标签:美国总统发言 相关文章
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend I am in Lima, Peru, meeting with leaders from nations in the Asia Pacific region at our annual summit. This summit comes at a time of serious turmoil in the global economy. It also comes at a time of unprece
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, Americans gather with loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving. This holiday season is a time of fellowship and peace. And it is a time to give thanks for our many blessings. During this holiday season, we give th
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, our country received good news in the fight against illegal drugs. New data show that illicit drug use amongst young people continues to decline -- and that we are making good progress in our efforts to help t
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend I'm attending the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia, and I'm looking forward to a great day of college football. But more importantly, I'm looking forward to spending time with the brave men and women of the Un
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. For years, America's automakers have faced serious challenges -- burdensome costs, a shrinking share of the market, and declining profits. In recent months, the global financial crisis has made these challenges even more
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend I am hosting a summit on the global financial crisis with leaders of developed and developing nations. By working together, I'm confident that with time we can overcome this crisis and return our economies t
据美国媒体报道,美国前民主党总统候选人约翰爱德华兹5月3日表示,目前调查人员正在就他的竞选资金支出进行调查。而这一调查很可能会将他的婚外情事件曝光度升级,搬上法庭。 Well, there is more bad news, if you can believe it, from former democratic presidenti
经过15年的英国外交生涯,卡恩 罗斯成为了一名独立外交官,管理着一个英勇的非盈利性组织,在国际关系中为小型、发展中和还未被承认的国家发言。在商业创新工厂(BIF)的会议上,他呼吁
首先声明:以下方法必须以非凡的努力为前提,否则同传便无法实现 自我训练:提高同声传译技能的一条重要途径就是自我训练。毕竟不是人人都有机会得到专门化的职业训练。有些译员已经
Top 10 赞美 西方人乐于赞美别人,同时也乐于接受别人的赞美。而中国人为了显示谦恭,常常会拒绝他人的赞美。这种拒绝会让老外觉得莫明其妙,好像你不领他的情似的。还有,中国人出于礼
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the election of Senator Barack Obama as U.S. president. Speaking to reporters, Mr. Ban said he is confident about future relations between the United Nations and the United States. 联合国秘书长潘基文
耶伦发言关键 美股牛皮微升 NEW YORK, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- U.S. stocks rallied for a third consecutive day Monday ahead of Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen 's first testimony in Congress as head of the Fed. The Dow Jones Industrial Average
Eye contact is an important aspect of body language. One could draw up quite a lot of 'rules' about eye contact: to look or not to look, when to look and how long to look, who and who not to look at, etc. 眼睛会说话。你知道这些眼神的含义
生活中,有的小伙伴凭借三寸不烂之舌能Hold住全场,有的小伙伴靠嘴甜舌巧搞定自己的另一半。他们的讲话特点,英文里都有哪些短语可以形容?下面就来看看吧! 1. Whisper sweet nothings Sweet