标签:神奇树屋 相关文章
Good grief, breathed Jack. That family hasproblems.Maybe we should help them, said Annie. No, we can't, said Jack. Right now we have ourown problem. We have to start working on ourmission. Darn! I should have asked Nan's dad aboutthe artists in the p
7 准备,就位,走! 快跑!安妮!快跑!杰克大叫着,朝树屋跑! 他们一起急急忙忙地冲下山。穿过高高的草丛,越过羊齿植物,经过无齿翼龙身旁,到达绳梯下面。 他们爬上绳梯。不一会儿
1 进入树林 救命啊!有妖怪!安妮喊叫着。 是啊,没错。杰克说,还真是一个大妖怪,就在宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。 快跑,杰克!安妮说着,顺着街道跑起来。 噢,我的天哪。 这就是杰克同他
9 奇妙的兜风 无齿翼龙滑落到地面上。 它那明亮、机灵的双眼盯着杰克。 杰克该怎么办呢?爬到它的背上去?但是我太重了。杰克想。 别多想了。行动吧! 杰克看了看霸王龙。 它开始上山了
2 再度出发 这儿一个人也没有!安妮朝着地面大声喊道。 杰克想着回家。接着,他又想着树屋里那所有的书。 他开始爬绳梯。当他快到树屋时,他看到远处天空中的亮光。天开始破晓了。 他
The huge tiger limped closer and closer to Jack andAnnie. Jack clapped his hands. We come in peace! he shouted. But the tiger didn't turn away. His eyes blazed. Hislip curled. Arf! Arf! Teddy barked fiercely at Annie. Teddysays run and hide! said Ann
神奇树屋4-海盗的藏宝图 1 太晚了! 杰克注视着他卧室的窗外,雨还在没完没了地下着。 电视上说雨中午就会停的。安妮,他7岁的妹妹说。 但现在中午已经过了。杰克说。 可咱们一定得去树
2Bones Jack,Annie,andPeanutlookedoutside. Snowwasfallingfromagraysky. Thetreehousewasinthetallesttreeinagroveoftall,baretrees. Thegrovewasonawide,whiteplain.Beyondtheplainwerehigh,rockycliffs. Imc-cold,saidAnnie.Herteethchattered.Shewrapp
Wildfire? said Annie. The woods are so dry, everything's starting toburn! said Jack. We have to get out of here.We can't leave Joey, said Annie. We'll take him with us! said Jack. But what if his mom comes back for him and he'snot here? said Annie. W
Welcome back, came a soft, lovely voice. Jackopened his eyes. It was Morgan! They hadn't seen Morgan in a longtime. Morgan! cried Annie. She threw her arms around the enchantress. Jackjumped up and hugged Morgan, too. It's good to see you both, said
10TheTruePearl Dawnlightslantedintothetreehouse. Notimeatallhadpassedsincetheydleft.Daywasbreaking. Jackrolleduptheancientscroll.Hetuckeditintothecorner. Wesolvedthefirstriddle,hesaid.Threemoretogo. Idontseeanotherscroll,saidAnnie.Maybetomorrowwe
The dogs were barking wildly at two smallcreatures playing in the moonlight. Polar bear babies! cried Annie. One roly-poly cub leaped onto the other. Then theyboth rolled through the snow. Hi, little bears! Annie called. The cubs jumped up and shook
Jack and Annie walked past the Frog Creek woodson their way home from the library. I miss Teddy, said Annie. Me, too, said Jack. He's a really smart dog, said Annie. 3Yeah, said Jack, and brave. And wise, said Annie. And funny, said Jack. And here! s
The warm air burst with sound. Kah -ko! Eee-eee! Akkk-awkk! What's going on? said Jack. He and Annie looked out the window. The sky was lit by an orange glow as the sun wentdown. The tree house was in a tree by a stream at the edgeof a forest. . The
Tigers? said Annie. Cool. Jack read more: 7A wild tiger eats almost 5,000 pounds of fresh rawmeat a year. Oh, not so cool, said Annie. Jack went on: Tigers usually leave elephants alone. And likemany smaller cats, tigers often avoid wild dogs. What?
Jack opened his eyes. It was a stormy night. The rain tapped hard on hiswindow pane. Do you hear what the rain is saying? said a voice. Jack turned on his lamp. Annie stood in his doorway. She wore her rainponcho over her pajamas and held a flashligh
Jack stared at the name of the ship. You know what happened to the Manic, don'tyou? he said softly. Annie nodded. It hit an iceberg and sank, she said. But I don'tget it. I thought this ship was unsinkable.That's what people thought when the Titanic
Jack and Annie slipped through a door off the boatdeck. Teddy was at their heals. WOW breathed Annie. Arf Arf!Teddy barkedThey were at the top of the empty guard stairway. It was beautiful. It was made of dark glossy wood. Ahuge dome with lights hung
Annie led everyone down the hall to the stairs,away from the cold sea water. As she and Lucy helped William up the stairs, Jackand Teddy followed. Halfway up the staircase, Teddy let out a yelp. Jack looked back. The water was creeping up the stairs,
The lifeboat was waiting to go down. It looked tinyas it swung on cables at the side of the big ship. Thewater below looked black. Get in! Get in! a uniformed man shouted. No, no, said William. He hid his face againstLucy's coat. Lucy was shaking her