标签:神奇树屋 相关文章
Jack opened his eyes. Bright, golden sunlightpoured into the tree house. The air felt crisp and cool. Annie was wearing a long dress, a white cap, andan apron. Jack wore a jacket with a frilly collar. He woreshort pants, long socks, leather shoes, an
I have come to see Arthur the king! the Christmas Knightsaid. His deep voice echoed from inside his helmet. His redarmor gleamed in the firelight. King Arthur stood up. He stared fiercely at the knight, but hespoke in a calm, steady voice. I am Arthu
Jack buried his face in his hands. I don't believe it, he said. I just burned up thePilgrims' turkey!15Stay calm, said Annie. I'll get Priscilla. No, don't tell Priscilla, moaned Jack. We have to tell Priscilla said Annie. She hurriedout of the house
There was a booming in the distance. Jack opened his eyes and caught his breath. Is that cannonfire? he wondered. Are we still back in the Civil War? We're home, said Annie. Home, sweet home.Oh, man, Jack whispered. They were home. They were back in
Inside the lamplit hut, it was dry and cozy. Jack sat back on his bench. He didn't dare look atJeb. It's time for our writing lesson now, Miss Neelysaid. I'm going to give you each a slate and a pen.She handed out the slates. They looked like smallbl
Jack opened his eyesMorning light filled the tree house. He and Anniewere wearing their own clothes again. Home, said Annie, smiling. Jack looked out thewindow. He saw their nice, cozy house in the distance, theirlawn, their sidewalk, their paved str
Jack opened his eyes. Sunlight streamed through hiswindow. 'Tuesday! he whispered. Morgan's note had toldhim and Annie to come back to the magic tree houseon Tuesday. He could hardly wait to find out whereshe was sending them today! Jack scrambled ou
Uh-oh, said Jack. What is it?I know how to escape the tiger said Annie. Ourbook said tigers don't attack elephants, right?Yeah, said Jack. So we should travel through the forest on the backof an elephant, said Annie. Jack nodded slowly. That is a coo
Kah and Ko smoothed the man's hair with theirlittle paws and patted his cheeks gently. The man smiled and whispered to the langurs. Hiseyes stayed closed. Teddy walked up to the man and licked his hands. The man still didn't open his eyes. But he str
Annie? said Jack. Over here! she called. Jack saw two figures standing in the twilight. He walked over to Annie and Clara. They all stared in thedirection of the distant battlefield. Bright lights flashed against the dark blue horizon--cannonshells e
8 挖呀,蠢猪!快挖! 平基和臭臭把绳子绑在大石头上。 风呼啸着。这两个海盗拼命地拉呀,拉。 他们需要帮助!杰克说。 啊,让这些蠢猪干这个活儿吧!骷髅船长大声说。 你对他们可不怎
6 鲸鱼的眼睛 划艇剧烈地左右摇晃着。浪很大,溅起咸咸的海水,刺痛了杰克的眼睛。他有些晕船。 抓牢了!骷髅船长大声说。他指了指大海,说:不然我们就成了这些畜牲的盘中餐了。 只见
4 小人战利品 4VileBooty Jackstartedtorunacrossthehotsand.Heranasfastashecould. Butthepiratesranfaster. BeforeJackknewit,thebiggestpiratehadgrabbedhim! Jackstruggled.Butthepiratehadhuge,strongarms.HeheldontoJackandlaughedamean,uglylaugh.Heh
3 小船上的三个人 我们来到了海盗时代!杰克说。 海盗?安妮尖叫道,就像《小飞侠彼得潘》中的那些海盗吗? 杰克快速将书翻到有大海、船和鹦鹉图片的那一页。他读着图片下面的文字:
2 蓝色、明亮的大海 杰克感到热辣辣的阳光洒满树屋,他闻到了海水的咸味儿,听到涛声。 他和安妮一起望向窗外,只见树屋卡在一棵棕榈树上,不远处是蓝色、明亮的大 海。天、海相接之处
3Yikes! Jackopenedhiseyes. Theairwashotandsteamy. Itlookslikewelandedinsomebushes,saidAnnie. Shewaspeekingoutofthetreehousewindow.PeanutwaspeekingoutofAnniespocket. Jackpeekedoutofthetreehousetoo. Theyhadlandedinaseaofshinygreenleaves.Outsidetherew
8TheGreatParade Thehugemammothwalkedacrosstheopenplain. Look!saidAnnie.Shepointedtoaherdofelkinthedistance.Theyhadgreat,wideantlers. There!saidJackasaherdofreindeercameintoview.Theyprancedgracefullyacrossthesnow. Thenawoollyrhinojoinedthemontheopen
7TheSorcerersGift Thesorcererdidntspeak.Hestaredthroughtheeyeholesoftheowlmask. Helpus,please,saidAnnie. Thesorcererthrewaropeintothepit.Jackgrabbedit. Hewantstopullusup,saidAnnie. Jacklookedup.Thesorcererwasgone. Wheredidhego?Jacksaid. Tugonth
4MillionsofThem! Jackdidntmove.Hekeptstaringdownattheforestfloor. Whatswrong?Anniecalledfromabove. Jackdidntanswer. Youdontseeanygiantspiders,doyou?Anniesaid. Well...no.Jacktookadeepbreath. Wehavetokeepgoing,hethought.Wehavetofindthespecialthingf
6MonkeyTrouble Squeak!Squeak!PeanutpokedherheadoutfromAnniespocket.Sheseemedtobeyellingatthemonkey. Dontworry,Peanut,saidAnnie.Hesjustalittlemonkey.Hewonthurtus. Butsuddenlythemonkeygrabbedabigredfruithangingfromthetree. Hehurleditatthecanoe. Wat