标签:美语正确发音 相关文章
秘诀95 合口双元音[%!]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?发音时由后元音[R]向前元音[I]滑动;舌位由低到高; (2)?舌唇由圆唇到扁平,由口大到口注;由长到短。 (3)?[R]音读得清楚响亮
秘诀94 合口双元音[aI]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?第一个音[a]发音时口形张大、拉长; (2)?第二个音[I]发音时口形扁平、似闭合; (3)?[aI]发音时由[a]向[I]滑动;[a]音读得
秘诀93 合口双元音[e]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:?(1)?发音时口形由第一个短元音[e]向第二个短元音[e]滑动;(2)?[ e]的舌位比[I]低,但开口的程度比[I]大; (3)?[I]的舌位比[
秘诀90 后元音[R]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌身低平后缩,舌后部抬得比[B]略高;(2)?双唇收的比[B]更圆更小;而且向外突出。 二、疯狂简说:? 在李阳疯狂英语中叫做圆圆唇突出
秘诀81 前元音[i]的发音技巧? 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌套抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起成拱形,但不接触硬腭;(2)?双唇向两边咧开,口形扁平似微笑;发音时没有摩擦。 (3)?上、下齿之音的距离
秘诀36 (5)have to和has to (不得不)的发音技巧 相似的逆行同化作用也发生在have to 和has to中,have[]词尾的浊辅音[]因受了它后面清辅音[]的影响,而变成了清辅音[]。同样地,has[]词尾的浊辅音[]因受了它后面清辅音[]的影响,也变成了清辅音[]。 have to在口语中发
Exercise 1-35: Contrast of Compound Nouns CD 2 Track3 In the following list of words, underline the element that should be stressed. Pause the CD.Afterwards, check Answer Key, begi nning on page 193. Repeat after me. 图片1 图片2
Exercise 2-16: Liaison Staircases CD 3 Track 4 You are going to make staircases again from me paragraph belowpretty much as you did inExercise 1-17 on page 16. This time, instead of putting a whole wordon each stairstep, put a singlesound on each ste
Exercise 1-7: Individual Practice CD 1 Track 14 Practice saying the sentences after the suggestion and the beep tone +. You will be given only ashort time in which to reply so that you won't have the leisure to overthink. Start speaking as soon asyou
Two-Word Phrases Descriptive Phrases CD Track 36 N ouns are heavier than adjectives; they carry the weight of the new information. An adjective and anoun combination is called a descriptive phrase, and in the absence of contrast or other secondarycha
《发音练习》 1.Why do you want to sell it? 2.This antique tea set here is gorgeous
CD 2 Track 20 图片1 V Read it out loud to yourself a nd try to hear what the regular English is. Don't look ahead untilyou've figured out the sense of it. Art is man 's attempt to improve on nature. Frequently, people will mistakenly hear Are these
Exercise 1-57: Phrasing CD Track 31 Repeat after me. 图片1 For clarity, break your sentences with pauses between natural word grou ps of related thoughts orideas. Of course, you will have to break at every comma and every period, but besides thoseb
Exercise 4-5: Rule 3Bottom of the Staircase CD 3 Track 17 T at the bottom of a staircase is in the held position. By held, I mean thatthe tongue is in the Tposition, but the air isn't released. To compare, when you say T as in Tom, there 's a sharp b
Exercise 5-7: Silent Ls CD3 Track 32 Once you've found all the L sounds, the good news is that very often you don't even have topronounce them. Read the following list of words after me. 1. would could should 2. chalk talk walk 3. calm palm psalm 4.
Chapter 11. Tense and Lax Vowels In this chapter, we tackle tense and lax vowels. This is the difference between [ā], tense, and [], lax,[ē], tense, and [i], lax. We will start with tense vowels. Exercise 11-1; Tense Vowels CD 4 Track 38 Don't pay
Exercise 9-2: The Vile VIP CD 4 Track29 Repeat after me, focusing on V and W. When revising his visitor's version of a plan for a very well-payed avenue, the VIP was advisedto reveal none of his motives. Eventually, however, the hapless visitor disco
Exercise 11-10: Practical ApplicationU.S./Japan Trade Friction CD 4 Track47 Listen to the following excerpt, and compare the two versions. Forty years after the end of World War II, Japan and the U.S. are again engaged in conflict.Trade frictions, wh
Exercise 1-9: Inflection CD 1 Track 16 Notice how the meaning changes, while the actual words stay the same. 1. I didn't say he stole the money. Someone else said it. 2. I didn't say he stole the money. That's not true at all. 3. I didn't say he stol
Exercise 1-11: Translation CD 1 Track 18 Take the sentence I didn't say he stole the money and translate it into y our native language. Writeit down below, using whatever letters or characters you use in your language. _______________________________