奥巴马促成美日韩峰会 President Obama brought together the leaders of Japan and South Korea to discuss cooperation on containing North Korea and its nuclear weapons programs. Japan and North Korea have had tense relations over unresolved iss
俄罗斯乌克兰关系恶化 切尔诺贝利清理工作艰难 The tensions between Russia and Ukraine have begun complicating the ongoing cleanup at the site of one of the worlds worst nuclear disasters. 俄罗斯和乌克兰关系紧张,使得世
缅甸罗兴亚族人面临人口普查困境 Burma, also known as Myanmar, is conducting its first census in more than three decades, at a time when ethnic and religious tensions are high. Census workers are expected to record each persons race and
南非领先非洲大陆核能研发 South Africa is Africas only nuclear power, and the first nation to have voluntarily relinquished its nuclear weapons. The government then committed to being fully transparent about its nuclear activities, which i
科罗拉多州大麻合法化有利商业不利公共健康 In Colorado, the marijuana business has been booming since January, when the state legalized the sale and recreational use of the drug, despite public health concerns raised by opponents. T
哈林区非营利组织为非裔提供服务 New York City is home to hundreds of ethnic and immigrant groups from around the world, including Africans. But until recently, the African diaspora lacked a center dedicated to their needs, especially re
在津巴布韦被控拥有色情材料的前美议员有前科 Former U.S. congressman Mel Reynolds has denied charges of possessing pornographic images and videos two days after his arrest at a hotel in Zimbabwe. This is not the first time the cong
西方国家竭力稳定乌克兰局势 Western countries are joining forces to put together a financial aid package to help pull Ukraine out of its political and economic crisis. The efforts come as Russia suspends its $15 billion loan to the countr
The International Monetary Fund added China's yuan to its basket of key global currencies on Monday, a move that gives new status to the world's second leading economy. 国际货币基金组织星期一将人民币纳入其关键国际货币篮子。这
叙利亚难民在埃及日子难熬 The turmoil in Egypt has had repercussions for the estimated several hundred thousand Syrians who had thought they would find refuge there. 估计有几十万叙利亚人逃到埃及,他们以为可以在这里得
美式英语走红香港 Hong Kong was a British colony for 156 years before reverting to Chinese control in 1997. English is still widely spoken and taught today, but many are now opting to learn American English instead of the British variety. 香港
人权组织要求调查美无人机攻击 Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International released joint reports Tuesday documenting dozens of civilian deaths from U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. The reports challenge assertions by the Obama
日本考虑军事安全改革 Japans government says it plans to allow its self-defense forces to play a greater role in global security. Currently Japan's pacifist constitution, written under American supervision after World War II, allows the coun
人道组织:中非共和国暴力处在前所未有程度 Humanitarian groups say the situation in the Central African Republic is worsening daily, with the violence in some areas reaching unprecedented levels. France says it is sending additional
新增艾滋病毒感染率大幅下降 The latest report from the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS provides a vision of hope. It shows that we are closer to the goal of an AIDS-free generation. The number of people around the world who are newly i
伊朗核协议让投资人对市场感到乐观 Oil prices fell following the breakthrough accord in Geneva that limits or freezes parts of Iran's nuclear activities. In exchange for curbing Irans nuclear program, the deal will ease some of the crip
伊朗核协议将带来新关切 International officials involved in negotiating the preliminary agreement with Iran on its nuclear program say it is the first step toward guaranteeing that Iran is nuclear weapons-free thus making the world a safer
以色列质疑伊朗核协议 Israeli leaders see the interim agreement on Iran's nuclear program as a bad deal that does nothing to stop Iran's efforts to build nuclear weapons and Israeli analysts are skeptical about its success. 以色列领导人认
分析:伊朗核协议下阶段谈判倍加艰巨 With the first stage agreement to limit Iran's nuclear program finally achieved after a decade of dispute, diplomats will have little time to rest. They are on a six-month clock to reach a comprehen
财政争议影响联合国气候变化论坛 Disputes over finances have hampered progress at U.N. climate talks in Poland as delegates debate how to best provide aid to help developing countries fight global warming. 财务争议影响在波兰举行
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- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
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- VOA双语新闻:G8承诺为非洲提供农业援助
- VOA双语新闻:索总理呼吁反叛份子加入和平努力
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- VOA双语新闻:马赛争取成为地中海合作联盟总部
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- VOA双语新闻:辛格将与布什商讨美印民用核协议
- VOA双语新闻:五角大楼否认周日空袭击中阿平民
- VOA双语新闻:八国峰会讨论援助非洲、气候问题
- VOA双语新闻:布什和民主党人向美国军人致敬
- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
- VOA双语新闻:非盟对津巴布韦态度削弱其声誉
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- VOA双语新闻:哥伦比亚获救人质吁所有人质获释
- VOA双语新闻:土耳其执政党在宪法法院自我辩护
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- VOA双语新闻:G8承诺为非洲提供农业援助