标签:美语正确发音 相关文章
秘诀86 中元音[\]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌端离下齿,舌身平展稍后缩;(2)?舌中部稍抬起,牙床开得较窄。 (3)?美语中元音[\]和英语中元音[\:]的发音长度基本相同。唯一不同的
秘诀78 唇齿相依摩擦音的发音技巧? 英音=美音[f v]? 一、口形解说:? (1)?发音时,不唇接触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙中通过,摩擦成音。? (2)?[f]是清辅音;发音送气,声带不震动。? (3
秘诀8 口腔发音和喉咙发音的区别 长元音一般是通过口腔发出的,发声处靠前;而短元音则是用喉咙发出的,发音处尽量靠后。这可是一个真正的秘密! 1.A: What is she doing these days? 她最近在忙些什么? B: She is learning business English now. 她正在学习商业英语
1、 并不需要专门去看什么《英语发音入门》之类的书,你会感到厌烦的,这类书说的东西你早就知道了,你不知道的在这类书里找不到的。 2、 也不需要刻意去记什么发音规则,虽然我前面是
Exercise 1 -26: Two Types of Descriptive Phrases CD 1Track 38 图片1 图片2
Exercise 1-28: Sentence Stress with Set Phra ses CD 1 Track41 Repeat the following sentences. 图片1
Exercise 1-31: Contrasting Descriptive and Set Phrases CD 1 Track44 图片1
Review Exercise 8: Russian Rebellion CD 3 Track 58 Rəshəz əfensəv əgnst rebəlz in thəbrikəway reejənəv Chechnyəiz entering ənyu fiz. n thəwən hnd, Rəshən forsəzr teiking fl kəntrol əv thəRəshən kpədəl Grzny, ənd Msko sezthəw
Exercise 13-2: The Letter X CD 4 Track 55 The letter X can sound like either KS or GZ, dependingon the letter that follows the X and where thestress falls. 图片1
Exercise 2-13: PracticingLiaisons CD 3 Track 1 Back up the CD to the last paragraph just read and repeat again. Thistime, however, read from theparagraph below. The intonation is marked for you in boldface. Use your rubber band on everystressed word.
Review Exercise M: Building Upto Five-Word Phrases CD 4 Track 7 图片1 图片2 图片3
Exercise 1-25: Sentence Stress with Descriptive Phrases CD 1Track 37 图片1 图片2
《发音练习》 1. So of course I know what a garage sale is all about ! 2.There aren't many places that sell used things in Taiwan.
Review Exercise 3: Get a Better Water Heater! CD 3 Track 53 Pause the CD and go through the same steps with Get a better water heater! 图片1
Review Exercise 2: To havea friend, be a friend. CD 3 Track 52 Pause the CD and go through each step using the following explanation as a guide. 1. Intonation You want to figure out where the intonation belongs when you first encounter a phrase. In t
Exercise 6-4: Zbigniew's Epsilon List CD 3 Track 46 Repeat after me. 图片1 图片2
Exercise 5-3: Final El with Schwa CD 3 Track28 Repeat after me. 图片1
Exercise 4-10: Combinations in Context CD 3 Track 22 Repeat the following sentences. 图片1 图片2
Exercise 11-8: Your Own Compound Nouns CD 4 Track 45 Pause the CD and build up your own compound nouns, both subject and object. 图片1
Exercise 9-1 : Mind Your Vees CD 4 Track 28 Repeat the following words and sounds after me. 图片1