乌克兰战事阻碍对MH17失事的调查 A team of international crash investigators and police officers was forced to cancel a visit to the site of the downed Malaysia Airlines plane Sunday in eastern Ukraine. Heavy fighting has been reported bet
美国国会回应边界危机的最后机会 This week is Congress last chance to respond to a surge of undocumented children arriving at Americas southern border before U.S. lawmakers leave town for a five-week recess. At issue is how much money to
美军随时待命,打击伊拉克激进分子 The United States says that, for now, it is only sending military advisers to Baghdad to help the Iraqi government combat advances by militant Sunni Islamists, known as the Islamic State in Iraq and th
泰国大象马球赛为大象保护募捐 Polo, the ancient team competition typically played on horseback, is known as the sport of kings. However, the royal version for one annual event, now underway in Thailand (through Sunday), swaps the horse f
美国继续推进亚太再平衡战略 One of the main features of the global defense strategy laid out by President Barack Obama two years ago, shifting the U.S. military's focus from the Middle East to the Asia Pacific region, is meeting significa
美国为冬奥会制定应急预案 U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the United States is prepared to evacuate American citizens in the event of a terrorist attack at the upcoming winter Olympic games in Sochi. Russia has yet to accept the U.
美中可能合作探索太空 Space exploration officials from more than 30 countries met in Washington, D.C. recently to discuss how to advance the exploration and utilization of space. The meeting was organized by the U.S. State Department which,
奥巴马国情咨文将以贫富差距为重点 Recent government surveys in the United States show that the income gap between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else is growing. A Congressional Budget Office survey found that the wealthiest one
美国华裔移民喜迎春节 Many Asians around the world are preparing to celebrate the Lunar New Year. This year, the year of the horse, begins on the last day of January. Many Asian Americans say celebrating the Lunar New Year in the United Stat
吸烟有害报告50周年 If there is one person whose work created a ripple effect that is changing the world, it was the ninth surgeon general of the United States. Fifty years ago this month, he issued a report that linked cigarette smoking to lu
世行:美国经济增长加快 Many economists say U. S. growth will speed up a bit over the next year, which will likely make it easier for other nations to sell their products in the worlds biggest economy. Surging energy production is cutting c
研究证明狗懂得人的情感 Researchers in Hungary have confirmed something many dog owners have long suspected: that canines understand our feelings. 匈牙利的研究人员证实,很多养狗的人长期怀疑的情况,那就是狗能理解
美英加紧遏制战时性暴力 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his British counterpart, William Hague, are adding their weight to the international effort to stop sexual violence in armed conflicts. Rape has been used worldwide as a tool to
克里:不会松懈亚洲再平衡战略 During last week's trip to Asia, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry worked to reassure allies about the Obama administration's commitment to its so-called Asia Pivot of political and military resources to th
奥巴马重新思考对叙利亚内战的政策 The Obama administration appears to be rethinking options regarding the civil war in Syria following a deadlock in peace talks, the rapidly growing death toll, and the expansion of the massive humanita
克里达沃斯谈伊朗叙利亚问题 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addresses the World Economic Forum in Switzerland on Friday. Some 30 heads of state, including Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, are among 2,500 participants attending the ann
美联储继续缩减购债规模 The U.S. central bank is on pace to reduce its monthly bond purchases by another $10 billion - and interest rates will remain near record lows until the job market approaches something closer to normal. So says Janet
科学家研究黑巧克力对健康的好处 Dark chocolate is known to help prevent heart disease, but eating too much of it may be not so good for your body weight. But never fear! Scientists are looking for a way to concentrate dark chocolate's h
美国大学入学考试变革可能阻碍外国留学生 The company that administers one of the two most widely-used U.S. college admissions tests recently announced its first major revisions to its test since 2005. The College Boards' changes to t
乌克兰危机和西方制裁影响俄经济 Although Russian leaders have downplayed the impact of recent U.S. and European sanctions, analysts say capital has been pouring out of the country as risk-averse investors seek safer returns. 乌克兰危机
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