Lesson 108 Delusions of Grandeur 幻想变得伟大 Words: gloom n. 阴暗,幽暗,忧愁 glorify v. 美化,赞扬 glorious adj. 光荣的,壮丽的 glossy adj. 平滑的,有光泽的 glossary n. 词汇表 glowing adj. 白热的,通红的,热烈的 gnaw v. 咬,啃 goal n. 目标 gorgeou

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Lesson 105 A Gallant Girl 勇敢的女孩 Words: galaxy n. 星系,银河 gale n. 大风,(突发的)一阵 gallant adj. (对子女)殷勤的;勇敢的 gallantry n. 勇敢 gallery n. 画廊,美术馆 galvanize vt. 电镀,镀锌 gap n. 裂口,缺口;差距 garb n. 服装,装束 garbage n

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Lesson 104 Furry Furniture 毛皮家具 Words: functional adj. 功能的;有用的 fund n. 基金,资金;vt. 提供资金 fundamental n. 基础的,基本的 funding n. 拨款;经费,基金 fungi n. (fungus的复数)真菌 furious adj. 狂怒的;狂暴的 furnish vt. 装备;提供 furni

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Lesson 91 The Exhibition 展览会 Words: exhibit vt. 展现,展览 exhilarating adj. 爽快的,使人愉快的,令人兴奋的 exit n. 出口 exodus n. 大批的迁移,成群外出 exonerate vt. 免除罪过,确定无罪 exorbitant adj. (指价格、索价等)过高的,过分的 exotic adj.

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Lesson 79 A Strange Piece of Wood 一根奇怪的木头 Words: dreary adj. 沉闷的 drench v. 使湿透 drift vi. 漂流,漂泊 driftwood n. 浮水 drill vt. 钻孔,打眼 n./vi. 训练,操练;反复练习;n. 钻头,钻机 drizzle v. 下毛毛雨n. 细雨 drought n. 干旱 drowsy adj.

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Professor, please tell me how I can properly prepare myself to be a good disciple? the earnest student asked his new master. I really dont feel confident enough to trust my own discretion. You must discipline yourself, replied the elderly master wit

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Lesson 68 The New Student 新来的学生 Words: dialect n. 方言,土话 dialectic n. 辩证法;adj. 辩证的 diameter n. 直径 diaphanous adj. 透明的,精致的 diatribe n. (口头或书面猛烈的)谴责,讽刺 dichotomy n. 一分为二,本质对立 dictate vt. 命令,规定;决

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Lesson 50 The Boxing Announcers Script 拳击解说员的广播稿 Words: contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的;n. 同代人,同龄人 contemptible adj. 可鄙的,令人轻视的 contemptuous adj. 藐视的,傲慢的 contender n. 竞争者;争夺者 content n. 内容,容量;adj. 满足的

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142 lumberjacks Jack gave a sigh of regret, Ah, to be sitting in a lodge up in the mountains, the luminous stars above, the law of the lumberjacks used to be full of tails of hard chip and adventure, but they were a healthy lord and managed to live

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149 micro organisms attacking the body Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to speak before such a distinguished audience. Our subject today is microbes that settle in your digestive track. They concernedly play mighty havoc with your metabolism. Doct

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147 too different views of life There seems to be little to Malcom that is inherently meaningful in his existence. It is the mechanics of things that interest him most. Perhaps that is why he has chosen to become a mechanical engineer. It suits his

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145 maniacs in the old mansion Standing in front of the old mansion on the hill, one can only marvel at the mind of the architect who brought this artistry into being. Its execution was accomplished mostly with manual labor, given the low level of m

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144 calamities maybe fool the world The mighty mammoth once was the largest mamo of them all, a sight of magnificence, if not to say majesty, as it strolled across the primoridy of landscape. But where have they gone, those mighty beasts? One theory

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A spoilt daughter I used to tend livestock-pigs and sheep mostly---after I first managed to get out of Yugoslavia. It was loathsome work, and the location wasnt very nice, but what could I do! It provided me with a livelihood. After that, I used to

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139 A lasting Legacy? Senator Timothy Rogerson was obsessed with the keen desire of leaving behind a lasting legacy in the United States legislature. He was the sponsor of more legislation than any other senator in the entire history of the United

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The New Laundry Bruno Pirelli proudly took a lease on premises for his new laundry last week. It had required a big leap of faith to get this project completed. A rival had leaked Brunos plans to the press. This had led to noisy demonstrations by op

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Lesson 19 Facing Your Fear 直面你的恐惧 Words: averse adj. 反对的,不愿意的 aversion n. 厌恶,憎恨 avert vt. 避免,规避 aviation n. 航空,航空学 aviator n. 飞行家 avid adj. 渴望的,热心的 avocation n. 副业,嗜好 avow v. 公开承认,公开宣称 awareness

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Lesson The Dinner Guest 晚餐时的来客 Words: calculate vt. 计算,估计 calibration n. 校准;规定;刻度 camouflage n./v. 伪装 campaign n. (政治或商业性)活动,竞选活动;vi.竞选;作战 cancel vt. 取消 cancellation n. 取消 candid adj. 率直,坦白而诚实的 ca

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Lesson 28 Starting Small 从小事做起 Words: brim n. 边;边缘;n. 满溢 brisk adj. 活泼的,轻快的;兴隆的,繁忙活跃的 brittle adj. 易碎的 broaden vt. 放宽,变阔,扩大 brochure n. 小册子 bronze n. 青铜,铜像;古铜 Bronze Age 青铜器时代 brook n. 小河 bro

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Lesson 31 The Carnival 狂欢节 Words: carapace n. (蟹或龟等的)甲壳 carat n. (宝石重量单位)克拉 cardiac adj. 心脏的 cardinal adj. 首要的,主要的;红衣风头鸟(一种美洲鸟,雄性有深红色羽毛) cargo n. 船货,货物 caricature n. (滑稽模仿的)讽刺画 carna

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