标签:夏说英语 相关文章
本期内容: Responses in Amsterdam, where property prices have been rocketing due to a crippling housing shortage, have ranged from astonished indignation to wry resignation. An estate agent has been caught offering for rent a 35 square meter apa
本期内容: NewsandcommunitywebsiteReddithaslaunchedanewvideoplayerthatallowsuserstodirectlyuploadvideos. Theplayerhassofarbeentestedinmorethan200ofthesite'scommunitygroups,knownassubreddits. With48millionannualvisitors,Redditistheeighthmostvisit
本期内容: As expected, the Federal Reserve raised American interest rates for the first time since 2006. The central bank lifted the target range for its benchmark rate from 0-0.25%, where it has languished since December 2008, to 0.25-0.5%. Ev
本期内容: French authorities began clearing the Jungle, a migrants camp in Calais, but on the first day were only able to bus 1,500-2,000 of the more than 7,000 residents to accommodation centers elsewhere in France. A small minority of those w
本期内容: TheresaMaybackedMarkCarneytoserveanextendedtermasgovernoroftheBankofEngland,promptingMrCarneytoannouncethathewillstayforanextrayear,untilJune2019.Theprimeminister'ssupportwillhelptoeasepoliticalpressureontheCanadian,whomsomeMPshavecri
本期内容: Young women in South Korea are fighting for a new future. The #MeToo movement which has highlighted sexual harassment and abuse around the world has taken a surprising hold in this socially conservative country. At a marathon #MeToo p
本期内容: The Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his work on a process known as autophagy, which involves degrading and recycling bits of cells. The prize committee said the Japanese scientists experiments led to a new
本期内容: The Postal Savings Bank of China priced its IPO, raising $7.4 billionat the low end of expectations but still the largest public share offering since 2014. The bank, Chinas sixth-largest with more than 40,000 branches serving one in t
本期内容: An IMF briefing paper released in the run-up to this weekends G20 meeting said forceful policy actions would save the world economy from a low-growth trap. British manufacturing hit a 10-month high. Italys prime minister said he would
本期内容: Donald Trump doubled down on his pledges to deport undocumented immigrants and to build a great border wall, just hours after meeting Mexicos president. Enrique Pe?a Nieto had insisted that Mexicans would pay for no such thing. Yet Mr
本期内容: Despite scathing reviews, the new Warner Bros superhero film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, took $424m in its opening five days. Globally, the opening was the fourth-biggest ever; its $170m box-office take in America set a recor
本期内容: ReportssaidthatAntFinancial,Alibabasfinancial-servicesaffiliate,wasclosetobuyingastakeinCaixin,arespectedChinesebusinessmagazine.Adealwouldbethee-commercegiantssecondmediainvestmentinshortorder:inDecemberAlibababoughttheSouthChinaMorn
本期内容: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a development-finance institution led by China and seen as a rival to the World Bank, opened for business in Beijing. America is not among the 57 founding membersbut several of its allies, inc
本期内容: Trading in Chinas stockmarkets was suspended yesterday after the CSI 300 index dropped by 7%, triggering new circuit-breakersand sharp falls elsewhere. Britains FTSE 100 shed 2.4% and Germanys DAX 4.3%; the SP 500 was 2.3% down shortl
本期内容: Fosun International, Chinas largest private conglomerate, said on Friday that its boss, Guo Guangchang, whose disappearance has prompted fevered speculation, was assisting the authorities in an investigation. It suspended trading in i
本期内容: Google said that from mid-July it would bar ads from payday lenders on its sites; in America, any loans with an annual rate of 36% or higher will be blocked. David Graff, the search giants director of global product policy, said the d
本期内容: Afteradecisivevictory,EmmanuelMacron,acentristwhopromisestoreformtheeconomy,willassumethepresidencywithinaweek.The39-year-oldhasastrongmandate,afterattracting65.8%supportintherun-offyesterday,morethanmostpollshadprojected,against34.2%
本期内容: China's biggest online-search company, Baidu, said it would make its self-driving car technologies available to others. In a bid to advance autonomous vehiclesand perhaps to become an industry standard in the same way that Googles And
本期内容: Conservationists have warned that the entire species of the critically endangered Javan rhino could be wiped out if a tsunami were to strike again. They once roamed the jungles of South East Asia and India, but today only 67 exist in
本期内容: Warren Buffett and thousands of Berkshire Hathaway shareholders gathered at the holding companys annual meeting in Nebraska. The Sage of Omaha, no great fan of the technology sector in the past, admitted he had erred in not investing