不能与之相比。 Acr
The United States, Canada and Mexico have announced they will make a joint bid to host the 2026 World Cup. 近日,美国,加拿大,墨西哥三国对外宣布,他们将联合申办2026年世界杯。 It will be the first tournament after the
England's Frank Lampard applauds at the end of their 2014 World Cup Group D soccer match against Costa Rica at the Mineirao stadium in Belo Horizonte June 24, 2014. [Photo/Agencies] As we get down to the business end of what most people agree is the
Thirty-two of the world's best football teams are now competing for the iconic golden World Cup trophy -- but the planet's most populous nation is not among them. 三十二支来自各个国家的最优秀的足球队都在为争夺金灿灿的世界杯
Global television audiences for the Women's World Cup in Canada bounced sharply higher in the opening days of the tournament and merchandise flew off the shelves, underscoring the growing popularity of the beautiful game. 本届女足世界杯在加拿
Ive been a World Cup enthusiast for longer than I care to admit, but I still dont consider myself any kind of expert on soccer. I have, however, become an expert on watching World Cup matches during work hours. Im taking the risk of getting fired for
Brazilian soccer fan Joedir Sancho Belmonte missed the 1950 World Cup final to stay home with his sick mother. Sixty-four years later, Belmonte exchanged his original unused ticket for three new tickets to the 2014 final. Now a white-haired grandfath
Is this the most fashionable World Cup ever? 最时尚的世界杯? Louis Vuitton trophy luggage, Normcore bibs and France's on-trend kit: it's all looking very stylish in Brazil. Louis Vuitton奖杯盒,Normcore分队服,还有法国潮流装备:
金球奖 Golden Ball The Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each FIFA World Cup finals, with a shortlist drawn up by the FIFA technical committee and the winner voted for by representatives of the media. Those who finish as runners
导读:2010年南非世界杯开赛在即,作为四年一届的体坛盛会,亿万球迷无不心神往之。老牌劲旅,新晋黑马(dark horse)悉数登场,群雄逐鹿绿茵场上,是实力说话,还是命数已定?但是比赛的魅
A Chinese football fan has reportedly died after staying up on successive nights to watch the World Cup. 据报道,一位中国球迷在连续几晚熬夜看世界杯之后猝死。 The 25-year-old man from Suzhou, near Shanghai, was found in front
Colombia star James Rodriguez left the World Cup with six goals, a heavy heart and one unusual companion on his arm. 哥伦比亚球星J罗德里格斯带着六粒进球和沉重的心离开了世界杯,此外还有他手臂上的一名不速之客。
图片1 Japanese fans traveled across the globe to see their team compete in the 2014 World Cup, but even though the team lost in their opener against Ivory Coast the faithful made sure to leave a good impression. 尽管日本队在对科特迪瓦的首