奥巴马发起国会魅力攻势 望早日达成预算协议 President Barack Obama is spending more time with Republicans in Congress, hoping the change in tactics will lead them to compromise on the budget, immigration, gun control and other issue
出兵十年后伊拉克战争在美不得人心 Public opinion surveys in 2011, at the end of U.S. military involvement in Iraq, revealed a majority of Americans felt the U.S. invasion there was a mistake. War casualties had a major role in shaping
奥巴马敦促巴以恢复和谈 President Barack Obama will use his trip to Israel, the occupied West Bank, and Jordan to address Israelis and Palestinians about reviving peace efforts. Iran's nuclear program and Syria's civil war are also on the a
加州边境区 移民辩论 President Barack Obama and leaders in the Senate hope to reform the U.S. immigration system to resolve the problem of more than 11 million people who are living in the United States illegally. The issue hits close to home
美国国会就枪支控制法加紧行动 Three months after a tragic mass shooting at a U.S. elementary school brought the nation to tears, lawmakers are starting to move ahead with various proposals to curb gun violence. But the slow progress in W
马肉丑闻让全欧洲恐慌 A horse meat scandal that started in Britain and Ireland is now unnerving consumers around Europe. DNA tests have revealed that beef tainted with horse meat has made it into supermarkets in 13 European Union nations. St
Tens of Thousands of Nigerians took to the streets for a third straight day Wednesday in the main commercial city of Lagos and the capital, Abuja, to protest soaring fuel costs, sparked by a government move to end a popular fuel subsidy. 抗议政府取
Technology is constantly narrowing the gap between science fiction and reality, bringing fundamental changes into our lives. 日新月异的科技不断缩小科幻小说和科学事实间的差距,还给我们的生活带来根本上的改变。 A
On Monday, January 16, Americans will pay tribute to the legacy of slain civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. in the annual national holiday that celebrates his birthday (January 15). More than 50 years ago, King campaigned across the
On Monday, January 16, Americans will pay tribute to the legacy of slain civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. in the annual national holiday that celebrates his birthday (January 15). More than 50 years ago, King campaigned across the
The Chinese community is in mourning in Italy. Shops are closed and a funeral is to be held Thursday, after a Chinese father and his nine-month-old daughter were gunned down in a robbery that went horribly wrong. 意大利的华人社团悼念在一次
美国经济复苏缓慢而不稳 A look at some key industries in the United States shows that the economic recovery is a bit erratic and growth seems to be slowing down. 美国一些主要行业的统计数据显示,美国经济复苏仍然不稳定
奥巴马是否能够再创历史 Starting on September 4, the Democratic Party holds its convention to officially nominate President Barack Obama for a second four-year term. Four years ago, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United
美国911博物馆 Eleven years after the September 11 terror attacks leveled the World Trade Center, work on a museum at the site, which was to open on the anniversary this year, has stopped - because of financial and power disputes. At the same tim
一个债券交易公司的911悲剧 On the morning of September 11, 2001, 658 people were working between the 101st and the 105th floor of the World Trade Center's North Tower. They were employees of Cantor Fitzgerald, a bond trading firm. When a hi
罗姆尼竞选因录像事件受损 In the U.S. presidential race, the latest polls show that President Barack Obama has pulled into a modest lead over his Republican challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Romney is trying to get his
阿拉伯裔美国人积极参加投票 Arab-Americans make up roughly 0.5 percent of voters who will cast a ballot in the November general election in the United States. Influence is growing in Dearborn, Michigan - home to the largest Arab-American
我回来了:施瓦辛格当上教授 Former California governor and one-time action star Arnold Schwarzenegger has embarked on a new career - as a policy analyst and senior statesman. Schwarzenegger convened the first forum Monday at his new insti
美国大选影响未来财税政策走向 Unless the U.S. Congress acts, most Americans will pay more taxes next year to a federal government forced to slash domestic and national defense spending. Such an outcome would significantly cut the deficit
美国干旱点燃粮食和能源之役 This summers scorching drought in the US Midwest has re-kindled a fight over the supply of maize as competition heats up between livestock producers and ethanol fuel production. The price of maize called corn i
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